The Infinite Journey of Cruelty

Chapter 450: :outsider

The latest website: "Hey, kid!" The old man who had a little status on the spaceship shouted to Li Wei.

Li Wei didn't know that he was calling him at first. After all, he didn't look like a so-called child, so he ignored it until the other party called for the third time.

"Excuse me, are you calling me?"

"Yes!" The old man sat on a folding chair, raised his chin at Li Weiyang, and asked, "Where do you want to go? We can send you there, but you need to pay the empire's credit points."

After the old man's words, everyone looked at Li Wei strangely, and finally found the difference between him and them.

Li Wei didn't have that weathered aura, and he didn't feel nervous, and even his clothes were much cleaner than theirs.

The people around them recalled the conversation between them and Li Wei a little, and found that Li Wei was like a student who just came out of the ivory tower, and seemed to know very little about interstellar.

When the old man said this, they collectively realized that this was a chick going out to explore.

"I have no credit, I'm not what you think..." Li Wei was looked at by these people, and he felt like he couldn't do anything, because he didn't know how to explain his identity. He didn't know anything about the empire. , how to edit?

The next moment, the old man raised his chin and asked, "ok, then why did you come to Jada Star, the mines there have basically been hollowed out, even if there is no attack from the imperial weapons, that planet will sooner or later. collapse."

Aba Aba...

Well, Li Wei chose the old way, shrugged and remained silent.

This time, the thoughts in their hearts were confirmed, and they began to make all kinds of rip-offs. It seemed that they had been trying to find a way to get some oil and water out of Li Wei's body.

She looks so white and pure, she must be a rich family, and it would be very difficult for them to do it if they don't take out some credit points!

Even a muscular white-haired woman who was driving the spaceship turned her head and looked at Li Wei with malicious eyes.

They are a group of people who are struggling at the bottom. It doesn't matter if they do some "you love me" business, they won't be too much, as long as they can buy food for three days and refill the spaceship with fuel Just do it.

Although it is already the interstellar era, those who should not be able to eat still can't eat. The interstellar era has instead revived some bad habits that have been abandoned by humans.

No matter how they beat the bamboo poles, Li Wei said that if there is no money, it is really no money, and he can only explain that his head is big.

"I really don't have any credit points. You might as well go grab those real rich people, I really don't!"

The people on the spaceship finally gave up, and after repeated beatings, they had already seen that Li Wei was not lying, and even if he had money, he might not really be able to get it now.

After they have finished eating, they have to face the pressure of survival. The injections of boosters and general immune agents basically need to be rationed regularly. It is not expensive for ordinary industrial and commercial families to buy these drugs, but for them , these piecemeal expenses are a problem that can give them a headache for a long time.

It would be fine if they stayed on a planet for a long time, but they had become accustomed to wandering around the universe and loved the feeling of being unfettered, so they couldn't stop living on a planet at all.

Drop drop!

A communication request from a nearby ship connected to their ship, and they had to face the harsh reality again.

On this spaceship, the old man has become the leader faintly, and the muscular female pilot looked at him for the first time after seeing the communication request.

It wasn't until everyone turned to look at him that the old man seemed to wake up from his distraction, gave Li Wei a meaningful look, then walked to the cab and connected the communication.

After the communication was connected, the people on the other five spacecraft did not shout as before, and after eating, their minds slowly calmed down.

I don't know who was the first to express my opinion.

"There is a very green planet at the edge of the Milky Way. There are many people there. I am going to live there. How about you?"

There was a little silence in the communication channel, and another person said: "I'm going to go to the resistance army to see, maybe the treatment there will be good."

Some one and two, more people said their new places in the channel.

Only their spaceship wasted time because of knocking on Li Wei, and they haven't figured out what to do.

"I may go to seek refuge with my friend, he is a bounty hunter. If you need it, I can also help introduce it."

After the last person finished speaking, the old man finally opened his mouth, which startled everyone.

"Why don't we go rob!"


Including Li Wei, everyone on the spaceship looked at the old man who spoke amazingly, wondering if he was crazy.

robbery? rob who?

The people on several spaceships were all dumbfounded, shocked by this bold idea.

"I have channels. As long as you dare to do it, I will dare to borrow a lot of heavy weapons! The battle between the empire and the rebels is escalating. No matter where we go, we cannot be stable. There are only so many places that can accept us. Why do we Can't try a new career?"

The old man became more and more determined, and even wanted to pull others to join the team.

He spit and spoke for three minutes, analyzing the current situation, and then getting a lot of money after finishing one vote.

At first, Li Wei felt that this person was a little naive, but watching the people on the spaceship gradually show a moving expression, he began to realize that something was wrong!

"Why do we have to abide by order? The Milky Way is so big, and there are so many interstellar pirates in hiding, why haven't they been wiped out?"

The old man smiled suddenly, and his words changed, revealing a little secret that only people in the circle knew, "Actually, those pirates hand over a protection fee to a group of parliamentarians of the empire every year, as long as the money is paid, the pirates will I will not be encircled and suppressed by the empire, and I happen to have a channel that can get through to the upper level!"

The channel was silent for a The old man did not continue to speak, only Li Wei looked blank.

What happened to them, why are they all eager to try, is being a pirate really a good way out?

Zero, who had been sitting beside him, noticed Li Wei's undisguised daze, and explained softly, "You may not understand, but this is our best way out."

Li Wei wanted to express a different opinion when he heard the words, but he swallowed it back at the moment he was about to speak. He had never experienced or assimilated good-hearted people, so he really didn't understand the thoughts of these people.

In addition, he also thought of the benefits of being a pirate, and being able to master the action route of the imperial fleet would be of great help to his revenge!

And when a pirate must be running around the universe, isn't this exactly what he wants, wandering the galaxy!

And he wants to run away, no one can force him to stay, instead of changing the minds of these people, it is better...


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