The Industrial Giant Reborn

Chapter 498 Visiting SAIC Volkswagen

Baosteel has not officially started yet, and Chen Zhiwen does not need to know too much about the steel industry. After determining the general cooperation plan, Chen Zhiwen left Baosteel.

In the future, Baosteel will definitely be the leader in the domestic steel industry. Even if it will only take the high-end steel route in the future, its production capacity may not be comparable to steel mills in other regions, but as long as it has a good relationship with it, then Not only can he supply Baosteel, he can also use this relationship to find ways to supply iron ore to other steel plants in the future.

The biggest benefit of this is naturally that with customers, Chen Zhiwen dares to invest enough capital in the mining industry. If he cannot find a suitable target for exploration, he can directly acquire it. The latter may even be more convenient and efficient. Because knowing that the price of iron ore will skyrocket in the future, it will be profitable and harmless to acquire some iron ore mines in advance.

This is a very large investment, involving a large amount of funds, so it needs to be very cautious. Having enough customers and establishing good relationships with them is the most important part. According to Chen Zhiwen's prediction, when he waits After funds came out of the Japanese real estate market, it has been difficult to find investments around the world that can continue to accept large amounts of funds. At this time, choosing mining is one direction. Not only does the mineral industry itself have great influence, but it also involves The scale of financing reached is enough to make international banks jealous and compete for it. Moreover, such large-scale investment can also affect the lifeline economy of many ordinary countries.

After returning to the hotel, Chen Zhiwen called an assistant and said, "Check it out. There is a county under Suzhou City called Shazhou County. All the companies in the steel smelting industry, whether they are state-owned enterprises, private enterprises or joint ventures, are included. Check all the information for me."

"Okay." The assistant agreed. They didn't need to ask why, just execute it.

"Well, go ahead and try to be as fast as possible." Chen Zhiwen said.

He had just returned from Baosteel. He was still thinking about what large-scale steel plants there would be in the country in the future. It suddenly occurred to him that Shagang, the largest private steel plant in the country in the future, would be in SZ City next door to Shanghai, or in a county-level city. Such a steel plant It is definitely still in its infancy. If you have the opportunity, if you invest now, the future returns will probably be higher than Jianlibao, and you can also digest your overseas iron ore, killing two birds with one stone.

Becoming a shareholder of a future large-scale steel plant in China is much more stable than Baosteel's promise. Not to mention other things, as long as Shagang's scale is the same as that of later generations, it will not be a problem for him to sell more than 10 million tons of iron ore a year. In the long run, it will reach hundreds of millions of tons. Of course, it is possible that it has not been established yet. Chen Zhiwen only knows the name of Shagang. He does not know the specific situation. In his previous life, he was not a professional in the steel industry. He was an ordinary person who knew some large steel plants across the country. The limit.

Unfortunately, the country does not allow foreign investment to directly enter the steel industry. The control in this area is stricter than that in the automobile industry. Otherwise, it would be much more convenient to find more ways to invest.

In the following days, Chen Zhiwen was invited to visit SAIC Volkswagen's new workshop. Here, as early as 1982, the first Santana was built, but they were all pure CKD (imported parts assembly) cars. At the beginning of this year, Volkswagen and SAIC were truly established.

However, compared to Yanjing Jeep, it is more than 2 years later. In Yanjing, Jeep has begun small batch production. Although the oldest Jeep 212 model is currently the main model, AMC's Jeep is now produced a few times a month. Hundreds of output.

The monthly output of a few hundred is far behind the more than 20 million cars sold nationwide in later generations, but it was already considered good in the 1980s. You must know that in 1988, SAIC Volkswagen only built 8,000 cars a year. Taisantana and AMC have been trying to localize the production of parts. If the future development goes smoothly, Yanjing Jeep can be at least 3-5 years ahead of SAIC Volkswagen.

Of course, these two cars are not direct competitors. Next, when Chen Zhiwen goes to Yanjing, in addition to Midea's super factory, the introduction of AMC cars will also become another important issue.

"Mr. Chen, welcome to the public." The Chinese leader shook hands very politely and smiled. Behind him, there were more than a dozen people, including three foreigners. They should be Germans and they were all relatively tall.

Chen Zhiwen's current reputation is already very important on a global scale. Although it is still a little behind Volkswagen, even if he goes to Volkswagen in Germany, he will still receive a grand reception. Especially, Chen Zhiwen's ambition to invest in the automobile industry is already obvious. , in the future, we will be considered half of our peers, even if they are still far from the level of the public.

"Hello, Mr. Qiu." Chen Zhiwen said with a smile. Before coming here, he had been told that the current chairman of SAIC Volkswagen was named Qiu Ke.

The chairman of SAIC Volkswagen, or all joint venture car companies, is Chinese, and the same is true for Yanjing Jeep. After all, China accounts for 51% of the shares and is the major shareholder. Some daily operations and management are basically the responsibility of the Chinese side. The foreign party is responsible for technology and quality control.

The latter actually has greater rights. In fact, the foreign party has the final say to move a screw on the joint venture brand car, and the majority of the profits are in the hands of the foreign party. The market replaces technology with good intentions, but unfortunately, it cannot be replaced at all. In the next few decades, new models launched by German, American and Japanese models, even if they are targeted at the domestic market, will all be designed overseas by high-end talents. All of them are overseas. The mainland cannot participate in the entire design process, so naturally it cannot learn relevant knowledge and technology.

"Mr. Chen, let me introduce you. This is..." Qiu Ke smiled and introduced everyone around him to Chen Zhiwen. They are basically the top leaders of SAIC Volkswagen, and they are all at the level of vice president or above. The German guy is also the senior person responsible for technical quality.

Chen Zhiwen also shook hands with everyone one by one and greeted them, so they got to know each other a bit.

"Mr. Chen, please come in." After introducing each other, Qiu Ke said with a smile.

"Okay, let's all come together." Chen Zhiwen said with a smile.

Under the leadership of Qiu Ke, everyone first walked around the various factories of SAIC Volkswagen. Just like in Baosteel a few days ago, the two factories were very large. Naturally, they could not all walk. Everyone also took a ride. Minibuses travel inside.

Baosteel has not started construction yet, but SAIC Volkswagen has already started.

"Mr. Qiu, what is SAIC Volkswagen's current production capacity?" Chen Zhiwen asked curiously.

Qiu Ke did not deliberately keep it secret, and said directly: "The current production capacity per day is only about 10 units. It is also in the period of running-in between Chinese and foreign teams, and many parts are imported from Germany and appear frequently. Parts shortages."

Thousands of people in the entire factory know these things, and they can't keep them secret even if they want to. Although Chen Zhiwen also has a Jeep factory in Yanjing and is considered a peer, he is not a competitor with Volkswagen. The models of the two are completely different. The same thing, and the mainland market is so big, their production capacity is not enough, even if they have the same model, there will be no competition. Besides, there are some things on my side that I still need to cooperate with, so it doesn't matter if I talk about these things.

"It's only been less than half a year, and this speed is already pretty good." Chen Zhiwen said with a smile.

Perhaps because of his influence in promoting Yanjing Jeep, the cooperation between Volkswagen and SAIC was also advanced and officially started at the beginning of this year.

"Mr. Chen, why don't you take a ride in our new car?" Qiu Ke asked with a smile.

"Okay." Chen Zhiwen nodded and said. He is also very curious about what the first batch of Santanas produced in Shanghai are like.

"Then I'll make the arrangements." Qiu Ke said with a smile. Whether it was the leader or other guests, when they came to the SAIC Volkswagen factory, they naturally had to take a ride in a car. However, this was the first time for Hong Kong businessmen to come.

Soon, a black Santana drove over.

"The chassis of this Santana is really quite high." This is what Chen Zhiwen felt at first glance after seeing it. In fact, in his previous life, Chen Zhiwen also saw Santana. The chassis was no lower than that of ordinary urban SUVs.

"Mr. Chen, when we discussed with Volkswagen which model to introduce, we chose Santana because this car has a relatively high chassis and is suitable for the current domestic roads." Qiu Kexiao said.

"It makes sense. A high chassis does have this advantage." Chen Zhiwen nodded and said.

The chassis is high and has strong passability, making it suitable for traveling on many different roads. The disadvantage is that it has a high center of gravity and may not be stable at high speeds. The low chassis is naturally the opposite. Many cars in later generations have low chassis because of high-speed stability and fuel consumption.

No one is good or bad, it just depends on the demand. From this point of view, if you introduce AMC cars, you also need to consider this issue. The current domestic roads are still not very good, and AMC cars are also of high quality suitable for the United States. Highways, if placed domestically, may not meet market demand.

After Santana's driver came down, Qiu Ke drove himself and took Chen Zhiwen and an assistant around the factory.

"It's very good, the noise level is good." Chen Zhiwen praised it after getting out of the car.

Compared with the many luxury cars I own in Hong Kong, the Santana in front of me is naturally incomparable. But compared to the Yanjing Jeep, the comfort is still better. However, the Jeep is an off-road vehicle, which is not its strong point. It is almost the same as the AMC sedan. , AMC's technology is definitely not as good as Volkswagen's, but Santana's technology is from the 1960s, so if AMC can't compare to it, then don't mess with it.

"Thank you for the compliment." Qiu Ke smiled and said, "It's still a little hot outside today. How about we go inside the office building?"

PS: Please give me a monthly ticket

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