Chapter 140

Levi relied on the thrust of the radiating hot wire to continuously accelerate in the air, and soon broke through the speed of Mach 8 and approached Mach 10.

The sonic boom and the air wave draped over him and flew around the earth. It took only four hours to circle the earth and return to the island country.

My heart is full of joy, and I have earned this wave of blood!

If the true Godzilla appeared in the fourth form, it would be difficult to say whether he could hurt Godzilla, and it would be like scraping.

Assimilated half of Godzilla’s body, his cells have hardened to an unimaginable degree in the four-hour ultra-high-speed flight, and the body size has been compressed back to the normal human File size, completely adapting to the combination of Godzilla cells New black light virus.

Except for his excessive body temperature, his appearance has changed back to being no different from ordinary people.

Heading into Tokyo Bay, he began to search for Godzilla, but he couldn’t find Godzilla in Tokyo Bay without daring to look for it.

It disappeared, perhaps hiding in a corner to recover its body.

After searching back and forth for more than an hour, after losing the target, Li Wei also temporarily gave up searching.

In no hurry to find Godzilla, now he is confident that as long as he obtains enough biomass to expand his size, his combat power will not be lost to the true Godzilla.

Moreover, he can quickly cool down and repair the wear and tear of the biological reactor by consuming biomass. The blue bar should be higher than the true Godzilla.

The mighty Godzilla of the radiation hotline cannot be ignored by himself, whoever has more blues is the winner!

Another reason for giving up on searching was that he wanted to copy homework.

The evolution of Godzilla is based on the environment and its own needs, and will not be deliberately controlled. The evolved Ability is also more random and powerful, not bound by thinking, and more representative of the wisdom of survival.

Li Wei can assimilate a part of the flesh and blood after each evolution of Godzilla, imitate the creativity of the other party, and optimize it.

This… is called reference!

Tokyo Bay has been completely sealed off. After the monster disappeared, the island nation did not give up its guard against Godzilla. A large number of citizens in the coastal Ota District and Shinagawa District, which was nearly half destroyed, have been transferred to the inland metropolitan area.

Many rescuers dispatched from various places continued to search and rescue in the ruins. The lights and equipment flashed alternately. Many rescuers looked tired and rescued the trapped citizens.

Li Wei chose to go ashore from Shinagawa area, and the pulse induction and the biomagnetic field induction obtained from Godzilla cells spread out, and a three-dimensional map was displayed in his thinking.

Then he saw that the people crushed under the rubble were really not too few. The second form of Godzilla did not move fast, but it also made it difficult for people with inconvenient legs and feet to escape.

Li Wei thought for a while, walked through the ruins of the building on the side and walked into the city from the road that was still intact.

Before he went far, he passed an emergency rescue vehicle. There were several weak people lying in the car. Several nurses were taking care of the wounded.

He stopped, then turned around and walked towards the ruins destroyed by Godzilla when he was fighting. There is nothing right now, so let’s be more good people and good deeds…

The heat induction and Godzilla’s bio-magnetic induction both came out, and the first person buried underground was quickly found. This is the outer area of ​​the search. The areas where the search and rescue are concentrated are all areas that have been destroyed by Godzilla.

This half-collapsed house on the edge did not look like someone was trapped, but Li Weineng saw a heat source underground. It might be a trapped person. He decided to look in the basement of the supplies.

The entrance to the basement is in a cabinet under the kitchen. The entrance is quite secret. After Li Wei got in, he climbed a ladder and went down to the utility room on the first floor.

In the corner of this utility room there is a small door leading to the underground, and the person seen from the thermal vision is below.

Li Wei walked to the corner of the basement, removed a cabinet on the iron door, knocked on the trap door, and asked inside, “Is anyone there?”

There was a groaning voice from below, followed by a man’s hoarse voice, “Yes! Yes, there are! I am here, please remove the debris above, I am trapped!”

“Already moved away, you can come up.”

The man hiding in the ground pushed open the trap door and walked out. When he wanted to thank the person who saved him, he found that the person had disappeared.

Leaving this place, Li Wei went through the rubble again, digging one place after another, and rescued those who were either injured or safe.

Soon, the search and rescue personnel who were searching for the damaged area also found Li Wei. After expressing their gratitude and respect, they accepted the people rescued by Li Wei.

The rescue operation lasted for a long period of time. Li Wei rescued more than 30 people in total. Amid the sound of gratitude after another, he felt that the joy of being a man had returned.

I also reflected on myself a little bit, and recalled the teachings of Shimen again. It seems that I have lost awe and respect for certain things because of gaining power. It’s terrible, pay attention later!

After the living person under the building could not be found in Shinagawa District, Li Wei took a deep breath, and then walked to the Super Ota District, where the disaster situation was more serious.

The faces of the people rescued from the ruins are full of rejoicing for the rest of their lives, as well as the painful distortions of the injuries.

From here, Li Wei saw the true reaction of ordinary people when facing Godzilla and himself. Most of them were helpless and frightened. After being injured, they would turn into fear and hatred.

These are all in his eyes, what can he do, try not to cause too many casualties…

After helping the search and rescue personnel rescue the people trapped in the disaster area, the sky has gradually changed. This sleepless night, I don’t know how many people can’t sleep.

In the early morning, Li Wei stood on the top of a building close to the metropolitan area, looking at the sea level. After real Godzilla evolved to the third form, it reentered Tokyo Bay due to overheating and was cooled by seawater. It took two days to adopt the fourth form. The terrifying body of the strong return.

Now that Godzilla has been severed by him, it should theoretically take at least five days to re-enter Tokyo to fight him.

During this period, Li Wei was not idle either. He needed a lot of biomass to expand his body. Isn’t there a more suitable hunting ground than the ocean?

Li Wei jumped off the tall building, then took off on a flat ground, jetting out radiation heat from his feet, across the sky, and plunged into the ocean at one end.

And switched to the deep dive mode on the seabed, looking for large prey to assimilate and absorb, and by the way, also looked for the location of Godzilla, but couldn’t find the whereabouts of the real sauce.

He also had to enter the Pacific Ocean to hunt first, reserve biomass, and prepare to fight the first war.

Research on huge unknown creatures and human-shaped unknown creatures has come to a halt in various countries around the world, but some of them have transported weapons to the open sea very tacitly. They know everything they know, and they can’t make it clear if they don’t. These things involve too much, know. Too much is not good for everyone.

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