With a suck of his hand, the dark red plate brick was directly sucked back into his hand by the robbery, and there was no damage to the board brick, and then the robber turned his gaze to a group of cloud ninja in front of him.

“Quick… Retreat quickly! ”

The cloud ninja looked at the two dead companions, they were all terrified, they quickly retreated, but did they run?

“If you’re here, why don’t you stay longer?”

The robbery rushed towards Yun Ren, and he took a brick in his hand and shot directly at the nearest Yun Ren.


Yun Ren was smashed under the strength of the robbery A-level, and every one of them died under the robbery bricks before Yun Ren had time to escape.

“Who the hell are you! Don’t you know you’re going against the Cloud Ninja Village?! Yun Ren yelled at the robbery who didn’t kill.

He didn’t listen to Yun Ren’s call, and he slowly walked to a Yun Ren.

“You Yun Ren Guan Laozi’s!”

A brick grew bigger and bigger in front of Yun Shinobu’s eyes, and then his head was directly smashed by the robbery.

The remaining Yun Shinobi hurriedly retreated, and the few Yun Shinobi who were left of the robbery no longer paid attention to it, and letting them go was just enough to give them a warning.

There was a Yun Ninja who had not yet been shot to death, but whose bones had been shattered, and was still gasping.

Calamity slowly walked towards him, while Yun Ren looked at the black demon in front of him, his eyes full of fear.

“Look into my eyes!”

In the black mist, Yun Ren saw a pair of scarlet eyes in the black mist, and his expression gradually became dull.

“Yu… Wisdom…… wave”

These were the last words Yun Ren said when he was conscious.

“Who sent you, Thunder Kage is not injured, how can there be leisure to attack Konoha.”

“Yes… The radical high-level of Yunnin Village… They saw that Lei Ying was injured… I intend to fight back the breath…”

Yun Shinobu, who was controlled by the Sharingan, told them all the reasons for kidnapping Jiu Xinnai.

It is almost that Lei Ying is injured and then Yun can’t bear it, and they plan to kidnap Jiu Xinnai to gnaw on Konoha.

“Good, then you can be relieved.”

The robber took the brick and put it directly on Yun Shinobu’s head, and he couldn’t even let out a wail when he died.

Bite! Mission accomplished! Reward 2,000 redemption points, as well as skills, monster power B+.

After dealing with the matter, the robbery slowly walked towards Jiu Xinnai, and the black fog on his body gradually dispersed, as for the bricks… Keep it, after all, it is a face-punching artifact….


Jiu Xinnai looked at the black knight in front of him with some fear, the scene just now was indeed a little violent and bloody.

“How? Jiu Xinnai, don’t you know me? Looking at Jiu Xinnai like this, he also felt excusable.

“It’s not… It’s just…”

Hao smiled helplessly, and then he put his hand on Jiu Xinnai’s head.

“Jiu Xinnai, you need to know that these cloud ninja are one of the masterminds of the demise of the country of the vortex, this world is like this, if you don’t kill others, others will kill you, the law of the jungle is the unchanging theorem of the world.”

“Well, I know.”

Jiu Shinna nodded, she remembered the day when the Vortex Country perished, the day when these unreasonable ninjas destroyed her home.

“Well, let’s go.”

The black fog on the robber’s body dispersed, and Jiu Xinnai saw the true appearance of the black knight.

“Well… Handsome…”

Seeing the true appearance of the black knight, Jiu Xinnai’s little face blushed.

“Oh, Jiu Xinnai, I’ll take you back.” The robber picked up Jiu Xinnai.

In the case of Lancelot’s possession, the strength of the robbery has reached A+, and it is only a matter of a moment to return to the land of the Thousand Hands, and others find that he is impossible, and he still has the breath to block this skill.

Leaning on Robber’s chest, Jiu Xinnai could also feel the warmth through the armor.

After settling Jiu Xinnai, the robbery was lifted from possession mode, and he was now going to the Richo side to ask for an explanation.

Under the interruption of the breath, the robbery entered the Hokage Building without hindrance, and after a while, the robbery came to the office of Hinata.

“Uncle Richo, should I ask you for an explanation.”

Suddenly hearing a voice, Hinata jumped back, and he looked at the place where the voice came from.


Hinata looked at the robbery in surprise.

“Why, you’re surprised when I come.” Robber looked at the precautionary Hinata with amusement.

“I didn’t expect you to come to me so soon.” Just now, he actually didn’t sense the calamity.

“Old man, shouldn’t you tell me about the specific situation!” The tone of the robbery at this time was already a little unkind.

“Eh, this was planned by Danzo, he heard that you didn’t die on the battlefield, and then he also forged evidence that you betrayed Konoha, and now the rumors have spread in the village, and I can’t suppress it!” This time, many villagers said they wanted me to execute you. ”

Hinata sighed, he took a deep breath of smoke, and his face looked extremely old.

“Then Qimu senior is back.” His eyes narrowed, and he asked Hinata.

“He came back, and at the same time he told me everything that happened on the battlefield, but he can’t be a witness to clear you either.”

“Oh, it’s afraid that Tuan Zang will bite them back, and even if Qimu senior testifies, he alone can’t clear it for me, because he only has oral evidence, and Tuan Zang has forged iron evidence, I’m right.” Hao sneered, looking at Richo’s eyes were cold.

Ri Chop looked at the robbery’s gaze slightly evasive, but the guilt robbery in it was clearly seen.

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