The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

Vol 3 Chapter 617: Your plug-in has arrived

The hunter who trained the children had seen Charles long ago, and he thought at first that the young merchant, like the rest of the carriage, had come to the village at night to seduce girls.

Charles analyzed the characteristics of those children on the side, and when he was ready, he started to do things.

He took out a piece of bacon and said to the children, "Whoever can beat me can get this piece of meat, who wants to try it?"

A piece of bacon weighing about two kilograms is undoubtedly a huge attraction to these children, enough for those children to beat Charles, who doesn't look much older than himself, and then divide the meat.

One of the characteristics of the mountain people is unity. In the face of ferocious monsters, they can only survive under the fangs and claws if they unite. This is the mark engraved in their bones.

At the same time, they are notorious for being able to do things without being blind, and Warcraft won't talk to them.

The one-on-one duels that Charles expected turned into a group fight, and it was the children who beat him up.

Naturally, he wouldn't overturn the car. The fun of beating children is to do whatever they want. He easily knocked the children to the ground with the bacon.

Charles looked at a gap where the fat part of the bacon had been bitten off, and thought that these children can really explode with surprising strength in unexpected places.

A little girl about ten years old saw Charles walking towards her, quickly chewed the bacon in her mouth a few times, and then swallowed it hard.

Charles patted her on the head gently, and said to her with a handsome smile that he thought was sunny: "Don't be afraid of being choked, remember to brush your teeth before going to bed."

It's just that the light here is very dim, and there is only a lamp hanging from the shed above the well. Under the action of the light, Charles's smile suddenly becomes wretched. Drag away to the circle fork.

Charles naturally didn't know this, and he then started to go to a little boy beside him, patted him on the head, and made a mockery.

The hunter sat on the edge of the well with his arms folded and watched, seeing that it was nothing but the brains of children.

Charles patted his head and sneered after returning, and said, "You are welcome to seek revenge from me ten years later if you do not admit defeat."

After he finished speaking, he stretched his waist and left the village.

??split line??

The days passed, the summer of the year ended, and this small mountain village returned to its former tranquility after a day or two of noise.

The hot topic in the village quickly changed from young people going out to work to corn ready to be harvested.

The corn in the field is ripe, and the villagers, men, women, and children, are going into battle, taking advantage of the fine weather to harvest, even the children.

In addition to guarding against the rain, the villagers also guarded against the monsters in the mountains coming out to grab corn and even eat people.

Near noon, a gong sound suddenly came from the east of the village, and the villagers working in the fields picked up their weapons and rushed towards the place where the sound was heard.

The so-called weapons of the villagers are actually knives tied to the top of the wooden poles, and they have to be dismantled for cooking after finishing work at night. Only those hunters have decent weapons in their hands.

It's just that the villagers were forced to buy a lot of daggers and knives brought by Charles not long ago. Although they were hungry for many days because of this, they were a little more confident when dealing with monsters.

When the villagers rushed to the edge of the village, they saw a giant ape attacking.

At this time, the giant ape on the edge of the cornfield was holding a little girl's arm with one hand, and a basket fell at the feet of the giant ape. The lunch inside was scattered all over the ground, and it seemed that the little girl was giving it to the field. The family met the giant ape while delivering lunch.

The nearby villagers arrived, and they were confronting the giant ape with a long spear tied with a dagger, for fear that it would hurt the child.

The giant ape saw that there were more erect apes around him, and the cub of the erect erect ape he caught was big enough to eat, so it turned around and ran back to the forest with the ingredients. in.

The hunter who arrived first snatched the spear from the hand of a farmer beside him and threw it at the back of the great ape as a javelin.

The long spear emitting an almost invisible blue light was inserted into the shoulder of the giant ape. As a result, the dagger and the wooden pole as the spear head were not tied tightly and were shaken loose. The giant ape ran two steps and then the wooden pole fell off. Down, the dagger was still stuck on its back.

Then a few spears flew towards the giant ape, but the strength and accuracy of this round of the spears were insufficient, and the giant ape quickly ran into the forest with food.

The rabbit died and the fox grieved its kind, and for the next day, the whole village was in a state of grief.

The old village chief shook his head when he heard about this. He had seen too many such tragedies.

The little girl's house was deserted and deserted. Her parents were sitting on the floor next to the fire pit. In the past, there was only a little fire in the fire pit where dinner was supposed to be cooked. The pot where the multigrain soup was supposed to be cooked was empty, half the size of a fist. A small piece of jerky hangs above the fire pit, and a new garment ready to be sewn is thrown aside.

The husband and wife sat there with empty eyes, motionless, as if it were a piece of wood.

The two hunters chased into the mountains, but haven't come back yet.

Everyone in the village knew that all they could do was bring back the girl's body as complete as possible.

The thin crescent moon is crawling to the top of the sky little by little, and the people in the village also start the preparation exercise before entering the dreamland.

There was a shout from far outside the village, which was issued by the patrol members on the night shift. They might be driving away the monsters that came out at night.

After a short while, the exclamations at the village gate and the sound of the heavy wooden door opening very far in the silent night, followed by the hurried footsteps of several people, heading towards the old village chief's house. .

The old village chief has some commonly used medicines, and if someone in the village is injured, he will go to him.

The door of the little girl's house was pushed open, and her parents were called to the village chief's house by a hunter who had just returned.

??split line??

Charles learned that it was many years later that the little girl who took a bite of the bacon while the bacon smeared her face was captured by the giant ape with the power buff in the plug-in and the dagger inserted into the shoulder of the giant ape. It happened, so that he couldn't remember the details of the year for a while. He only remembered that he had implanted the "system" for the children from a small mountain village. At that time, he followed the wagon train and did not know how many big and small. In a mountain village, if you see children who are training hard, they will be beaten first, and then they will be equipped with plug-ins.

At that time, he got his inspiration from the "Forty-Eight Hands of Edo Module" in Arturia's soul. He used Blanche's swordsmanship, Limin and buff-resistant magic, language, mathematics, physics and chemistry, simple economics, and dialectical materialism. The knowledge of doctrine and fitness is combined with the soul seal to make it into a "system" People who get the plug-in have their own soul strength to a certain level - that is, the personal attribute board When the level reaches a certain level, the knowledge content of the corresponding level can be unlocked.

Charles can't remember how many hardworking children he has installed this kind of plug-in. Some of those children are rich and live their lives in peace, some become famous and become famous, and some unfortunately fall into the long river of history. .

The first batch of children who accepted the plug-in remembered Charles' "10-year appointment", but many people beat Meazza with weapons such as bacon, ham, and roast chicken.

The truth of the matter gradually surfaced in the conversations of those who were queuing up to brush Meazza. Everyone met that rude guy and got an unexpected gift soon after, so who are they? The benefactor is obvious.

Drink water without forgetting the well diggers, who later did Charles a disservice out of kindness.

All this is unknown to Charles now. Just when the parents of the little girl rushed to the side of their daughter who had just drank the herbal medicine, Charles fell into a heavy siege.

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