The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

Vol 3 Chapter 507: late night rescue

The sun sets in the west, and the tired birds return to the forest.

In fact, Charles, who took on the responsibility of the chef, was frying slices of white jade meat on a thin slate.

No monsters slammed into the door today, so everyone could only use the food reserves.

Because there is no frying pan, the slate is freshly cut, the bottom is on fire, and a little oil is poured on top to be used for slate burning.

The white jade meat was quickly fried to a golden brown on both sides, exuding a fragrant taste.

Ellie squatted beside Charles, asking this and that from time to time, obviously wanting to learn how to cook.

It's just fried meat, there's nothing to hide, people with a little cooking knowledge will try it twice more.

Charles was so happy that someone took over the job of being a cook. The coachman, who always served everything in one pot, was chased away from the pot by Charles at the beginning.

On the other side, Billy and Hillie picked some wild vegetables and mushrooms in the woods next to the station, and Charles cooked a pot of mushroom vegetable soup after throwing away most of the mushrooms.

Tonight's dinner is rice cakes with such a dish and soup. Master Pietrain was very satisfied with Charles's craftsmanship and announced on the spot that he would give him a pay increase.

One day passed, and this evening it was Maria's turn to work the night shift.

She sat by the campfire, stirring the fire from time to time with a branch.

There were slight footsteps, and Maria saw Charles walking out of her tent gently.

Charles pointed to the forest in the distance and said, "I'll go and make it easier."

Maria didn't look surprised, just said, "Be careful."



A thick cloud floated across the sky, covering the moon in the sky.

The slave hunters fell asleep wrapped in blankets by several campfires, their weapons beside them.

A few people on guard outside were yawning constantly, and they could sleep for half the night after the shift.

The chirping of insects, the purring, and the crackling of the bonfires set off the tranquility of the night.

Seven cage cars were surrounded in the middle, and the leader of the slave-catching team was sleeping on the wheels of one of the cars.

This leader is the strongest existence in the slave-catching team, comparable to the captain of the murlocs. Charles felt that he was not sure that he could rescue the orcs they captured without disturbing him.

Small abnormal noises, the smell of blood, and a sudden decrease in snoring can attract the attention of light sleepers.

The ancients said that if the thief is captured first, the king is captured. If the biggest trouble is not solved first, Charles is afraid that he will be in a hard fight, and in the end, the other party will even put on a show like taking hostages.

So Charles took out a large caliber sniper rifle from the storage ring.

After Elizabeth was attacked and injured, the elves proposed to develop a firearm specially aimed at enemy masters.

After the experts from the Elf Royal Court and Rurik Kingdom went through a lot of design, experts from the two countries finally developed a large sniper with a caliber of 15mm.

Originally, there was no need for such a big killer to deal with the leader, but the plan to kill Allen was quite high in Charles' plan, so he had to familiarize himself with the use of this sniper rifle.

Charles was lying in the woods more than 300 meters away from the target, and the reticle in the scope was aimed at the target's chest.

He wasn't sure if he would miss, so he aimed at the center of the opponent's body.

For a powerful bullet, as long as it hits the torso, the opponent is a dead end. There is no difference between hitting the ribs and hitting the pork belly.

Charles adjusted his breathing, then gently pulled the trigger.

Different from the firearms in his hometown, the new firearms have now abandoned the firing pin and adopted a very magical firing method.

When the trigger is pulled to the bottom, the magic circuit that was originally disconnected is connected.

The magic power from the magic crystal in the gun stock flowed into the bottom of the bullet through the passage, and several tiny magic circles at the bottom of the bullet suddenly started at the same time, and the flames from the explosion of the magic circle ignited the surrounding propellant. A large amount of gas accelerated the bullet through the barrel and pushed it out of the muzzle.

Experts often have an amazing intuition about the danger of life, and the leader opened his eyes the moment Charles pulled the trigger.

But it was useless. When he opened his eyes, he could only see that he seemed to be flying in the sky.

Charles did not use bullets with various functions this time, just the simplest pointed bullet.

After the bullet blasted the leader out, the momentum continued, breaking the wheels and axles behind the leader, and the whole cage suddenly fell to the ground.

The loud noise from a distance woke a lot of people, and the leaders who turned into two sections and the trolley smashed to the ground made them suddenly confused.

At this moment, a humanoid creature wearing a black robe, a white mask on its face, and a pair of slightly curved horns on its head charged into the crowd with a long sword in hand.

The first to be found were magicians and archers, and Charles found them from the very beginning.

A magician just raised his wand, and the next moment, even the man with the wand was blasted out, knocking down the archer who was aiming at the bow not far away.

Before they could get up from the ground, a long sword strung the two into a string.

Another magician released a pillar of fire at Charles, and before he could confirm whether he had hit the target, Charles' longsword stabbed him in the opposite direction from behind him.

At this time, the slave-catching team without a leader was in disarray. Some people wanted to protect the cage car. If the goods were robbed and waited for their fate, it would be worse than becoming a slave. Some people wanted to repel the enemy, but they could not form cooperation Become a gourd baby to deliver food like saving grandpa.

The people who delivered the vegetables were chopped into pieces by Charles like vegetables, and the scene was extremely bloody.

Soon some people in the slave-catching team were terrified by this scene. After some people started to turn around and run away, those who were guarding the cage car suddenly dispersed.

A layer of black smoke surrounded the surroundings at some point, and those who didn't notice the situation fell to the ground and died on the spot before they ran far.

After making up a sword for the few people who pretended to be dead, Charles confirmed that no one around would see him, so he put away the horns on his head, changed back to human form, and took off his mask.

The cage cars were all opened, and Charles took out all the orcs imprisoned inside and put them on the open space in the center of the cage cars.

The seven orcs, five males and two females, were about fourteen to eighteen years old, and their races were different.

Perhaps to prevent them from escaping, the slave hunters starved them to death.

Charles hurriedly took out the rice cereal from the grain reserve and filled each of them with half a bottle, and then briefly treated their wounds.

The orcs had already woken up when the battle started, but they were all starved to the point of exhaustion and could only be left to Charles.

Fortunately, Charles didn't look like a bad person. He gave them food and helped them heal their wounds, which made them feel a little more at ease.

At this time, a giant dragon descended from the sky, incarnated in human form and landed beside Charles.

Olympus looked at Charles with strange eyes and said, "I didn't expect you to be such a ruthless person."

When he used to pull Charles around, Charles always looked so peaceful.

Charles said to Olympus, "Angry."

Olympus then asked, "Are you going to send them away?"

Charles replied, "Send them to Corn City on the prairie first."

Olympus looked Charles up and down, and asked again, "I received a notice that I can't give you credit. Do you have enough money to cover their travel expenses now?"

Charles twitched the corners of his mouth and replied, "Send them to the Tribal Senate, say I sent them, and ask the Senate to pay."

But Olympus shook his head and said resolutely: "Sorry, I can only pay the money first, otherwise everything will be Charles felt a bit of a toothache, so he had no choice but to take that **** Charles. I took out all the money for buying bears, and at least let Olympus solve the problem of airfare money after discounting for the sake of old customers.

At this time, the orcs looked at Charles intently. The name of the hometown "The Prairie" had only been heard in the stories told by the previous parents.

Charles took out a few more jars of rice cereal, opened it, added some potion to it, and then fed it to them.

These orcs suddenly became groggy after drinking the rice cereal, and fell asleep without saying thank you.

The pod that Olympus brought was not far away, and he and Charles moved a few orcs in together, let them lie down and fasten their seat belts.

When they wake up tomorrow morning, they will be greeted by a whole new life.

Before leaving, Olympus said to Charles: "Be careful when you are in the south, a traitor from our dragon family often haunts here. The Blackrock Tower massacre was that traitor who used human greed to induce human adventurers to commit crimes. down."

"If you meet her, notify us in time. Of course, it's better if you kill her."

Charles pouted and said, "Please, are your dragons so easy to deal with? You take me for someone."

Olympus just smiled, then turned into a dragon and flew north with the pod.

Maria was visibly relieved when Charles returned to their convoy camp.

Maria asked, "Solved?"

Charles nodded and said, "Send them back to the prairie."

After he finished speaking, he returned to his tent, and then entered the dream platform to continue his study.


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