The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

Vol 3 Chapter 319: with full force

If someone was here at this moment, he would definitely complain about the elves who combined the Spanish phalanx and the hollow phalanx.

When the storm of change of the times just started at the end of Granny Smith, a group of elves with strong insight and keen thinking, represented by George and Cordova, started to carry out various reforms, large or small.

This time, the "Cordoba Square", which took the murloc's mountain warfare training camp to try out, is one of the many reform attempts of the elves.

After trying out the "Hornet" type burst gun, the elves found that this kind of weapon, which has been unforgettable by the brave warriors, has great potential, especially after using the newly developed propellant, its power is stronger than theirs. The black powder toys made in handicraft classes when they were more than 100 years old were several orders of magnitude larger.

Gradually, the sound of developing muskets to replace bows and arrows began to appear among elves.

In this context, Cordova considered the characteristics of the current burst guns that have strong explosive power in a short period of time, but slow reloading time. After synthesizing existing tactics and other new weapons, he invented a medium and long-range weapon. A formation in which firepower output is the main means of killing.

On the battlefield, with a burst of gunfire, the Elf Archer suddenly turned into a Musketeer.

The long-range arms and small phalanxes arranged in the four corners of the large phalanx cross-fire on the murlocs in front of them from the two wings. The tall murlocs are a good target at a distance of tens of meters, and the elves can hit the shots. their bodies.

Bullets at this distance can penetrate the armor made of the sea beast's shell on the murlocs and cause them a lot of damage.

The formation of the murlocs about to charge suddenly stopped, and the murlocs in the front row immediately fell.

Many elves were worried that the bullets at such a distance would not be powerful enough, so they chose to aim at the weakly protected legs of the murlocs. Under the cross shot, if you miss the legs of the murlocs in front, you will also hit the murlocs behind.

Some of the murlocs who were hit were killed on the spot, and a small number of them were seriously injured and lost their combat effectiveness because of multiple gunshots. The worst was the murlocs who were shot in both legs, and even the murlocs who were shot in the left leg, right leg, left leg, and they rolled on the ground in pain.

The musketeer who completed a shot immediately put the gun on his shoulder, and immediately behind the wizard took the empty gun away and loaded it, and at the same time handed over the other musket that had been loaded with bullets.

It's not dense, but it can be said that the endless rain of bullets will shoot the enemies in the front row, and the magicians will attack the enemies in the back row with magic.

The murlocs, who had to go underwater without a shield, immediately paid a high tuition fee with their lives.

Seeing the heavy losses ahead, the murlocs flanking on both sides immediately launched a charge to try to break into the phalanx of musketeers and magicians.

At this time, the musketeer immediately came out with a round of firepower, and after firing all the bullets in the gun, he turned around and disappeared into the large square under the cover of the magician.

Taking advantage of the weakening firepower, the murlocs, who had suffered heavy casualties on the charge road in just a few dozen meters, finally rushed to the spear formation of the elves.

However, what greeted them was the flickering spear head.

The pikemen who were waiting seriously, armed with pikes, stabbed fiercely towards the murlocs who came to the front.

At this time, the murloc was horrified to find that his weapon was not long enough for the enemy.

When fighting in the mountains, due to the influence of terrain and vegetation, the equipment of the soldiers is basically not too long, which will affect the mobility and use effect.

Only the wealthy elves, after mobilizing a lot of storage rings, transported these long spears, which were only used in large-scale frontal battles in open areas, to the mountains.

The murloc soldiers shoved their weapons away from the spears in front of them, trying to open a gap for them to rush in.

As a result, the long spears in front of them were layer upon layer, and there was another layer after they opened up.

The most important thing is that whenever the murloc is stabbed by the spear, a cold light flashes on the spear head, and a sharp wind blade shoots out from the spear head.

If the murloc that was stabbed had a magic shield, this wind blade could still be blocked.

However, the murlocs had already been dissipated from the formation just now, and the magic power had dissipated in sync. With his magic shield, he could not stop the spearheads that were stabbing at him.

For a time, the battle on the pikemen defense line was extremely bloody.

The elf pikemen, who are unrelenting towards the enemy, stabbed at the joints of the murloc armor. Whenever there is a feeling of stabbing the enemy, immediately activate the wind blade on the head of the gun.

The legs and waists of many murloc soldiers were cut by wind blades. If they still have a magic shield on them, they will be slightly injured at most. If there is no magic shield, or the defense of the magic shield is not enough, the wind blade will leave a huge wound, or directly cut off anything in front of it.

Before long, the murlocs, complete or incomplete, lay on the ground, their blood making the ground slippery.

Seeing that it was difficult for the spear formation of the elves to get close to the soldiers to break through in a short period of time, the second-line murlocs raised their javelins again, preparing to open a gap with long-range attacks.

At such a close distance, the murloc's javelin is terrifyingly lethal.

As long as there is a gap in the spear formation, the murlocs who use short weapons to melee attack undoubtedly have a huge advantage.

At this moment, the world showed her unscientific but magical side.

After the elf magicians retreated into the square, they jointly cast an earth wall technique.

The earth wall is not high, and it reaches the waist of the elf.

But this thick earth wall—or an earthen bank—was enough for the elven musketeers to stand on top of the pikemen and shoot at the murlocs ready to tender their guns.

After a round of bullet rain, only a few javelins were thrown, injuring a few elves.

Cordova and George, who were standing on the podium, were now focusing their attention on the murloc barracks ahead.

Not long after the two flanks were in contact with the enemy, the murlocs in the murloc barracks began to use simple wooden bridges to frame the trenches in front of the gap in the barracks wall.

At this moment, the main force of the murlocs who have been prepared is killing the elves in two ways through the wooden bridge in front of the gap and the suspension bridge on the gate of the military camp.

The main force of the murlocs lined up in a standard formation of two sword and shield soldiers in the front, javelinmen in the middle, and archers and magicians in the rear, and attacked the junction of the two wings of the elf phalanx and the front.

"Come on!" Cordova was a little nervous, the flanking attack just now was just an appetizer, and the next thing was the dinner of the battle.

George nodded there. The enemy's commanders were still level. They did not directly attack the front. Instead, they took advantage of the fact that their formation's mobility was about zero and it was difficult to turn. A gap may be made in a short period of time.

"You can consider making the formation a little more rounded in the future." Cordova smiled.

The distance between the enemy and us is not far, and the enemy is coming quickly. At this time, the magic battle between the main force of the murlocs and the elf army formation is about to start.

Cordova's voice just fell, and then he ordered: "Fire coverage!"

At this moment, the "Cordoba Square" finally revealed all its minions.

In the new discussion brought by this new weapon, the whole army in the Wutong City area has reached a consensus - in future operations, long-range attacks and non-contact operations will gradually become the mainstream of war, and ordinary melee arms will gradually disappear. , maybe when they retire, there will be no spearmen, sword and shield soldiers in the army.

Therefore, the melee soldiers in the "Cordoba Phalanx" chose mainly the pikemen who were good for defense, supplemented by the flexible sword and shield soldiers. Their main task was to protect the long-range attacking troops behind them.

The elevation angle of the "Charles Pineapple" launcher has been raised almost to the top of the head, and the elves operating the "Charles Pipe Organ" have just adjusted the engine power on the rockets to the minimum, reducing their range to the limit.

With Cordova's order, "Big Pineapple" and "Pipe Organ" were launched at the same time, they flew into the night sky, and then fell on their respective targets.

The rocket flew over the battlefield and fell into the murloc's barracks, covering the reserves in the barracks.

At the same time, the watchtower in the barracks, which was constantly signaling, became the focus of attention, and two rockets were aimed specifically at it.

Huge black "big pineapples" fell into the sky, hitting the heads of the murloc magicians and archers who were preparing to release magic and arrows to attack the elf army formation.

The first batch of "big pineapples" that fell blew the magic shield that enveloped the murlocs back to the magical element, and the second batch of "big pineapples" that came to the door brought a **** storm.

The musketeers and magicians behind the pikemen aimed at the javelinmen behind the sword and shield soldiers at the same time. This leaping long-range attack caused heavy losses to the javelinmen who were caught off guard.

For a time, the main force of the murlocs suffered heavy losses. Only the iron turtle-like sword and shield soldiers did not receive many casualties and were still moving forward slowly.

Cordova and George don't care about these sword and shield soldiers who are still tens of meters away from themselves, as long as they use their extreme firepower to eliminate the opponent's long-range attack force in a short time, so that the iron turtle will lose the magic of defense pressure. In front of the teacher is almost like a real tortoise.

It only took less than fifteen to appear among the murlocs the first deserter who turned and fled.

Then, more and more deserters.

When the Murloc Sword and Shield Soldiers who fought hard with the Elf Pikemen realized that something was wrong, the friendly forces behind them almost escaped.

Under the full care of the musketeers and magicians, the sword and shield soldiers who lost their armor and armor were able to escape back to the barracks.

Cordova turned to George and said, "Let's clear the stock and go back."

George nodded.

A few minutes later, under the order of Cordova, the rockets and "big pineapples" that were finally used to prevent accidents all smashed into the training camp of the murlocs.

In the end, George ordered the entire army to retreat, and the only murlocs left in the training camp had no intention of pursuing them.

This jenny invested a lot of manpower and material resources, and the mountain warfare training camp originally planned to train mountain warfare troops to try to use professional mountain warfare teams to raid Osmanthus City again is a waste.

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