The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

Vol 3 Chapter 661: aerial threat

The night was deep, and the village was silent.

A mouse huddled in the corner, nibbling on a sheep bone that was thrown there without knowing who it was.

Before the mouse was half full, the cat that rushed from the dark pressed it to the ground and bit it on its cervical spine.

A scream of "squeak" became the only sound in the sleeping village.



It was quiet outside the village, but Charles couldn't sleep because of the sound of the sturdy bed in the room.

He turned to his side and saw Nezario on the opposite bed turning over and over like a pancake on a pan.

"The wound is painful?" Charles asked softly.

"I disturbed you?" Nezario asked. "My injury is fine, it will heal soon."

"Just thinking about something."

Charles then asked: "What are you thinking, you look anxious."

Nezario said, "I'm thinking about today's battle."

"I can't sleep when I think of a group of four-winged guys flying over the other side of the sea."

Charles was silent after hearing this. He also saw the strength of the four-winged dragon. Against the dragon, they could only rely on group fights to gain an advantage.

Now even he could hardly fall asleep.

In this world, the air battles between giant dragons, griffins, flying dragons, demons, etc. are in the "dogfight" stage, and Charles's understanding of air battles only comes from games. In this world without radar, he has no good solution to air battles. problem.

All he can think of at the moment is to let the dragons bring a bunch of wind arrows to bombard each other at close range.

As for fighter jets, the Rurik Kingdom and the Elf Royal Court are now focused on developing transport aircraft and bombers, perhaps because of the presence of giant dragons, or because of insufficient power system power and insufficient aerodynamic development, both sides do not seem to be developing fighter jets yet. the meaning of.

However, today's battle should remind the dragons that Nezario is the air general of the Rurik Kingdom.

Charles thought about it and continued to fall asleep.

In the second half of the night, Charles was awakened by the movement downstairs in the early morning.


After the rough door was pushed, Gennaro's anxious voice reached the second floor.

Just then Gennaro asked: "Ma'am, where's Deborah?"

Nessario, who had just come downstairs to go to Seven Hills City to meet with Antoine II, said, "She's not here."

"What?!" Gennaro fell to the ground with a "pop", "She's gone?"

At this time, Rukia and Cullen also exclaimed.

Fortunately, this old-fashioned farce didn't last long. Deborah, who got up in the morning and went to the bathroom at the back of the house, came back soon.

Charles ignored their loving reunion, turned over and went back to sleep.

He slept until almost noon, and the old village chief brought some mutton slices, mutton bone soup and brown bread left over from last night to make lunch for Charles and the others.

During the meal, Charles told Gennaro and the others about what happened yesterday.

Gennaro, Rukia, and Cullen were dumbfounded when they heard it, especially the fact that a dozen giant dragons fought the four-winged fire dragon made a cold sweat on their heads.

Then Gennaro looked at Donna, who was sitting beside him, and asked displeasedly, "Do you think the strength of a few of us can be comparable to that of a dozen giant dragons?"

Gennaro was obviously angry. Milan was stationed by Soni, an employee of Dragon Airlines and Dragon Logistics. His father, the Archduke of Milan, Gunnar Nordahl, once paid Soni to fight.

Originally, Soni refused, but unfortunately Gunnar gave too much money, so she beat Gunnar to bed for half a month.

Therefore, Genaro, who knew the strength of the giant dragon, was dissatisfied with Donna in his heart. He had previously thought that the four-winged fire dragon was a creature like a dragon.

Donna stalked her neck and said to Gennaro: "I am the invincible artifact Thunder Blade, how could I possibly lose?!"

The name of the artifact made Gennaro a little moved. After all, the story about the artifact in the book is that the protagonist kills the Quartet and wins. Can Donna really do it?

Gennaro looked at Charles, wanting to hear from him.

Charles, who was burying his head to eat, felt Gennaro's gaze, raised his head to look at Gennaro, then looked at Donna, and said to Donna, "Donna, are you going to go with Gennaro next? ?"

Donna ignored Charles, but raised her head and looked at the ceiling with a "hum".

According to the process, she will go with whoever unlocks her seal.

It's just that she arranged for Gennaro to do the task first, but halfway through, a Charles who played cards out of the way suddenly lifted her seal, so according to the normal process, she should follow Charles next.

The problem is that Charles "has a bad reputation", and the matter of putting Donna in the four-winged fire dragon yesterday angered her, and now it is strange that Donna is willing to go with Charles.

Charles got his own answer from Donna's reaction, and it looked like she wouldn't follow him.

This gave Charles a sigh of relief. The artifact did more harm than good to him, and he didn't want to have trouble with him all the time.

With a move in Gennaro's heart, he asked Donna, "Will you go on an adventure with me?"

After all, he is not Charles, and he cannot resist the temptation of the artifact.

Donna was silent for a while and said, "Although there were some accidents, you retrieved the fire magic flower and fire magic crystal as agreed, and I will act with you according to the previous agreement."

Gennaro was instantly overjoyed, his mouth almost grinning to his ears.

Charles looked at Deborah, Rukia, and Cullen at the table, and then said to Genaro, "Genaro, your team will be complete after Donna joins."

"Cullen can be the main defense fighter. You are the melee output, Deborah is the magic output, Rukia is the healer, Donna helps carry the luggage, the team members perform their duties, and the future is promising."

Donna looked at Charles angrily, then decided not to speak to him anymore.

Charles ignored it, and quickly finished lunch and left the rental He looked at the horse pulling the cart and saw that the horse looked like he was about to collapse from exhaustion, and there was still something on his back. With a few whip marks, it was obvious that Genaro and the others had squeezed a lot of horsepower along the way.

Considering that they still need this horse to take a group to Trapani City, Charles found the old village chief, gave him some money, and asked him to find someone to help take care of the horse and give him more feed.

This horse is a pack horse, not as delicate as a war horse. It does not need to be fed with concentrated feed. The feed prepared for the ox that was roasted yesterday is enough for it to eat.

So the old village chief randomly grabbed a villager from the side of the road and asked him to lead the horse to the cattle pen to feed him more hay and water.

At this time, Gennaro came to the bullpen and found Charles.

"Why are you running out if you don't go to rest?" Charles asked.

Gennaro blushed and said, "They are bathing in the house..."

Charles squinted him and said, "Then why don't you help?"

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