The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

Vol 3 Chapter 324: Action plan and running process

When preparing for dawn the next day, Charles, who was sleeping lightly, heard a sound from outside the room.

Several elves returned from other openings in the hall.

Their bodies were wet, covered with mud, grass clippings and leaves, and some of them were bitten by insects on their faces, apparently lurking outside all night.

"They didn't stop patrolling on rainy nights."

Charles heard the debriefing of the scouts.

"There are two more winches for transporting supplies to the mountain, and the loading places are all behind the base at the foot of the mountain."

"A stone checkpoint is set up at the intersection of the road up the mountain, and there is a checkpoint every tens of meters on the mountain road."

"There are also demons in the stronghold under the mountain."

"I learned from the conversation with the murloc patrol that they plan to use the city wall to connect the stronghold under the mountain, and build a circle of city walls to surround the mountain."


There was no good news in the report for more than half an hour. The murlocs and demons obviously strengthened the defense of the mountain, and even the storm could not stop their work.

Charles pondered after listening to it. Although this mountain is a good commanding height, there is no reason for the murlocs to invest huge manpower and material resources that do not match with them to build defensive measures that exceed their requirements.

At this time, Charles' heart was filled with anxiety, and his intuition told him that the other party's actions were not just as simple as occupying the high ground, but there must be a big conspiracy in it.

There was a voice in his heart telling him that he must go to the mountain to see it.

Although Aretosha didn't need him to act alone, he wasn't helpless either.

It is impossible to act without authorization, and all actions are not empty words.

His "walking a thousand miles alone" was an official action approved by Elizabeth. Whenever Charles went to a place, he had to contact the local troop headquarters first, and then consider how to act after coordinating with the headquarters.

If the local army is preparing to launch a big operation, and he goes to the grass and startles, causing others' early work to be wasted, then he can squat in prison until he grows old.

If he made a mistake in principle, Elizabeth and Victoria would not be able to save him. If an opening was made for him, the entire army of the elves would collapse into the ant's nest, which would be a disaster for the elves. A catastrophe that could wipe out a family.

Charles himself understands this truth. He has already figured out the context of the construction and development of the elf army, that is, according to the army building ideas left by the ancestor Philip, to shape a regular army.

In the regularized army, no one is allowed to go alone. "It is a duty to obey orders, rules and regulations must be kept in mind, and orders must be prohibited and prohibited, and consciously condense into a fighting group" is not just sung, but implemented into the bones.

Referring to the people's army in his previous life, "following orders in all actions" ranks first in the three disciplines and eight points of attention.

After entering the 21st century, writers who write about the kind of people's army soldiers who play personal heroism and do not obey discipline but win battles are either stupid or bad.

Charles always felt that the construction of the elves' army was in preparation for a great war, but he had no idea who the enemy was.

The elves have already indirectly controlled the economy of the human beings in the south of the Yangtze River, and there is no need to conquer them by force. And the elves are afraid of cold, and they don't like it because the northern area is too cold.

The Rurik Kingdom in the west was also excluded, and even humans knew that the friendship between the elves and the demons was extremely deep.

During the day, Aretosha and the scouts who returned from the reconnaissance went to rest in the room. Charles, who has rested for the night, no longer occupies the lounge. He sits at the long table in the hall and writes his plan of action to sneak into the top of the mountain.

There was another elf in the hall with Charles, who rested in another room last night and was on guard during the day.

She watched curiously for a while at Charles, who was concentrating on writing, and then took a can of drinking from a side cabinet and placed it beside Charles.

The hall inside the cave was terribly quiet, except for the rustling sound of Charles writing, there was only the faint sound of breathing.

With the relationship between Aretosha and Elizabeth, Charles felt that Aretosha must know the details of his bloodline, so he didn't mind revealing a little bit of his abilities.

The plan written by Charles is very simple, that is, he uses space magic to open a tunnel from the mountain to the top of the mountain. When he was digging shelters in the mountains before, he mastered the skills of digging out large spaces in the mountains.

If the plan is successful, the elven warriors can even quietly climb to the top of the mountain through the tunnel.

Charles intends to submit the action plan to Aretosha for review first, and if she does not agree, Charles will submit the plan to the army headquarters in Crystal City.

As an administrator, Aretosha is only the second-in-command of the army, and the first-in-command is the commander of the army.

If not, Charles can submit the action plan directly to Elizabeth.

If Elizabeth also vetoes this plan of action, there is nothing he can do.

If he submits his plan of action to Queen Victoria, there is no second chance that he will be hanged and beaten by the Queen.

On orders from Elizabeth, Charles could seek help from the local commander.

This order was given by Elizabeth. If the Crystal City Command vetoes Charles' order, Charles can go through the appeal process and submit the action plan on the grounds that the local garrison does not cooperate. Finally, Elizabeth will judge whether to issue a new order to let Crystal City cooperate with Charles. .

If Charles went to Queen Victoria to submit a plan of action, it would be a leap of faith. This kind of behavior makes no sense in the elf royal court to slap Elizabeth in the face with the sole of her shoe.

Fortunately, the elves have begun to equip new magic communication devices on a large to make the running process extremely fast.

In the afternoon, Aretosha and the other elven scouts woke up.

The elves who came to the hall first complained about Charles's behavior of eating the eggs of the cockscomb snake.

Two elf scouts originally came back from the entrance of the cave where Charles came in. As a result, they were startled by the snakes outside the entrance and had to make a detour to return here from another entrance.

Just out of the room, Aretosha, who was still yawning, was stunned when she saw the action plan that Charles handed him.

Then Aretosha sat at one end of the long table, away from the scouts who were bragging and chatting while eating, and began to study Charles' plan.

The plan to open a passage in the mountain is extremely tempting, especially when the elves can sneak up on the top of the mountain through it.

Aretosha sighed and decided to bring the action plan written by Charles back to Crystal City for a meeting and discussion.

If we really want to implement this plan, we cannot do without the cooperation of other parties.

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