The Infinite Journey of Cruelty

: Four hundred and thirty first: Diffusion

Hundreds of tentacles flashed three different colors of light at the same time, which surprised everyone, because no one would forget the deep blue atomic breath gushing out of Godzilla's bioreactor.

That is a sustained burst of damage that even a powerful nuclear weapon can't reach, and it can easily melt everything that exists on Earth.

After a short period of brewing, golden lightning, blue flames, and purple rays erupted at the same time, accompanied by the self-spinning of the tentacle monster, like a colorful ball that rendered the atmosphere very much.

However, the three different rays of light emitted by the tentacles caused devastating damage. The flying monsters hovering in the sky seemed to be cut by a laser net, their bodies turned into countless pieces and fell, and then they were torn into pieces by golden gravitational rays. smaller pieces.

The steaming mist on the sea is the corpses of one monster after another, and the gravitational rays with the characteristics of thunder and lightning continue to tear at the stumps and broken arms of the monsters below, destroying all the possibility of their being repaired.

Finally, the high-temperature sterilization of the atomic breath, the blue blood of the monster evaporated in the same blue breath, and dissipated into nothing, not even the radiation was left behind, all of which were recycled and reused by the tentacle monster.

The "Thomas Maneuver" didn't last long. After all the energy stored in the body was exhausted, the tentacles stopped dancing, and the record was amazing.

All the monsters within two kilometers nearby disappeared, and with his own power, he brought the number of monsters back to less than 600, stunned everyone in the union, including Marshal Scott.

"Reinforcement..." Marshal Scott murmured, the shock in his eyes was second, more worry and panic.

Now he can be sure that with the help of the Cybertronians, the crisis should be temporarily overcome, but compared to the other party's free assistance to the earth, Marshal Scott believes that the Cybertronians actually have other plans. Now it's just a "show of arms".

When the war is over, will they make any embarrassing conditions?

It sure will! Otherwise, why would the Cybertronians go to such great lengths to help them fight against the pioneer civilization? !

Marshal Scott thought he had seen the truth of the matter, but Li Wei was thinking about whether it was time to go to the pioneer civilization to get some good things and prepare to run away.

Let Zemu Xingxing use magic to modify the rules of the wormhole, stabilize the space markers in the earth, and modify the opening method of the wormhole, so that you can obtain a semi-permanent channel that is opened for a short period of time.

The channel can be closed, but if it is not closed, it will always only operate according to the modified law.

Having acquired the biotechnology of the pioneer civilization, and then stabilized the wormhole, Li Wei can pat his **** and leave and continue to travel to the new world.

Everything in the Pacific Rim world is no longer related to him, and the drugged Godzilla will be left here to temporarily serve as a goalkeeper.

As soon as he turned his vision, in addition to the tentacle monsters that Li Wei had created, Godzilla's fighting power was also fierce. With his overwhelming strength and almost inexhaustible fusion energy, he looked down on the beasts. The defensive power of it is even more so that it was not injured in the siege.

The gushing atomic breath is hard to resist no matter what kind of monster it is, or a huge fusion monster.

The absolute crushing of strength made the pioneer civilization opposite the wormhole dumbfounded. Originally, there was a Godzilla that was outrageous enough, and now there is an extra tentacle monster that killed hundreds of monsters in a single encounter.

It is very difficult to kill Godzilla and Tentacles by relying on heap resources in the conventional sense. They can only try to achieve their ambitions in other ways, and save resources as much as possible!

The best way, of course, is to remove the interfering elements on this planet, and then turn the enemy's base camp into our base camp by planting spores and making mothers.

As long as it has a firm foothold on this planet, the pioneer civilization can use the rapid spawning method to kill the two monsters with the resources of an entire planet!

Feed your army with the blood of your enemies.


The number of monsters heading to the mainland in batches is increasing, allowing United to react from the destructive power of the tentacle monsters.


It is true that the reinforcements are strong, but those monsters will approach the continents of various countries in thirty minutes at the fastest. What are you thinking when they float slowly on the wormhole? !

Close the wormhole and let the earth slowly destroy the monster army that can flatten civilization several times!

What's the point of asking for help like that!

Marshal Scott also woke up from the reminder of his assistant. The priority is to block the monsters heading to the mainland, not to destroy the monsters around the wormhole!

Not only him, Mori Zhenzi was in a hurry, passed Marshal Scott, and asked Li Wei and the two anxiously: "Mr. Ambassador, the monsters are about to land, do you have any way to stop them?"

Li Wei raised his hand when he heard the words, turned his head, and showed his confident white teeth to Mori Mako, who had written his mood on his face, "Don't worry, everything is going on in an orderly manner, we have an excellent and powerful army, your city There will be no problems!"

His assurance calmed Mori Mako's restless heart, but failed to calm the nervousness of the joint command.

Regardless of whether what Li Wei said was true or not, various coastal countries still actively mobilized a large number of armies and weapons to rely on coastal buildings to form a long defensive belt to resist the monsters that might arrive.

The heavyweight monsters may not arrive so The massive restoration beasts will arrive on land first.

Some island countries are even worse, the islands owned by the Gallic rooster bear the brunt, the isolated islands become the first stop of the monster army, and then the shivering island countries.

At this time, no one has spare time to rescue those weak island countries, and only some small inland countries will not worry about the threat of monsters, such as the top single country with the strongest navy sandwiched between China and Maoxiong.

The tentacle monster is still moving slowly towards the American continent, and the monsters and repair beasts encountered along the way are basically hit by a virus bullet.

After the repair beast twitched slightly, it directly turned into Li Wei's lackey, killing its former kind.

The infection was completed silently, except for those massive monsters.

It takes more than ten minutes for them to be infected with the black light virus, and then they add the shackles of fate and successfully become Li Wei's lackeys.

After they eat enough repair beasts, they can obtain biomass that strengthens themselves, and become special infected bodies one after another. They strengthen themselves through assimilation, and the same is true for repair beasts that had no attack power.

Li Wei didn't impose too many restrictions on these infected bodies. They could evolve autonomously by constantly eating, and he didn't know what they would become in the end.

In order to become stronger, these infected bodies that have been injected with a strong will to evolve will frantically hunt down and kill those infected bodies that are not infected, so as to spread rapidly.

The one that has evolved the strongest and fastest will naturally move faster, constantly moving out of the sea.

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