The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

Vol 2 Chapter 231: Calm before the storm

Jenny, who was sitting in his office, looked at the latest reports from the various departments handed over from the communication room next door. Each department now said that while consolidating their positions, they sent a small force to the north to conduct reconnaissance.

Even Eugene reported that after the reinforcements arrived, he moved slightly forward to find a place that was easy to defend and difficult to attack, and then sent several teams to the surrounding area to conduct reconnaissance.

After reading the report and studying the map for two hours, he reported to Eugene, asking him to attack Durian City step by step for the camp after the reconnaissance was done. Then send a report to other ministries, and on the basis of a solid defense, a small number of troops can be sent north to attack and contain the elves.

He intends to capture the Elf King Charles alive, threaten the elves with hostages to sign a ceasefire agreement, and first consolidate the place currently occupied.

Because he punched a hole in the wall between the office and the interrogation room the other day, it is now convenient to pass documents on both sides.

After finishing this matter, Jenny walked out of the office to the rooftop on the top of the building, looking out to the north under the setting sun.

He knew that the telegrams under his command must be inaccurate, at least it was impossible to stay on the ten-kilometer line honestly.

It's just that the murlocs of the Osm Kingdom have too little knowledge of the magic communication system, and the triangulation system he ordered to develop still has no clue so far, otherwise he can know the true positions of these teams.

And if he hadn't mastered the military power this time, Osm Kingdom would not have imported so many expensive magical communication systems through special channels.

"Sure enough, all the red deer in the sea." Jenny thought, "Sure enough, it is better to return to the land."

Then Jenny turned his eyes to the west, where he had always felt something dangerous.

At this time, Halle Belle walked to the rooftop, and she reported to Jenny: "Report to your Royal Highness, I need to report to you about the Danio family."

"What happened to his family?" asked Jenny, who plans to start touting the feat of Sebastian, Bob and Danio tomorrow, with Danio's family being an important part of the publicity effort.

Halle Bailey said: "Danio's family was picked up by Princess Judy of the Kingdom of Hafeth, on the grounds that Princess Judy was moved by Danio's feat and would give the Danio family a dignified life. "

Jenny continued to watch the sunset that was about to fall into the sea in the distance and remained silent.

The Kingdom of Heffis, located in the northeastern part of the Osm kingdom, was once the mortal enemy of the Osm murlocs, but that was when the Osm murlocs were driven to the south thousands of years ago.

When Johnny first took command of the army, the troops were stationed on the border between Osm and Hefeis. He once dispatched troops without authorization in an attempt to seize a sea ranch on the side of the border at Hefeis, but was beaten in disgrace.

Although there have been such conflicts, the two countries have maintained a superficial friendship.

After thinking about it for a while, Jenny said, "Forget it, let them go. It's an honor for Danio to be tolerated by the princess of Hefeis."

?( ̄? ̄)

"What's the matter, a cold?" The old elf handed Danio a coarse handkerchief.

"It's alright." Danio wiped it with his sleeve and didn't take the old elf's handkerchief, "Let's continue."

After speaking, Danio continued to fill the tomb with the shovel.

Danio has a lot of friends in the army. Now he has taken refuge with the elves. All of his friends were killed by the elves. Under the contradiction, he asked the old elves if he could bury his comrades with dignity first, so that he could have a chance in the future. If so, let them go home.

The old elf agreed immediately, so after coordinating all parties, he arranged a place with good feng shui in the mountains as a murloc cemetery.

After rounding up the grave of the last comrade-in-arms, Danio carried his and the old elf's shovel and walked behind the old elf towards Wocao Ridge.

After washing his hands by Charles' Well, Danio said to the old elf, "I thank you for all that you have done for them, sir, on behalf of my comrades."

The old elf sitting on the bench in the gazebo smiled kindly, "The believers of the God of Life and the believers of the God of the Sea should have loved each other like relatives."

In this world, there are two gods who manage water. Humans believe in the water **** who manages fresh water, and the murlocs believe in the sea **** who manages salt water. There are also many humans and elves who run sea boats who believe in the sea god.

For the convenience of fetching water, the five brigades stationed in Wocaoling arranged the cafeterias around Charles Well, and in the aroma of dinner, the old elf continued to say to Danio: "It's a pity, it's just because some careerists have all the water in the water. Unfulfilled greed..."

Danio also sat in the gazebo, listening quietly to the old elf. He still learned from the old elf that the kingdom of Osm practiced serfdom, and it was under this system that he himself was exploited by the nobles.

Just as the old elf was holding a bowl and explaining to Danio what backward production relations impede the development of productivity, Charles was eating canned food while studying the "Directional Lei No. 3" that used an iron pan as the main body of the cartridge case in front of him. ".

Since the end of last year, Philip's dragon friend Seamus finally spent more than 300 years developing the safe, cheap, powerful and easy-to-produce explosives proposed by Philip and accidentally blew up his own laboratory. While the world was blocking the news among the people, it arranged for small batch production.

After the production of this explosive, some of the explosives were sent as samples to the Elf King's Court for trial use.

Elizabeth used Charles to run around to seduce the murlocs, and the bomb that eventually killed the murloc marshal Sheldon used such explosives.

Seeing that the feedback was working well, Elizabeth immediately placed an order with Nicholas II.

This time, Nicholas II was very happy. For every kilogram of this explosive purchased by the elves, the profit was enough to equip the Rurik Kingdom with two kilograms.

Just when Charles and the others came to Durian City, the explosives from the Rurik Kingdom arrived at the station.

Charles didn't know about this at first. He only mentioned the kind of explosives that he used at the beginning, but he didn't expect that kind of explosives are now piled up in the warehouse outside the station.

Then came old Charles, who went straight to Victoria's door and deducted half of the explosives.

According to the idea given by Charles, the elves made a simple directional mine with old helmets tinkered in the warehouse and scrap steel **** removed from the bearings on the After the pig in armor, everyone was very satisfied with this directional mine.

During the few days after Eugene's landing, the elves used old helmets, iron pots and other materials to create a wide variety of directional mines with various shrapnel, in addition to jumping mines and armor-piercing projectiles. A prototype, and then these mines were brought directly to the battlefield for field experiments.

Eugene did not know that the reconnaissance team he sent had become the target of the experiment, and he was now studying the map with the order of His Royal Highness.

His Royal Highness ordered Eugene to start concentrating his troops to quickly raid Durian City tomorrow, when other battlefields would simultaneously launch an attack to the north to support his actions.

Then His Royal Highness the Prince severely criticized Eugene and other generals for bragging about chatting by using an expensive magic communication system, because this would cause equipment loss and fatigue of the communication soldiers, and may even delay the fighter jets.

Seeing this, Eugene shrank his neck, and he started chatting with the magic communication system, so he decided to add food to the communication soldiers tonight.

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