The Industrial Giant Reborn

Chapter 626 Investing in the European Communications Industry

"They are not the only young people in the future." When Chen Zhiwen and his old man were chatting, Wu Xiuling's voice came from behind.

"Mom, Xiaoli." Chen Zhiwen turned around and saw his mother walking from behind with Liu Xiaoli.

"What do you mean?" Chen Tianfu asked. He recognized his wife's words, which seemed to have unexpected meaning.

"Haha, son, you are going to be a father again." Wu Xiuling smiled happily: "Xiao Li is pregnant again."

"Pregnant again?" Chen Zhiwen was overjoyed. Over the years, the Chen family has had no new offspring, probably because it was too difficult to raise a bunch of twins.

It is true that the Chen family is rich. It is not a problem to find a hundred nannies, let alone the ten existing nannies. However, Chen Zhiwen and his wife also hope that they can participate in the growth of their children, play with them, educate and learn with them.

On one side, they are children for the first time, and on the other side, they are parents for the first time. In the long-term companionship, they have gained an inseparable relationship. This is the most important thing, and even career comes a little behind. Anyway, after traveling more than ten years, his industry has grown to a large scale and can completely operate on its own.

"Look at you, you don't know how to care about Xiaoli. Our Chen family has such a big business, we can't have just two children no matter what. You need to have more food in the future." Wu Xiuling helped Liu Xiaoli sit down and said.

"Are these twins?" Chen Tianfu suddenly asked.

"No, there is only one." Liu Xiaoli replied.

"How can twins be so easy? It's good to have a pair." Chen Zhiwen said with a smile. He has seen many pairs of twins on Douyin in later generations, with the big one in the front and the small pair in the back. , but since it can be seen on Douyin and has become a small traffic, it means that this must be very rare. One bad thing about the Internet is that it informs everyone about rare things, and then makes everyone think that this is the norm.

"I have accompanied Xiaoli to the hospital for a check-up. The fetus is very healthy, but we did not ask whether it is male or female. It will be a surprise when the time comes." Wu Xiuling said.

"Okay, it doesn't matter if you are a boy or a girl. Girls can also be cultivated into talents, whether it is business, politics or art." Chen Zhiwen said nonchalantly.

In fact, money is just enough. If there is too much money, you must be able to control it. For his own descendants, he will naturally cultivate people who are capable of inheriting the family property. However, there are exceptions to everything. Among the world's richest families, Among them, there are many children who do not want to inherit the family property.

For example, Pao Yugang's four daughters, some descendants of South Korea's Samsung Consortium, and the American consortium are also included, and even the future of the mainland is the same. You know, in the mainland, there are mostly only children.

If you really have a direction you like, then you should let them pursue their own life. As a father, just give them enough living conditions and rely on their preferences in everything.

Of course, things cannot go to extremes. All children cannot want to inherit the family property. That would be troublesome, but the possibility is not high. He will also try his best to cultivate in this direction.

Rather than having every one of your children be business geniuses, it might be better to have diversification, such as having artists, athletes, scientists, top doctors, etc. Everything is fine, as long as you live a happy life.

However, only those born in a wealthy family have the right to choose. Most people do not have this condition.

"Then you have to work harder. It's best to have seven or eight children." Wu Xiuling pursed her lips and smiled.

"That's not enough, a dozen would be best. How many descendants does the He family in Macau have?" Chen Tianfu said with the same smile.

"You are getting more and more outrageous." Chen Zhiwen shook his head and said. The more children, the better, but he can't compare with other gambling kings. He has so many wives, and because of the times, it is still legal.

If he, Chen Zhiwen, had traveled ten years earlier, he might have been able to do this, but now he obviously can't.

The next day, Chen Zhiwen once again found two female gynecology and pediatric doctors, stayed at home, and just looked after the family. In fact, he didn't need it, but for the Chen family, the cost was not worth mentioning. Spending a little more can be regarded as psychological protection.

Time soon came to the middle of 1990. Liu Xiaoli's belly started to grow again. She successfully passed several examinations without any problems. Her due date was around December at the end of the year or January next year. During this period, she I also started to practice health training to prepare for the new life of a pregnant mother.

On the other hand, after more than half a year of investment, Hutchison Whampoa has also successfully laid out the most basic telecommunications coverage infrastructure for mobile phone calls in Hong Kong. Hong Kong has become one of the first cities in the world to be able to make and receive phone calls. As Midea's home base, Midea's mobile phones are sold in Hong Kong with certain discounts. Naturally, it has gained the largest market share.

Hong Kong, Midea Building:

"Sheng Chen, this is the sales data of mobile phones in Hong Kong in the past six months. In Hong Kong, almost 80,000 people have bought our mobile phones, accounting for more than 1% of the total population." Lei Shengli reported with a smile said.

"1%?" Chen Zhiwen nodded and said, "That's not bad. Hong Kong's economy has indeed been much stronger than before in the past two years."

Before the 1980s, Hong Kong's economic level was actually not as good as that of many developed countries. It could even be said that it was far behind. But after 1985, when housing prices increased tenfold in 10 years, the per capita salary was even lower than that of many developed countries. When it was seven or eight times higher, even if Western countries went against their will, they would not be able to rise so much. Naturally, Hong Kong became the latest developed region in Asia.

Although the local price costs related to labor have skyrocketed, such as the service industry, transportation industry and even vegetables (which include labor transportation costs), some imported industrial products are very beneficial because the per capita income is high, while imported industrial products are still calibrated The place of production and the value of the fixed brand, so the increase is very low, and the purchasing power will naturally increase.

Hong Kong is still in the middle of its economic upswing and has not yet reached its peak. But in fact, the economy does not only look at the current value, but the expectations for the future. The higher the expectations, the stronger the current consumption power. For example, if a person owns several houses, and he judges that house prices will rise in the future, and his rental income will also rise, then he will definitely make various high-end purchases with confidence, even if he borrows money in advance, it doesn't matter. But if house prices reach a stagnant trend, Even if the price is high, he will not dare to spend randomly anymore, unless he does not have any loans. However, this situation is rare in Hong Kong. Anyone who has some money will not take out more loans to buy a few houses and wait for the value to increase.

"There are many rich people in Hong Kong now, especially those with several houses. They live with sea cucumbers and abalones every day. How can they care about the money of a mobile phone? Moreover, with this mobile phone, their lives are really much more convenient." Lei Lei Sheng Li smiled and said, "Especially for many stock traders, mobile phones are indispensable."

The first generation of mobile phones are very expensive, costing more than a thousand dollars in Europe and the United States, but for many people in Hong Kong, they are worth it. Just say those who trade in stocks and even copy foreign exchange and futures. Many times, if a piece of news is a little late, the loss may be tens of thousands. In this case, if you have a thing with you that can answer the phone, you will definitely be willing to spend money. .

"Well, this is our territory. Naturally, we have to capture the largest market. We can also use the feedback here to properly optimize our technology." Chen Zhiwen nodded and said.

"That's no problem, we already have such a mechanism." Lei Shengli said: "In Europe and the United States, our mobile phones have also begun to be sold. The main channels at present are our own supermarkets and some channels of Galaxy Trading. There are not many sales points, because many cities have not yet opened signal base stations in this area. Without base stations, no one would buy mobile phones.”

"Are there basically all the very large cities in Europe and the United States?" Chen Zhiwen asked again.

"These places are all available. Capitals such as London, Berlin, and Paris, or economically developed second-tier cities, basically all are covered. European and American telecom operators are not stupid. They can also see the future prospects of this industry. It's just that this The construction speed cannot keep up with the factories of mobile phone manufacturers, and the infrastructure of communication facilities is indeed very expensive," Lei Shengli said.

"Old Zhou, what's going on with Hutchison's plan to build telecommunications facilities in Europe?" Chen Zhiwen looked at Zhou Jiayang, who had been listening silently beside him. Although Hutchison was not involved in mobile phone manufacturing, it was involved in telecommunications facilities.

A long time ago, Chen Zhiwen's positioning for Hutchison Whampoa was to develop infrastructure. The mainstream includes domestic highways, global ports, power stations, gas supporting facilities, power transmission facilities, etc. But these are also the most basic infrastructure. In the era of science and technology, signal stations will also become one of them, as important as water and electricity.

And this industry is a new industry. It is much easier to enter at this time than other industries. This is similar to investing in highways when the country is reopening. Except for a few big cities, other places are basically the same. It's up to you to choose.

The U.S. is a bit strict and controls foreign investment in the telecommunications business. If it is European white capital, it will be fine if it is not big. Even if it is big, it should be possible to become a U.S. citizen, but Chinese capital is absolutely not allowed. However, Europe has much smaller restrictions on this aspect. As long as you abide by basic laws and regulations and don't do any tricks, that's fine.

Historically, when Li Jiacheng was in charge of Hutchison Whampoa, he arranged for Hutchison Whampoa to enter the communications infrastructure field, and established a firm foothold in Europe. He established Orange, the fifth largest telecom operator in the UK, and eventually sold it for more than 100 billion Hong Kong dollars. It became the most legendary business story in Hong Kong’s business history, and even after this sale, telecommunications still became one of Hutchison Whampoa’s largest businesses. By the 21st century, many calling cards in Europe were still owned by telecommunications companies owned by Li Jiacheng.

With such a golden opportunity, Chen Zhiwen would not let it go, especially in the early days. Although operators in European countries have various advantages, they are not bold enough. After all, no one can imagine how popular mobile phones will be in the future. How important it is, and their funds are limited. They are still operating in first-tier and quasi-first-tier cities in Europe, which gives them an opportunity.

"We are still conducting inspections. We will cover the first batch of 20 cities, involving a population of almost 15 million people, mainly in the most developed countries such as France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Italy. Waiting for this After a batch of construction is completed, we will then expand into large cities in Eastern Europe and medium-sized cities in Western Europe based on the feedback." Zhou Jiayang replied.

"Okay, after the specific plan is finalized, we will discuss internally together. This time, we will also make a big investment in Europe." Chen Zhiwen nodded and said.

He has also prepared to gradually import the funds he earned in Japan into the country. Part of the funds invested in Europe this time are the profits of his various branches, and the other part, especially when more funds are needed later, Naturally, it comes from a lot of investment in Silicon Valley.

Although U.S. law imposes a 5% limit on foreign ownership of U.S. technology companies, because he knew many large companies in the future, Chen Zhiwen used very little funds to acquire the stocks of many future giant companies a long time ago. For some companies that cannot be acquired, such as Cisco, wait until they are listed before acquiring them from the stock market.

In short, when each of several giants owns 4.999% of the stock, the total value added up is also amazing. At the same time, we also include those non-tech companies with no restrictions, such as Wal-Mart, Coca-Cola, General Electric, and Nike. There are also listed companies such as Costco and Disney owned by it. The total assets added up, not to mention the super technology bubble that will happen in a few years, are still very valuable today.

It is a waste and unsafe to put so many high-priced stocks in the US market for no reason. Although Chen Zhiwen predicts that there is a high probability that the United States will not make operations that damage its reputation as a free market just because of this small amount of money. After all, This is different from technology giants such as Alstom and Huawei threatening the United States.

But if they can be partially cashed out through indirect methods, it would be much safer. At the same time, as high-quality assets, it would be a pity not to mortgage them.

Therefore, starting this year, Chen Zhiwen began to arrange for these liquid stocks in the United States to be mortgaged so that they could be used for investment and enjoy the continued appreciation of these stocks in the future, killing two birds with one stone.

This investment direction is naturally Europe. Although it also belongs to Western countries, Europe is not a whole and is not as strong as the United States. Moreover, it allows Chinese to invest in the communications field, so it is naturally the most perfect cooperation.

PS: Call for names again! (End of chapter)

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