The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

Vol 2 Chapter 297: Parenting artifact

After supper, Elizabeth was in the study, taking advantage of the spare time of the day, to examine Charles' magic papers.

Charles, who was standing opposite her, didn't dare to let out the air, because now the expression on her face was gloomy, like the weather outside.

Charles stood there anxiously waiting for the result. He would not think about egg tarts tonight. It would be good to see if the situation was not made into egg tarts.

After a long time, Elizabeth put down the test paper in her hand, then raised her head and said to Charles in an emotionless tone, "Go back to your room to rest first."

Charles heaved a sigh of relief when he saw this, then quickly turned and left Elizabeth's room.

What he didn't know was that, not long after he left the room, Elizabeth took out a brand new copy of "99 Tips for Raising Children - Boys Edition" from the drawer. Majesty" wrote "1921.4.2, the effect is very good, Charles felt nervous..." in the blank space at the end of the article.

Then she turned to the next page, where the title of the article was "The Feather Duster and the Clothes Rack."

After reading the article, Elizabeth frowned, thinking in her mind that ordinary bamboo feather dusters and wooden drying racks should not be able to break Charles' defense, should they be made of steel?

Charles, who had returned to his room, felt a chill rise from behind him.

At this time, on the road of educating children, she realized that she was insufficient, and Elizabeth, who was officially a novice, did not realize that she had made a dogmatic mistake.

At the same time the next night, Charles went to Elizabeth's room for a late report. But he was surprised when he saw Elizabeth playing with a delicate bird of paradise feather duster in her hand.

"Sister, what is this in your hand?" Charles asked curiously.

"A duster for cleaning up dust." Elizabeth said with a black line.

This morning, before she went to work, she called a squire, "buy me a sturdy duster and come back." That's what she told the squire.

Elizabeth's attendants came from all over the country. The attendant was not familiar with the local situation in Osmanthus City, so he found a local staff member to cooperate with them.

"The commander needs a sturdy duster," the attendant told the staff.

The local government of Osmanthus City had long since set the policy of "No trivial matter for Her Royal Highness", and Elizabeth's request came to the administrator's desk in less than a quarter of an hour.

So the administrator of Osmanthus City ordered: "Prepare a sturdy and durable duster for Her Royal Highness as quickly as possible."

There are also stories in this world similar to the king ploughing the land with a gold hoe. It is true or false, but the princess used a feather duster that is more expensive than the same weight of gold to hammer it on this day.

How can the feather duster used by Her Royal Highness use ordinary chicken feathers?

The bird of paradise, which only lives in the sea of ​​elf trees, is the most gorgeous bird on this continent. Its feathers are brightly colored, and it is not afraid of water and fire. It is the first choice for making the highest-grade feather accessories.

Among the many colors of the bird of paradise, the bright red bird of paradise is the most precious.

It is impossible to find this bird of paradise now. Fortunately, Osmanthus City is not a small city. There are some workshops that make jewelry and hats. It takes half a day to prepare the required feathers.

The material of the duster's rod can't be inferior. It is too tacky to use gold directly, and the hardness of sterling silver is too small, so only the magic alloy with bright luster, hard wear resistance and light weight can be used.

With the efforts of Osmanthus City, when Elizabeth returned to her room after dinner, a brand new bird of paradise feather duster like a huge torch was placed on the desk.

Osmanthus City also provided a beautiful stand for the duster.

It was because Elizabeth was well-informed, and she was stunned by this low-key and luxurious duster at the time.

She tried it out, and it was surprisingly good.

Charles also has a black line. He said: "Some people in my house once thought that the bath tub in my house was made of gold. It seems that their vision is still low. In the future, I will tell them that the Elf Princess's duster is better than the gold bath tub. expensive."

At this time, Elizabeth came out from behind the desk with the duster, raised it and asked Charles, "Would you like to try it?"

Judging the opponent's attack range based on the opponent's arm length and weapon length is the basic skill of every martial artist. Charles jumped back subconsciously at this time, because he saw that Elizabeth was holding the part of the feather.

"Sister, don't you want to hit me with it?" Charles asked cautiously.

At this time, Elizabeth showed a villain's expression and said, "Be careful if you don't behave well in the future."

"The most dangerous arrow is the unfired arrow on the bowstring." It is said in "The Feather Duster and the Clothes Rack".

Charles' forehead began to sweat, "Sister, I remember that the Elf Royal Court once issued a law, which prohibits parents from corporal punishment of children under the age of 50."

The law he mentioned is true, and it appeared in those years as a supporting policy to reward the birth policy.

At this time, Elizabeth suddenly smiled grimly, "Don't you know that the Elf Royal Court also issued a judicial interpretation on the conversion of human age and elves' age?"

At this time, Charles immediately took out a spare shield to protect him, "Sister, we should advocate making this world full of love and abandoning violence."

"Have you ever heard of 'beating is scolding is love'?" Elizabeth asked.

Charles shook his head hurriedly, and then said, "I'm so cute, why are you hitting me!"

Elizabeth kept walking around looking for Charles' flaws, and said at the same time: "You should have heard of 'hitting children in the rain-, idle is idle'?"

"That's a misunderstanding caused by the human dialect somewhere in the south where 'shoe' sounds like the lingua franca 'child'!" Charles shielded himself with a shield, although he could see that Elizabeth was making trouble Have fun, but don't dare to take it lightly.

He continued: "And it's not raining now."


After a few cloudy days, a late spring rain finally fell.

The rain fell like pearls from the night sky, then rolled down from the eaves, and shattered into pieces on the ground.

The rainwater on the ground continued to flow downwards, and finally merged into the rushing stream, or it got into the soil and became quiet inside.

The farmers smiled and looked at the raindrops outside the window. The crops that drink enough water in the spring thrive in the summer, and this autumn will definitely be a harvest festival.

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