The heroine of Quick Wear, she can do anything

Chapter 76 What happened to the pig killer09

After washing his face with yesterday's rainwater, mixing his fingers with salt, brushing his teeth, drinking water, and eating a piece of bread, Tao Ran began to prepare the layout.

She put her hands on her hips and looked around. According to her estimation, this place should be two kilometers away from the rice factory where Ge Laosan and the others were, and almost four kilometers away from the pig farm. In this case, she must start with Ge Laosan first.

Ge Laosan's team has been known to Shi Jia for a long time.

Half a day after arriving at the pig farm, Shi Jia remembered that there was a rice factory nearby. But when she rushed over, the place was already occupied. Ge Laosan was not a native of this area, so he most likely discovered the rice factory by accident.

At that time, he only knew that there were mostly farmers nearby, but he did not know that there was a pig farm less than five kilometers away from them.

Shi Jia didn't dare to say anything, so she quickly returned to the pig farm and clamped her tail between her legs. This is also the reason why she forbids Shao Xing from taking Luo Xue into the city, for fear of being discovered by Ge Laosan's people and causing trouble...

After Ge Laosan and the others occupied the rice factory, they were confident because they had tens of thousands of kilograms of grain in their hands. Their team also quickly expanded from ten people to nearly a hundred people, almost all of them strong men, dominating one side.

Just looking at this group of people's intentions towards Shi Jia and their behavior of carrying the child on their back, it can be seen that they are a bunch of trash with no bottom line. That's good. Tao Ran won't have much psychological burden when he takes action later...

Tao Ran carried the knife and entered the forest again.

Taking advantage of the cover of the forest, she walked around to the south where the rice factory was located.

Less than a kilometer away from the rice factory, she climbed up the tallest tree nearby.

After eating, drinking and sleeping well this time, her skills were obviously much better. It only took her twenty seconds to reach the top of the tree.

Here, she could clearly see what was going on inside the rice factory.

Tao Ran knew that at this time, each team had someone to look around. It would be safer to stay far away, and it would also be easier for her to escape and recuperate. That's it.

I wonder if there was a fight between the rice factory and the pig farm after she ran away yesterday?

She lay comfortably and observed from a distance.

At three o'clock in the morning, there was movement in the rice factory.

A car started to drive out. Four cars went to the city, and three cars went further south. They must have gone to get supplies.

Tao Ran waited for a while, and another car drove away from the rice factory.

Looking at the number of people, there are only a third of the people left in the rice factory at this time, right?

Taking advantage of the enemy's large troops to leave, Tao Ran quickly returned to the hut.

Half an hour later, a plume of smoke rose from where the cabin was.

The smoke is not big, but against the blue sky and white clouds, it is quite noticeable...

The rice factory team took turns to use the telescope on the roof to observe the movement of the boat today and soon discovered the plume of smoke. He immediately reported out, "There should be someone in the northeast, over the farmland."

The smoke didn't look like a fire, but more like it was man-made.

Five minutes later, the rice factory sent three people and a car to check.

If it were originally, they would definitely need at least two cars at this time. But yesterday they had a conflict with the people at the pig farm, and their boss was injured because of a woman. Their limited supply of medicines suddenly ran out.

Unfortunately, it rained all day and night. As soon as it clears up, shouldn't they rush to find medicine?

After eight vehicles went out, they only had three cars and one truck left in total. They had to leave some people and vehicles to guard the base camp in case of emergency...

Three people and a car rushed to where the wisp of smoke was.

They were quite excited.

Because the farmland in this area is very large and there are many farmers, they have not been able to search every household. Just like the place where the smoke is now, everyone left behind in the rice factory confirmed that they seemed to have never been there.

So that means, there are probably people living there. These days, having people means having supplies. If I can find anything, I can add another dish tonight.

This smoke most likely smells like grilled food...

The closer the three of them got, the more they felt that their guess was correct.

The smoke gradually became smaller, and in the distance, they could already see a house not far away.

The car drove until it was near the tile-roofed house.

They got out of the car.

The next second, they discovered that the ground was full of chopped zombies. Moreover, these zombies were piled into a pile.

Sure enough, there was someone.

Then they saw vegetable leaves, instant noodle bags, ham casings, chocolate wrappers on the ground... and there was a faint fragrance in the air. Are the people living here in good condition? Eat better than them?

As you get closer, you can see that the fire has not been completely extinguished.

Sure enough, someone had just cooked it.

And there are many black bird feathers on the ground beside the fire...

It had been raining for so long that the ground was not even dry.

They immediately discovered many fresh footprints.

These are the footprints of a man. It should be heading east. It seems like the people in the house just left? That's for the best.

These three people understand each other quite well.

After clearing out a few nearby zombies, the tallest among them stood under the window and looked at the six directions, while the other two stuck to the door.

The fat man at the door stretched out his foot and kicked the door open, while the other man was covering the door.


The door was kicked open, and the inside of the house could be seen clearly.


The first thing they saw was the backpack on the bed. It was bulging and must contain good things.

The two of them hurried forward to check.

Opening the backpack, I saw food at a glance.

As soon as the backpack fell down, the two of them checked the contents of the bag.

At this time, there was a faint "hum" outside.

"Lao Liu? What's going on?" one person asked.

But they received no response.

The man got up and walked to the window. He pushed the window open, but he didn't see the sixth man.


Just as he was about to stick his head out, he turned around and heard movement behind him.

There was a muffled sound.

Quickly raising the knife in his hand, he turned around and saw that his companion Fatty had fallen down by the bedside, still holding the bag in his hand.

A woman was pointing a stick at him and looking at him with an indifferent expression.

Tao Ran: "Either you knock yourself out out of fear of sin, or you wait to have your legs broken by me."

Neuropathy! The man took the watermelon knife and chopped it out.

This kind of pure strength is no match for Tao Ran.

After three rounds, he was stepped on by Tao Ran.

Tao Ran kept his promise, grabbed the man's watermelon knife, and then hit his leg with the handle of the knife.

The man was in pain and screamed.

He really thought his leg was broken, but in reality, Tao Ran only dislocated it. It's just that he was too scared and in too much pain to notice it.

The man began to curse... He had already recognized that the woman in front of him was the one who injured the boss yesterday. Why is this woman not dead yet?

"Shut up! Do you hear me?"

But the man was still screaming.

Tao Ran kicked him over, dragged the knocked-out fat man on the ground, and ran out of the house, leaving only the snarling man in the house.

The man was stunned? Somewhat puzzled.

Is this... letting yourself go?

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