The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

Vol 4 Chapter 727: Gambling can't touch it

In the season of late summer and early autumn, the north wind gradually increased.

Charles' passenger boat took advantage of the cold air to travel south to Staufen, the capital of the Hohen Kingdom. The journey was safe and no accident happened. Unlike a durian, who was told to Party A as soon as he arrived at the construction site. I just changed the plan last night, and I was so busy.

A certain person came to watch the fun this time.

Previously, in order to make money, Conradin, the prince of the Hohen Kingdom, played a duel between Charles and Allen.

Normally, by adjusting the odds, the bookmaker can make a steady profit without losing money.

In terms of reputation, Charles "Ye800" has a great reputation. Allen obtained the divine weapon, the Flame Sword, and the two sides are evenly divided.

As far as personal combat power is concerned, in the public opinion, Allen, who has an artifact, stabilizes Charles. Even if Charles has the "money ability", the gap can only be narrowed slightly.

But there are no absolutes in the world. The ghost knows what powerful weapons Charles got from the elves. The gossip that the queen of elves secretly gave Charles the Forbidden Curse Scroll is still very marketable.

When the market opened, the odds of Charles and Allen were even.

In the beginning, the businessmen in the Principality of Milan were just "small bets" and just bought a little bit.

Not long after, Gunnar Nordahl, the current speaker of the Principality of Milan, secretly convened a meeting of the speakers of the major chambers of commerce in the country, preparing to join forces to teach that kid Conradin a lesson.

No one knows what happened during the meeting, the participants never mentioned it, and no news came out.

Not long after the meeting, such as "Charles was kicked out of the sea of ​​elf trees because he slept with two sisters/four sisters/eight sisters...", "Blood is thicker than water, Linda plans to sleep Charles until his legs are weak before the war. Rumors such as "Farm Elegy, Mother and Daughter Howling Every Night Only Because of Charles" began to circulate among the people, which greatly affected Charles's reputation.

At that time, after Charles heard these rumors, he endured it for the sake of his increasing odds, including the fact that the "mother and daughter wailing" became "mother donkey wailing" because of the issue of the north-south accent.

Now that the dust has settled, the rumors will naturally fall apart, probably.

Opening the market is a mathematical problem. The banker constantly adjusts the odds according to the betting data in order to make a steady profit without losing money.

It's just that the communication methods in this world are still very backward, and the bookmakers can't grasp the betting data in time.

So the businessmen of the Principality of Milan took advantage of this time difference and suddenly placed a large number of bets on Charles' victory from Conradin's agents all over the world before the game was closed.

The businessmen of the Principality of Milan have a lot of money in their hands, and they have been using all kinds of overt and dark means to inquire about news. They don't need to know too much, they just need to know how much bet each side has collected from the agent they are in charge of.

After learning the general situation of the bets, these businessmen placed a large number of bets. First, they made sure to swallow all the bets given to Allen by the agent, and then slaughtered them severely.

When Conradin saw the statistics sent by his men after closing the game, his new desk was also kicked and smashed against the wall.

Charles didn't know how much the businessmen of the Principality of Milan had put on Conradin. It's almost a month since the duel ended, and there are still a large group of guys holding slogans and banners blocking the square in front of the palace to collect debts.

In Conradin's plan, the Kingdom of Hohen will take advantage of the unsafe port of the sea of ​​elf trees and the opportunity of merchants who travel by sea from the north to the sea of ​​elf trees to make the kingdom a new commercial center in the south.

For a country aspiring to be a commercial center, national credit is extremely important.

No businessman is willing to get along with a kingdom that is not trustworthy. They are afraid that their goods will be "requisitioned" by this kingdom one day.

Now is the season when the bulk goods are transported by sea to the sea of ​​​​elves while the north wind rises. A large number of merchants and sailors who come here will see the scene of debt collection on the square, and will definitely spread the matter to the mainland.

In this way, the national credit of the Hohen Kingdom was marked with a big question mark by the merchants on the mainland.

Conradin considered the possibility of someone coming to collect the debt after he learned that he was playing off this time, and also made a plan to deal with it.

However, the businessmen of the Principality of Milan gave Conradin a slap in the face. They sold all the bets to the debt collection company of the Chaowei Blue Dragon Consortium.

Charles came to the Palace Square in the Hohen Kingdom, bought a bag of fried peanuts from a peddler, and watched with the onlookers that several giant dragons sued Conradin in the form of a stage play for not repaying his debts.

After watching for a while, Charles knew that Conradin would be finished in a short time at least.

The fact that the prince of a country organized gambling and lost so much he did not dare to come out to meet people is enough to go down in history.

Charles didn't take it to heart, he thought it was a lively scene on the side of the road, and he would occasionally talk about it as an anecdote in the future.

After watching the liveliness for a while, he came to stay in the hotel run by the elves in the city, and planned to return to the sea of ​​elf trees by land after two days of rest.

Next, Charles plans to visit Carl Pingzhi, the elf who makes cars, then go back to the Macross Group Company, then go to Greentown to preside over the opening ceremony of the Peace Mall, and finally return to Osmanthus City.

However, Charles might as well look for something, but things found him.

Not long after nightfall, the innkeeper knocked on the door of Charles' room with an invitation letter.

Charles opened the invitation letter, looked at it, pouted, and then came to the downstairs room according to what was written on the invitation letter.

He didn't expect Conradin to want to see him, but it's not difficult to understand. Now Conradin is short of money, and Charles is rich, it's that simple.

Conradin used his own money this time. Although he is a prince and has a lot of money, he is currently in the expansion stage. A large amount of working capital has been invested in fixed assets, and the dragons only need cash, so he It's gone.

Charles entered Conradin's, sat down on the sofa, and said to him lazily, "I won't make fun of you for not seeing my housekeeper, it's boring."

"If you have anything you want to sell, just take it out, and I'll buy it if the price is right."

Conradin was annoyed by Charles' straightforwardness. He took a few breaths to calm down, then took out a stack of parchment, and said straight to the point, "I intend to sell you the shares of these properties."

Charles glanced at the farm contract at the top and saw that it only sold 40% of the farm's shares. He immediately stood up and left the room.

Conradin was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Charles to leave as soon as he said it, and he wanted to stretch out his hand to hold him back.

Charles said without looking back: "If you ask others, you have to show some sincerity. Do you really think others are fools?"

After he finished speaking, he left Conradin's room, complaining in his heart that this guy is still playing tricks at this time.

Just now the farm only sold 40% of the shares, and they had no control at all when they bought it. They could only receive a meager income every year. Whether it was drought or flood depended on the other party's mouth, and how much they took depended on the other party's eyes.

Even if the farm has a good harvest, Charles has a lot of ways to transfer the income, such as buying cattle and farm implements from a specific chamber of commerce at ten times the high price, and then making a small loss in the account, and in the end other shareholders can only stare blankly.


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