The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

Vol 3 Chapter 610: There are wontons on the river

A curved moon hangs in the air, and the night wind on the river is quite cool in the hot summer. The guests on the boat fall asleep by leaning or lying down with the sound of the waves beside the boat.

Most of the people who take the boat at night are small businessmen. They get on the boat at night and sleep on the boat, and they can start their day's work when they get off the boat the next day.

Today, the ship was pulling wool felt from the Kingdom of Bischberg to Milan City. When it set out to return to the city of Messina on the Bischberg side in the evening, there was no client, so the captain decided to pull the client back.

One of the horses snorted, and Charles tied the empty hay bucket and went to the boat to draw a bucket of water for the horse to drink.

After he was taken away by Mancini as Meazza, the horse and carriage were brought to Milan by Arturia, and then stored in a stable for the horses of the caravan.

This horse has been raised in Milan for a while, and when it came out this time, it has grown fat again, but then it will be tired, and it is more mountainous than the Schberg Kingdom.

There were two carriages on the boat today, and besides Charles there was a young man in his early twenties.

The lad's horse was taller than Charles' horse, but not too fat.

Their horses were to be tied close to the stern at the captain's request, and Charles took the opportunity to chat with him.

Charles asked, "Dude, what are you making a fortune lately?"

The young man said, "Just sell some sulphur. This year's price is higher than in previous years. Let's make a little profit now."

Sulfur is also used in the folks of this world to deworm and configure external medicines. It is also used to fumigate the warehouses preparing to store grains before the autumn harvest to repel rodents and insects. Therefore, it is used in a large amount every summer, and it is normal for prices to rise. of.

When the horse had finished drinking, Charles hung the barrel back on the carriage, climbed onto the slime tarp that was in the carriage, lay down, and counted the stars to sleep.

There are still more than a month or two to the north to harvest the wheat, which is earlier than the Schberg Kingdom. The newly harvested wheat is afraid of being drenched by the rain, so the farmers will buy tarps just in case.

Similarly, caravans also need tarpaulins to cover their supplies, and there are naturally workshops that produce tarps in Milan, where the caravans are endless.

This year, Ji Shijun and the others produced two-meter-wide linens, which were not only wider than previous linens, but also stronger and finer.

The workers in the workshop lined several pieces of linen and sewed them together with strong twine, then poured the freshly boiled slime glue at a very high temperature, and then rolled them with a high-temperature roller to smooth the slime. The glue seeps into the linen before cooling.

This slime tarpaulin with a length and width of 10 meters by 10 meters is very popular. Many farms will buy a batch before the autumn harvest, and some tent workshops will buy these tarps and process them into tents.

Therefore, when Charles left Milan this time, he bought a batch of slime tarps and planned to take them to the Bischberg Kingdom to sell.

Lying on these tarps is like lying on rubber-plastic insulation, with a little bit of elasticity underneath.

Charles lay there looking at the unfamiliar stars in the sky, recognizing the names of those stars.

The boat sailed upstream by the north wind, and the monotonous sound of the water was like a lullaby, and Charles soon fell asleep.

He didn't log in to the dream platform tonight, but was going to simply sleep.

After an unknown time, a roar woke Charles up.

I saw that the boat had stopped in the middle of the river, and there were no other boats' lights on the front, back, left, and right. Several sailors on the ship stood with long swords and surrounded the passengers, and the captain stood on the stern deck with a broad sword.

The captain roared: "Give me all the money you have, and I will put you on the shore, or I will throw him into the water!"

Charles frowned, but he didn't expect to meet a water pirate.

He had heard about water pirates before. Some water pirates usually solicit customers and goods. If there are no adventurers on board, they will rob passengers when there is no one around.

These are all said by people with good water who fled back. It is impossible to put them back on the shore. They asked passengers to take money out, but they were too lazy to search for the bodies.

Today's guests on this ship just meet such conditions, Charles is dressed as a small businessman, and he has not brought out his equipment.

There were about ten passengers on the boat and six water pirates, enough to frighten the ordinary merchants to the point of trembling.

The surrounding river surface was pitch black, and the cool river wind suddenly made people feel gloomy.

Charles breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately the pirates stopped the boat, otherwise no one would start the boat later, and the boat that drifted along the river might hit the reef by the river.

Before the captain of the water pirate could threaten again, Charles on the carriage waved his hands like bee wings, and in an instant he inserted the flying knife into the chest of the water pirate.

Before the pirate captain could react, Charles appeared in front of him and punched him in the stomach. Before he could fly far, Charles grabbed his ankle and slammed him hard. fell to the deck of the ship.

From the time the pirates started robbing the captain to Charles tying up the captain, it took less than a cigarette, and the guests on the boat didn't react at once.

After cleaning up the water pirates, Charles threw a few fireballs into the sky, and those fireballs rose into the air like fireworks and then exploded.

He didn't expect that he would be useful one day when he chatted with the boatman about distress signals.

Only then did the passengers on the ship react, and they came to thank Charles one after another.

Charles calmly told everyone not to worry, as if he had just killed a cockroach with his slippers, and reported his name at the same time.

Naturally, these businessmen who have traveled south and north have heard of "Yibabai", and the sound of flattery is suddenly heard.

Charles asked everyone to rest, and he dragged the pirate captain to the stern and tortured him to see if he could find out the location of their lair.

As a result, the water thief asked, "I said you will let me go?"

Charles looked at him speechlessly and said, "I'll throw you into the water just like you said. It's up to you to survive."

So the water thief moved, and it was not a problem to swim to the shore with his water ability while being tied.

The water thief's nest is in a tributary on the north bank a few kilometers west of this place. The tributary is only ten kilometers long, and the source is surrounded by mountains, so no one has found the water village there.

After inquiring about the situation of the water village in detail, Charles grabbed the rope on the water thief and lifted him up. After turning on the power buff, he used all his strength to smash him head down into the water with all his strength.

For the next time, Charles threw fireballs into the sky every ten minutes or so for help, and a boat coming downstream found them more than half an hour later.

The captain of the ship sent a few sailors to help and drove the ship to the city of Messina in the southeast corner of the Bischberg The countries along the river are fighting against the pirates, and the captain will do his best. Get paid a little.

At dawn, the passenger ship where Charles and the others were docked at the port of Messina, and the city defense army was quickly called to the ship to deal with the matter.

The officer was very happy when he saw the five corpses killed by flying knives and one corpse with a broken neck that was smashed to the surface of the water alive, and wondered if he could get the credit.

However, Charles, who did not hide his identity, disillusioned the officer. Now, someone's status in Bischberg Kingdom is quite strange. He is not a nobleman of the kingdom, but he can make many nobles willing to help with some problems. These Problems include, but are not limited to, killing an unsightly knight.

In the eyes of the common people, the knights who are worthy of respect are sometimes only regarded as high-quality cannon fodder in the aristocratic circles.

As if to make up for the mistake of implying that Charles was taking credit, with the efforts of the little officer, the story of Charles fighting the water pirates on the boat soon spread throughout the city of Messina.

Charles didn't care about it, he came here this time with the intention of gaining popularity.

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