The Industrial Giant Reborn

Chapter 159 Unique Villa Group

When there are sufficient funds, expansion through acquisition is the fastest way for the company to grow. It can be channels, companies of the same type, or mergers and acquisitions of the upstream industry chain.

As the channel is not a big problem, what Midea needs most is to deepen the industrial chain, understand the technology of the industrial chain, and build related factories in Hong Kong to enhance its competitiveness with the lowest labor cost.

Although Hong Kong's manufacturing industry will inevitably decline in the future, Chen Zhiwen is not really planning to develop the so-called high-end manufacturing industry in Hong Kong that can stay in Hong Kong. This is not a matter of mentality, but a real high-end industrial chain. In the downstream supply chain, there is no upstream and downstream, and any industry is floating on the water.

But now, regardless of high-end industries, it is still no problem for mid-level industries to build factories in Hong Kong. At present, Hong Kong even has steelmaking industries, and other injection molding, hardware, prevention, machining, confidential processing, food and beverage, There are all kinds of textiles, and it is not difficult to build a civil compressor company. The key problem is to obtain relevant technology, patents and professional guidance, which requires the acquisition of such a company from overseas.

Fortunately, the current relationship between Hong Kong and the West is not bad, coupled with the current international situation in the Mainland, there is no major problem in the acquisition of non-cutting-edge and military technology.

The two potential targets of this acquisition are both in Europe. Lei Shengli took a dozen technical engineers in the company to Europe. Anyway, this kind of negotiation usually takes a long time. Before that, they still need to face the potential In-depth understanding of the acquisition target to evaluate the other party's price and how to integrate with the existing Midea business in the future.

The 520 arcade machines arrived in the United States in less than a few days under the arrangement of Henry Morgan's special cargo plane. Chen Zhiwen also arranged a Midea middle-level team to follow behind to determine the channel construction situation in the United States. , will not participate in the operation of the US distribution team, the only purpose is to ensure the channel construction capabilities and progress of the channel provider, so as to send the news back to Hong Kong at any time, and Hong Kong will decide the production situation based on the general information and the order of the US channel provider .

Lei Shengli went to Europe in person to have further communication with two potential sellers. In the 1970s, tens of millions of dollars was not a small amount. This level of acquisition also involved possible technology transfer and construction of factories in other places. , naturally there are many legal and business issues. Chen Zhiwen will not get involved in the details of this kind of matter, he just needs to wait for the result.

The development of Midea in the field of arcade machines and home appliances has always been a matter of concern to Chen Zhiwen. Now that arcade machines are about to open channels, Midea will also have enough funds, and because of enough funds, it can invest its own funds in research and development or external products. As long as the acquisition of the urgently needed technology goes well, the entire Midea company will enter the high-speed growth path he estimated in the next few months.

How to celebrate a happy event is naturally to do another happier thing.

A small group of villas in the east of Hong Kong Island. It used to be a relatively well-known small villa group property in the early 1970s. There are 16 villas in total. Although the number is a little small, it is also very popular with some wealthy people. , because it is small enough, it is also quiet enough, and there will not be many people around you.

However, in 1974, the economy was so bad that many people sold this place for their own business. About 12 buildings were sold for a period of time, and the last 4 buildings were sold by the same mysterious buyer. Buy them all at a certain high price.

So far, all 16 villas have become a whole, owned by one person, but no one pays attention to such trivial matters. After all, this is only a small villa area, and the location is not very good.

Several identical Mercedes-Benz cars drove into the villa complex, and the security guards inside were very polite to the cars, but the strange thing was that the security guards here were women.

The convoy drove to the gate of the easternmost villa, Chen Zhiwen got out of the car, and then several cars turned around and left the gate of the community.

The people inside the villa naturally heard the movement outside. Before Chen Zhiwen reached the door, the door opened from the inside, revealing a beautiful face that was not inferior to Miss Hong Kong.

"Shiqian?" Chen Zhiwen asked with some uncertainty.

The beauty shook her head.

"Shiya?" Chen Zhiwen said again.

"I know Brother Wen, you are guessing every time you come here." The pretty girl said with a smile, "I'm Qianqian."

"You sisters were not quite the same before, but recently you are getting more and more alike. I can't even tell you what you are wearing." Chen Zhiwen walked in after speaking, and the door was closed behind him.

"How can you tell the twins in Building 6 clearly?" Wang Shiqian said with a smile.

"They're different, they're not the same size, you can tell at a glance." Chen Zhiwen stretched himself, and Ge You lay down on the sofa.

"Does Brother Wen prefer that our sisters are exactly the same?" Wang Shiqian took out a few strawberries from the bowl on the coffee table, actively fed them to Chen Zhiwen's mouth, and said coquettishly.

"Of course, it would be more interesting if you really confuse me." Chen Zhiwen smiled, and put his hands where they should be.

At this moment, another beautiful woman who looked exactly like Wang Shiqian walked out of a room at the back. Seeing the two on the sofa, she quickly and skillfully walked to the nearby window and pulled up all the curtains.

The curtains in the living room are not absolutely blackout, even if they completely cover the windows, the interior of the living room can still be seen, which is somewhat in line with the environment.

Wang Shiya walked over skillfully, and said with a smile, "Brother Wen, the curtains should be closed next time."

"Whatever you are afraid of, they are all my people." Chen Zhiwen said while eating grapes. He bought the entire group of small villas, and the people who live here are all his own. Even the security guards here are all female, which is very suitable for women to live in. Every time he is too tired from work, he can come here Rest here.

"That can't be done. Brother Wen is staying here tonight. We can't let them know. Otherwise, if you run over, I'm afraid you won't be able to take it." Wang Shiya said with a smile.

"Cut, it's not like I haven't tried it before." Chen Zhiwen said disdainfully.

"But Brother Wen, you haven't been here for a long time, why did you come to us suddenly today? Did you miss us?" Wang Shiqian asked with a smile.

"Yeah, I miss you guys." Chen Zhiwen smiled and said, in fact, it turned out to be a flop. 16 villas, 16 brands, are enough. I don't come here every day. I just don't repeat the same thing for a month.

PS: If you can write the plot, I guarantee that you will need to prepare a lot of nutrition express at home, but unfortunately you can’t, and even have been posting large chapters (about 4000 words) during this period, and because of this, they have been changed to small chapters, I’m afraid I was reported and then disappeared. When this book was first published, I also wrote some, but it was reported continuously, and a few pages were blocked, and then the driving scene was deleted, so I didn’t dare to release it after it was put on the shelves. Write.

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