The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

Vol 2 Chapter 245: Discovery from spiders

In order to deal with the possible attack of murlocs, Xueling Village began to repair the stone walls and build new towers and shelters under the guidance and help of the military.

According to the plan, guard posts were built on hilltops and intersections within five kilometers outside the village to provide early warning to the village. The stone walls of the village are heightened and thickened on the original basis, and a defensive magic circle is set up. Find several suitable places outside the village to build concealed shelters for children to take shelter before the fighting begins.

At noon one day, Charles came out of the dense woods in the west with his comrades in the squad. In front of them, is a team of snow mountain village soldiers leading the way.

Each elf in this small team is carrying a huge basket, and it can be seen that the contents of the basket are heavy.

There is now a huge construction site outside the village, where villagers and warriors tinkle to shape stones quarried from the mountains into the desired shape.

A row of large pots was lined up near the stone wall. Many pots were burning with firewood, and white steam was bubbling from the pots. Young elves were stirring the contents of the pots with long sticks.

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Under the leadership of Woodward, the newly arrived elves dumped the fresh slime corpses in the baskets on their backs on the open space not far from the pot.


With a flick of Charles' hand, more slime corpses poured out of his storage ring.

The villagers who had been waiting for their return immediately took the slime corpses into an empty pot and smashed them into pieces, and then poured the sifted lime, clay powder and fine sand into the pot in proportion. .

After the villagers ignited the firewood under the pot, they kept stirring with wooden sticks to make the various materials evenly mixed and prevent the bottom from sticking.

After the slime's moisture has been boiled down, the slime mortar will be used to bond the stones of the stone wall.

Before cement, there were even slime bricks made in a similar way. Its strength is limited, but it's waterproof.

Charles even heard that dwarves were researching how to add cooked and denatured slimes to cement to make waterproof materials.

Today's task is completed, Charles sighed with relief. They take a break in the afternoon, then continue to hunt for slimes in the woods to the west tomorrow morning.

"Charles!" Someone called him not far from Charles.

Charles looked over and saw an old elf with white hair waving at him.

He immediately trotted all the way to the front of the old elf, "Mr. Fleming, why are you here?"

Fleming took Charles' hand and dragged him into the village, "I've been waiting for you for a while. I heard that you are free in the afternoon, so I will take you to see my research results now."

Seeing this, Charles could only follow him.

When Charles and the others first came here that day, this Fleming searched all the way to find him. Then Fleming said that he had a very great project and wanted to ask Charles to report it to Queen Victoria.

At first, Charles thought that he had encountered a liar, but after asking the village chief and getting assurance from the village chief that Fleming had been studying something they were not aware of, Charles agreed to take a look at it when he had time.

According to Queen Victoria's policy of "according to the domestic and foreign market demand, give full play to the advantages of local resources, so that one or several villages have one or several leading products and industries with great market potential, obvious regional characteristics and high added value", Xueling The village now mainly produces spider silk.

Here, specially selected spiders will lie down in a small cage under the control of animal trainers when they take silk. Properly stimulate the spider so that it produces silk while the worker rotates the drum to collect the silk.

Between the spider and the drum is a kettle like a teapot. The newly produced spider silk will lose its stickiness after passing through the steam sprayed from the kettle.

The spiders are usually treated well. That day, the pupae that Charles and the others ate were also a delicious meal for the spiders. The spiders would go out to the woods on the surrounding mountains for two days every three days of silk production.

At the same time, the silk they spit out when they release the wind also has other uses.

Fleming's family owns a spider silk workshop. After he managed the workshop for children many years ago, he has been doing his own research all day long.

He found that Charles was interested in the production of spider silk, so he took Charles around the workshop first.

Finally, they came to the place where the spiders were kept. It was like a chicken farm, and the spiders lived in stacked cages.

Here just happens that workers pick the right spiders to mate with.

Fleming took Charles to the spider cage in a separate room next door, put on gloves, opened the cage and took out a volleyball-sized spider, then said to Charles: "Look at it 's carapace."

Charles leaned his head over and saw a spot on the black and white spider's carapace that looked like red fuzz. He took a closer look and found that the red thing was not fluff, but the hyphae of a fungus.

Fleming explained to him: "The spider is infected with Rhododendron, which is very difficult to eradicate. They make the spider uncomfortable and in severe cases can kill the spider."

Then he took out a few spiders, and these spiders were all infected with several kinds of fungi.

He then took Charles to the cage across the room and took out one of the spiders inside for Charles to see.

At this time, Charles narrowed his eyes, and he suddenly saw the point.

The carapace and abdomen of this sluggish-looking spider were almost covered with red hairy fungi, but there was a green hypha growing on its abdomen, and there was a clearing between the two colors of hyphae.


Charles almost jumped up.

His Elvish language is used as a textbook on the pharmacy books of Harkara, so he knows a lot of medical knowledge.

In addition to disinfecting the infected place with various methods, the world's method of treating infection is mainly to enhance the body's immunity through medicine, magic or magic, so that the body's own immune system can eliminate the invaders.

However, the bacteria in this world are not vegetarian, and some bacteria even have a trace of magic power, and ordinary methods can't kill them.

Bacteria often engage in a tug-of-war with the host's immune system in the human body, making the host ill for a long time. More seriously, some hosts are killed by bacteria before their resistance is raised.

It would be much easier if there were antibiotics. At least non-magical bacteria can be solved, after all, such bacteria are more common.

Fleming's next explanation confirmed Charles' idea, and he introduced to Charles that he had discovered that this green fungus, when it reproduces, secretes a substance that can kill other surrounding bacteria.

Then he took Charles to a laboratory not far away, where the temperature was a little higher than outside, and a shelf was filled with circular petri dishes.

Under Fleming's introduction, Charles saw that he had done a lot of experiments. The antibiotics secreted by the green molds could kill many kinds of bacteria.

Then Fleming handed Charles a stack of information, which was an animal experiment on this green bacterial secretion Ordinary livestock and poultry did not have any adverse reactions to this antibiotic.

Charles, who knew nothing about antibiotics, barely spoke the whole time, just listened carefully to Fleming's introduction, and only asked in detail what those words meant when the other party used some technical terms he didn't know.

At the beginning, he was fortunate to learn Elvish language from Halcala's pharmacy books, and he understood most medical terms.

Charles doesn't know how to get antibiotics. His knowledge, cheats and golden fingers are not helpful in this regard. He only remembers that the raw materials for penicillin in his hometown are related to corn starch.

But now that this green bacteria grows on spiders, it is still a question whether cornstarch can be applied. What if people can reproduce through slimes?

Adhering to the concept of "shut up if you don't understand", Charles didn't say much after listening to Fleming's introduction. Instead, he borrowed his desk to help him write a letter of introduction, explaining what he saw and heard here. Everything and a little bit of my own thoughts on "antibiotics" were written in it, and then let Fleming take the letter to Durian City to find old Charles.

Xiao Yi believed that old Charles could see the value in it.

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