The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

Vol 2 Chapter 250: reluctant to have children...

Elizabeth was woken up by the staff officer, and then quickly came to the command room.

She took the parchment handed over by the communications staff and asked at the same time, "Have you confirmed the identity of the other party?"

The communications staff replied: "Report to the commander, the identity of the other party has been preliminarily confirmed, and the incoming message also contains secret words that need your confirmation."

They had just defeated the murlocs by fake communication not long ago, and now they are on guard against the murlocs using the same way to do it. Moreover, Charles and the others skipped the report because of the emergency of the military situation, which did not meet the requirements of the regulations, so any caution is not excessive.

Elizabeth took the parchment and looked at it. The first line she looked up was Charles' secret words.

The so-called secret language is something that only Elizabeth and Charles know, and the content of the message begins with "Dream, beaten."

The corners of Elizabeth's mouth twitched. When Charles called her "Plain Fairy" in the dream, only the two of them, Leif and Nicholas II knew that they were beaten by her, so it was clear that the other party was Charles.

As soon as the murlocs said they wanted to negotiate, especially as soon as the negotiating conditions with little sincerity were opened, the elves knew that they were throwing smoke bombs and delaying time.

It just so happens that the elves also need time to build the village fortification, so both sides are invariably in vain.

In order to make the murlocs think that the elves were fooled, Elizabeth even threw out her grandfather to block the gun.

Of course, it was a rumor that inspired him, but the source of the rumor has not been traced.

At this time, a map of the Durian City area was hung on the wall, and the coordinates of the enemy had been marked on it.

Because she often went to Durian City to visit her grandfather when she was a child, Elizabeth knew the terrain west of Durian City very well.

She estimated that the murloc troops landed from the southern coast of the forest sea - there are many cliffs and cliffs, there are very few places to land, and only a few river mouths are convenient for landing - and then head north in the forest sea, but I don't know The target they are going to attack is Durian City or a target north of Durian City.

However, considering that it is extremely difficult to march on a large scale in the forest, there is a high chance that the opponent's goal is Durian City.

But that's just a high probability, and it doesn't mean that the enemy's actions will necessarily follow their own thoughts.

Then Elizabeth's gaze was fixed on a place in the forest sea in the southwest of Durian City that had not moved for a long time, that place was the most suitable for a battle of annihilation.

But how to attract the murlocs into the encirclement without disturbing the murlocs is a huge problem.

After more than half an hour, she gritted her teeth and stomped her feet, reluctant that the child could not catch the fish, so she asked Charles what he meant.

??split line??


"Gu Mingdi Sanxian."

The murlocs who went out to investigate this morning caught a human child who was sleeping soundly on a tree. The child was wearing shabby equipment, wearing only a mask, a backpack with a lot of plants, and a fast-wearing bag. Scrap bag.

The murloc scout who caught the captive immediately took him to the camp where the entire army was resting.

The officer interrogating him didn't seem to be very comfortable, and the other hand kept scratching his body while he was writing a few scribbles on the parchment.

"Why are you here?" the murloc officer continued to ask.

Gu Mingdi Sanxian answered honestly: "I am a student of Wisteria College. In order to make money to pay tuition, I asked my elf friend to let me work here. I received a task in Durian City a few days ago, that is, I came to the forest to look for it. Several herbs."

Under the influence of the weak mental aura, the murloc officer accepted the other's statement without thinking for a long time.

He continued to scratch as he wrote, while Gu Mingdi Sanxian continued there: "I have a friend at school who is also a murloc. Her name is Meliti. She is very beautiful. But she is fierce and often beats us."

"Oh?" The officer raised his head curiously and glanced at Gu Mingdi Sanxian, "What color is her hair?"

Gu Mingdi Sanxian immediately replied: "White, the same color as her feet, her eyes are black. Master, do you know her too?"

The officer smiled "hehe", "Who in the sea doesn't want to know her?"

"She is so powerful?" Gu Mingdi Sanxian asked in surprise.

The officer scratched his itch and said, "If you marry her, you won't have to fight in this life."

As a result, Gu Mingdi Sanxian shuddered, "I can't beat her, and I'm so ugly, how could she like me."

Then he said: "Master, I see that you are always itchy, maybe you have been laid eggs by insects. There are herbs in my back basket, and it will be fine if you apply it on it."

"Really?!" The officer was surprised at first, and then asked happily.

Almost all murlocs in the military camp now have such symptoms, but the severity is different.

"Of course it's true, I'm using this myself, that is the handful of long white roots in the back basket." Gu Mingdi Sanxian said sincerely, "If we don't use herbs to kill the eggs in the skin in time, After a few days, the worms hatch and burrow in while eating meat."

The officer suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, and immediately asked Gu Mingdi Sanxian to take out the medicine.

But he didn't lose his vigilance. He said, "You try it on yourself first."

Gu Mingdi Sanxian took a grass root that looked like a thatch, wiped the soil on it, rolled up his sleeves, and smashed the grass root, and smeared it on a dense red spot the size of a fingernail on his left arm.

After half an hour, the place where he applied the grassroot juice was no longer working. Then he squeezed it as hard as he could, and in addition to the old mud, there were some white spots.

"These white spots are the eggs laid by bugs." Gu Mingdi Sanxian said.

The officer called a few soldiers and told them to try too.

The soldiers responded that in addition to the burning sensation at the beginning, those areas soon stopped itching, and then they also picked up the eggs.

In the end, the officer tried it himself and found that this grassroots really worked.

The question about Gu Mingdi Sanxian was completed just after waiting for the herbal medicine to take effect. The answers he answered were basically based on the last time he was caught, but he optimized some details. trouble to come.

During the period, a murloc wanted to take off his mask, but he couldn't take it off, so he believed the statement that he accidentally put on the cursed mask.

And there's a good explanation for him running to this place alone, especially after the unbelieving officer poured a bit of the "Stinky Beast" potion from his purse inside the tent.

As for his age, it is not a big problem. It is a common phenomenon that the children of the poor are headed early.

Then the officer took him to the coach's tent.

Gu Mingdi Sanxian did not expect that the commander of this army was actually a **** and a middle-aged woman with a charming charm.

A burst of coercion erupted from her body, and Gu Mingdi Sanxian suddenly fell to the ground, then hugged his head and cried, curled up and shouted, "Don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

Karen put away her momentum, and said coldly: "As long as you concentrate on doing things for us, I guarantee that you can go back alive, and you can take as much money as you can in Durian You know? ?"

"Yes yes yes!" Gu Mingdi Sanxian nodded hurriedly, "I must work hard."

Karen gave a "hmm" and said, "Now you go and teach our people to pick herbs."

Then she waved her hand, and a small pearl fell on Gu Mingdi Sanxian's hand.

Karen continued: "Do well, I will not treat you badly, this is the reward I pay first."

Gu Mingdi Sanxian bowed his thanks and followed Karen's bodyguard out of the tent.

This kind of herb is not difficult to find, it is available in many places in the forest, but it is difficult to harvest enough for tens of thousands of murlocs.

Charles first taught ten murlocs where to find this herb and how to distinguish it from the grass, and then these murlocs taught this method to more murlocs.

In this way, the one who broke into the enemy's interior successfully delayed the murlocs for two days.

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