The Infinite Journey of Cruelty

Chapter 338: : Home Tree Destroyed

Dr. Grace, Jack and others were locked in the base prison, guarded by prison guards 24 hours a day.

After dismissing Dr. Grace and others, Parker and Colonel Miles also began to mobilize and prepare. They also did not believe that the Na'vi would easily move away from the home tree, and forced dispersal measures were imperative.

It may even be necessary to eliminate all the Na'vi of the Pothead Clan!

Although the jointly customized Cosmos Exploration Law also stipulates that it is not allowed to interfere with the normal development of other living races and to persecute other civilized races, this regulation is like looking for glasses with glasses, you can't see it!

The joint cosmic exploration method can be directly ignored on the planet Pandora, which is far away from the Emperor Tiangao. Anyway, as long as you don’t tell me, no one will know about it. Press down.

They don't need to worry about that at all!

The next morning, eleven helicopters loaded with ammunition and a four-helix command plane with a length of ten meters took off from the Hell's Gate Base. The crew formed a group of air combat formations and flew straight towards the home tree. .

According to the early reconnaissance of the drone, Colonel Miles, who was sitting in the quadrotor command plane, had already known the silhouette of those Na'vi people in advance.

They basically hid at the top of the forest and home trees, riding horses, holding bows and arrows used by primitive people, and waiting for the approach of the plane.

"Hahaha!" Colonel Miles let out a sarcastic laugh, and instead of letting the plane formation approach the Na'vi ambush, it stopped five kilometers away.

He walked over to the pilot, took a sip of hot cocoa, and said with a smile to all the pilots on the radio, "Okay, boys, let's show those natives about high-tech, maybe tomorrow they'll treat us as gods, hahaha! "

There was also a little laugh on the radio, echoing Colonel Miles' snarky joke.

The command plane fired the first guidance bomb ahead of time. There was strong electromagnetic interference in most areas on Pandora, and the guidance system was sometimes ineffective. Although it would partially damage the power of modern warfare weapons, it did not affect the results.

How big is the home tree?

Ten kilometers away, you can see it at a glance!

Even if the missile is disturbed, as long as it is locked in a straight flight, it can still hit the exaggerated giant tree a few kilometers away, and it may be scratched by the arrows of the indigenous people in the past. How to choose that is not easy!

As the first missile crossed a distance of five kilometers, it exploded on the trunk of the home tree under the astonished eyes of the Na'vi people. The continuous missiles, like parts on an assembly line, came one after another without giving The Na'vi have no respite!

The power of the missile explosion was enough to crack the bark of the home tree, and the successive incendiary bombs burned the solid defense. The people of Na'vi could only see ten planes hovering in the air in the distance, and they shot one after another. Destruction missiles hit their home tree.


The metal fragments that shot out scratched the Na'vi hiding beside the home tree, and the Na'vi children hiding inside the home tree cried out in panic.

Seeing all this, the chief sounded the horn of attack, signaling the soldiers to attack, and the Skymen could not destroy their homes.

The Na'vi people, who were hiding in the trees of their homes, rode the Ikaran flying dragon, jumped from the canopy hundreds of meters high, and flew to the conspicuous helicopter formation five kilometers away.

The Na'vi on the ground didn't sit still either. After riding on their horses, they ran directly to five kilometers away.

But their response was too slow, and the distance from the helicopter was not too close, so it was difficult to get there quickly.

Li Wei, who was hiding in the dark, walked out of the woods and looked at the home tree that was burning from the trunk. He could clearly see that after the missile baptism, the home tree could no longer hold up the heavy trunk, and the constantly torn sawdust moved towards the tree. All the Na'vi who didn't want to believe this showed the tree's powerlessness.

The Na'vi, who were incapable of fighting, ran out of the home tree, all crying and jumping, and there was nothing they could do to see the trunk burnt by the flames, they could do nothing but cry and pray for Eva's miracle!

There are still sensible Na'vi people who rushed into the tree hole and brought out the children who were hiding in the home tree. A number of frightened Na'vi children were brought out and kept away from their homes.

Although the missile's attack was not accurate, the accumulation of numbers still allowed Colonel Miles to achieve his goal. A gap was blown out of the tree trunk, and the home tree, which was several hundred meters high, gradually tilted towards the direction of the missile.

The fall of the home tree is like a microcosm, indicating that the peace of Pandora planet is about to be destroyed by outsiders.

Li Wei still didn't do anything. The crying of those Na'vi children was really fascinating. Many Na'vi were accidentally injured by missiles. Looking at the atrocities committed by humans, he let out a crocodile sigh.

Then, he chased Natalie, who was about to run out of the "elements" collection range, and poor Jack was hidden in the corner of the forest.

Natalie rode a horse and followed her father, surrounded by a group of tribal warriors on horses.

They heard the movement, and when they looked back, they saw that the home tree they had lived in all their lives was falling down in their direction. The trunk of the tree that was full of security now seemed so fragile, and the burning flames illuminated their eyes. Maybe the fire was too dazzling, maybe the tears were lingering in their eyes.

"Good job, you can go back to eat everyone!" Seeing that the goal had been achieved, Colonel Miles smiled, finally put down the coffee in his hand, and gave the order to return.

The pilots obeyed the command, turned around and headed back to the base.

Although the Na'vi's weapons are very primitive, they have to admit that the Na'vi's flying dragon can knock down the helicopter!

Helicopters are inherently not very strong, flying in the sky, if the propeller is damaged, then the plane and the people on the plane can declare the dog leash.

Seeing the destruction of the home tree, the Na'vi did not want to let the Skyman go easily, and with deep hatred, they continued to chase the helicopter.

The flying team led by Su Tai has more than 100 people. The flying speed and flexibility of the Icaran Flying Dragon are better than helicopters. Under the continuous pursuit, they are getting closer to the flying formation.

Seeing the perseverance of the Na'vi, Colonel Miles gave the order to fire, and the machine gunners next to the helicopter hatch finally had the opportunity to shoot at the flies diagonally behind, screaming excitedly and pulling the trigger.

The bullets were blown by the wind in the The ballistic trajectory was inclined, but under the cross-fire of intensive firepower, many bullets still hit the chasing Na'vi.

The Na'vi and Ikaran Wyverns continued to be hit by "invisible" bullets and fell from the sky after a few howls.

These falling Na'vi just smashed in front of the slower ground team, showing the **** reality in front of those Na'vi.

The strength of the sky people is not something they can fully understand, nor is it something they can defeat now!

The chief stopped the warhorse under his crotch, jumped off his horse, and stumbled toward a Na'vi who had fallen in front of him.

Looking at its pierced face with trembling, he couldn't help but slammed a punch on the ground, then got up and blew the horn on his waist again.


Su Tai, who was chasing, heard the sound of the horn, and saw that one after another of his companions was hit and fell into the sky, and shouted, "Stop chasing!"

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