The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

Vol 3 Chapter 590: 1 more sub-base

Recently, Charles didn't have much money, so he could save as much as he could. Arturia paid for his accommodation in Florence. After Arturia left, he only looked for places that were hygienic and cheap to eat every day.

But Ah Fu was here, and he was talking about business, so he would eat whatever it was expensive.

In the most luxurious hotel in Florence, Charles in the box didn't even look at the menu. He said to the waiter, "Pick the most expensive item from the menu."

Ah Fu sat across from him and smiled without saying a word.

So Charles enjoyed a seafood dinner tonight.

The shell of a lobster is cut from the back, and the meat inside is only sprinkled with a little white wine, white pepper and salt, and then baked in the oven. The baked lobster meat is white and fragrant.

While eating the lobster meat, Charles asked Al Fu: "How is the situation at the Gleason Chamber of Commerce? Are you sure you can buy it?"

A Fu drank white wine and said, "The negotiation is basically done today, and the other party is eager to get rid of the Chamber of Commerce. I will buy 90% of the shares of the Chamber of Commerce in the form of debt-to-equity swap. , and the other ten points of shares belong to the craftsmen in the chamber of commerce."

Charles swallowed a mouthful of lobster meat, then said: "Then do this, settle the matter tomorrow, and complete the formalities as soon as possible. The ten-point shares remain as they are, what do you recommend for the next chairman of the chamber of commerce? ."

As a result, Ah Fu shook his head and said, "Sir, we have no one to be on our own. Grape is presiding over the purchase of wool on the prairie."

Now Charles is facing a very embarrassing situation, that is, his family has no desire to expand, so that the talents in the family are just enough. In the disaster four years ago, almost all the talents cultivated by Charles' generation were wiped out, and now we can only rely on the older generation of Fu and Aunt Pomegranate.

Among the surviving talents of the new generation, the only one who can currently lead the charge is Aunt Pomegranate's youngest son, Grape, who was out with the caravan led by Ah Fu.

If it develops according to the normal route, he will be the future director of the McGarden family caravan.

Now the wool business is the top priority of the McGarden family, so the grapes were sent to the prairie to preside over the business, and Ah Fu was in control of the general direction at home.

If Charles wants to open a base in Florence, he will face the dilemma of having no reliable man to preside over the overall situation.

As for the unreliable people... Charles leaned back on the chair with the wine glass and pondered, he could find a few such people.

The first is the family members of the comrades in the 168th Brigade of the Elf Army, many of whom are in the shopping mall, and it is not impossible to invite them to sit in town.

But human beings are a bit sensitive to this, they are not willing to have long-lived races like elves enter their own business field, and at most let elves participate as technicians.

The second is the guy from Adonis, the traveler who was trapped by Charles in Corn City back then and had a psychological shadow.

He is now hired by Charles and is in charge of the construction of the Peace Mall in Greentown. Charles decides to let him sit there when the mall opens next year.

The third is Hakumitsu Yamada, who is now working hard to earn airfare money back to the east in the Rurik Kingdom. This guy still owes Charles and Diana a lot of money.

Charles felt that it was not impossible to make him do things for himself by economic means.

It's just that these are backup options, and Charles needs to think about it before making a decision.

He said to Al Fu: "Then you should finish the acquisition of the Gleason Chamber of Commerce first, and the person in charge here will find a way."

"After the acquisition is completed, you can temporarily sit here for a while and take stock of the various assets of the Chamber of Commerce."

"After acquiring the Chamber of Commerce, there will be elves who will settle in as technicians, and you must fully cooperate with their work."

A'Fu knew the most fundamental intention of Charles' acquisition of this chamber of commerce, and he nodded solemnly.

Charles and Alfred are the kind of smears in investigation and intelligence work. Charles knows that he can't be a detective like Conan Edogawa or Heiji Hattori. The work on the origin of the feather fan and the ancestral necklace is left to professionals in the Elf Royal Court.

After dinner, Charles handed A Fu a parchment booklet and said, "This is the new Chamber of Commerce's name, logo and new products that we will launch next. You have a good idea."

Ah Fu took the booklet and saw the new name of the chamber of commerce - Jiuyang Chamber of Commerce written on the cover.

Charles would not say that it was to commemorate the name and trademark of the Chamber of Commerce that Diana's father Zhang Xucai tinkered with.

The core technology of the chamber of commerce still comes from Intel, but on the surface it seems that those core components are imported from the sea of ​​​​elf trees, and no one will doubt it with the identity of Charles.

The company's products are meat grinders, soymilk machines, steamed bun machines, noodle machines, pressure cookers, kettles, water purifiers and other household products, as well as building water supply systems with new pumps as the core.

In terms of production equipment, Charles decided to introduce a batch of machinery and equipment from the Rurik Kingdom to improve production efficiency.

This decision was made by him in the past two days, and received the unanimous support of Auston I and Ji Shijun.

The two men are now facing great political and military pressure, and both expect to have a stable and reliable external source of weapons.

It is not impossible for a kitchen utensil factory to transform into an arsenal. For example, the stamping machine that produces pots and pans is converted to produce helmets and shields. It is a matter of minutes.

The Principality of Milan is a place built on commerce without the interference of feudal nobles. The transportation is extremely convenient, the raw materials are easy to obtain, and there are many handicraftsmen. How to open a sub-base is suitable.

Of course, Ah Fu couldn't think of this. He was evaluating the market prospects of the commodities in the brochure.

At this time, Charles asked: "How is the situation of the vegetable greenhouse at home now?"

Ah Fu replied with a bitter face: "Master, in the winter, the Marquis of Hermanlik sent someone to buy all the fresh cucumbers, and they even had a fight."

Charles frowned, and then asked, "How about the price?"

Afu said: "The price given by Marquis Hermanlik is fair, but other families have quite complained about it."

Charles asked again, "How did the orc senate react?"

This time Afu's face became even more He said: "Our greenhouse is protected by the wolf cavalry of the orcs, if Marquis Hermanlik won the Brocks according to the rules, He doesn't even expect to buy cucumbers back."

Charles was speechless. Eating fresh vegetables such as cucumbers in winter can indeed make the humans and orcs in the north hesitate to use knives and guns, just like the "Spice War".

A Fu went on to say: "This year, the corn city has begun to try to build a vegetable greenhouse. If there is no accident, there will be a harvest this winter."

Then Ah Fu suddenly whispered: "Master, the Senate said that they have prepared more than 20 girls of various kinds. They are sent to you as personal maids. It is estimated that they will come home next month."

Charles blinked, but didn't react for a while.

Ah Fu continued: "The Senate also knows that you are young, Master, so those girls are about the same age as you, and they will be fine when you are sixteen years old, Master."

Charles' face suddenly darkened, and more than 20 grandmothers were waiting for him... This day... can't pass.

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