The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

Vol 2 Chapter 196: ups and downs

Since an editorial in the Elven Court and news of the creation of the Southern War Zone, all sides of humanity have turned their attention to the South.

The kingdoms and those aspiring nobles keenly sensed the beginning of a big era, and they sent their competent personnel to Greentown to inquire about the news.

For a time, there were a lot of humans who came to inquire about the news on the square opposite the White Gold Tree Palace in Greentown, and even the hawkers selling snacks around the square made a lot of money.

Every day at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the relevant departments of the Elf Royal Court will hold a press conference in the Olive Hall of the White Gold Tree Palace to release the latest news to the diplomats from all walks of life of the elves, as well as the human and orc friends.

After the press conference, those diplomats will rush to the Magic Communication Bureau not far away as soon as possible to pass the latest news back.

Thunder City, located in the western part of Rebach Kingdom, used to be an unremarkable barren hill. The Redkin family, who was still a marquis at the time, was exiled to the west in disguise. When they passed by, there was lightning and thunder in the sky. The Marquis Redkin decided to build his castle here.

Since then, the Redkin family has attacked the city from Fort Thunder all the way to the west. Now Marquis Redkin has become Duke Redkin, and Fort Thunder has also developed into Thunder City.

In the castle in the center of the city, Duke Redkin, Mrs. Redkin, and the descendants of the Redkin family gathered in the conference room for a meeting.

A piece of parchment passed through the hands of the crowd and returned to Duke Redkin.

Duke Redkin looked around at his children and grandchildren, their faces were all shocked. He tapped the table with his fingers and said, "Tell me what you think."

According to the tradition of family meetings, the first to speak was Gilbert Redkin, Duke Redkin's eldest son.

Gilbert said somewhat uncertainly: "Could it be that the elves made a mistake?"

His words were approved by many people, and they all nodded slightly.

"Idiot!" Duke Redkin suddenly roared, "Take your brain and think about it, even if the elves want to fake the battle report, why did they put the battle results on your nephew's head?!"

Gilbert shrank his neck and said nothing.

The second son Oster, who was sitting beside Gilbert, said suspiciously: "Charles is so strong? He is only eight years old. Four hundred murlocs are not four hundred grilled fish. We have all seen murlocs in Knowledge City. They are not weak on land."

Others have such questions, including Duke Redkin and Lady Redkin.

Duke Redkin thought for a moment and said, "You have all read Keith's report. Charles is undoubtedly a smart boy."

He took another look at his children and grandchildren, "No doubt, he is smarter than you were when you were eight years old."

Then he looked at his grandchildren, sighed and shook his head. Their bravery is enough, but their brains are not enough.

"As for his strength..." Duke Redkin said after thinking for a while, "I want to send someone to the south to see if he is really that strong."

As soon as he finished speaking, a hand was raised at the end of the long table.

Duke Redkin thought for a moment, nodded and said to the youngest grandchild, "Leiden, bring some gifts to see your cousin."

Finally, he said: "Charles's case is like this. Next, let's discuss about the girl who appeared beside the prince. Now there is evidence that the prince's brain has become so good that it has something to do with this girl."

Also receiving the battle report was King Auston I of Lerick. The young king sat in the office after reading the battle report and leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes in thought.

After a while, he said to the secretary beside him, "Go get all the information about Charles McGarden."

That day he entrusted Mrs. Redkin to invite Rhine to the old lady's house, in an attempt to do Rhine's ideological work again and persuade Rhine to serve him.

As a result, Auston I met Mila who came to her grandmother's house on the way.

Since he fell in love with Mira at first sight at Mrs. Redkin's house that day, he began to collect all information about Mira, and Charles' information was naturally included.

A few minutes later, it was not his secretary who knocked on the door, but a man with his face hidden in a hood.

After putting Charles' information on the desk, he whispered to Auston I: "Adonis has been solved."

Auston I, who was opening the information, asked without looking up, "Is the body confirmed?"

The visitor lowered his head and said, "He fell into the river flowing to Lin Hai, and we didn't find the body."

"Idiot!" Auston I slapped the table angrily. "If I fell into the river, I would really die. I would have died long ago."

After a while, he said, "Forget it, even if he doesn't die, as long as everyone else treats him as dead."

Auston I took out a stack of documents that I had prepared from the drawer of the desk, signed them, and put them in the document basket that was ready to be issued.

Then Auston I said to the man who immediately knelt on one leg when he was angry just now: "You stand up. Next, you must do a good job in the Viscount Adonis and give the illegitimate son of the old Viscount Adonis a fair share. their security.”

"Also, you have to let those old guys know that Adonis was actually killed by me."

"In the future, strengthen the collection of battle reports from the elves, especially the information about Charles McGarden, and give me the information about him as soon as possible."

"The previously arranged secret investigation work on the traversers can't be relaxed either."

After arranging the work, the intelligence chief of Auston I left the office.

Auston I sat behind his desk, drinking tea and reading about Charles.

Because he was busy with Rhine and Adonis earlier, it was the first time he saw Charles' intelligence materials.

Just after turning two pages, he spit out a sip of tea.

Hearing the secretary with the wrong voice in the office walk in, she adjusted the glasses on her face and asked, "Your Majesty, do you have any dissatisfaction with the tea I brewed?"

Auston I wiped his mouth with a handkerchief, then said to his secretary, "Do you want to change jobs?"

The secretary immediately covered his chest with both hands and said in surprise, "Could it be that Your Majesty is finally going to attack me?"

"No!" The blood vessels on Auston I's forehead were so angry that the secretary was very capable at work, but he often raised his blood pressure with anger.

He calmed down and said, "I want you to be our country's ambassador to the Elf Royal Court."

The secretary's eyes suddenly lit up. As a face control, although the young His Majesty the king is not bad in her eyes, it is far worse than the elves.

Looking at the secretary who started to drool in a daze, Auston I shook his head.

It was Mila who finally got the news from Charles, which Daenerys told her the next day.

After class that afternoon, Mira happily ran to Diana's house.

This was the first time she had come to Diana's place since the holidays, and all she saw was Mordred, who was cooking dinner in the kitchen.

"What about Diana and Linda?" Mira asked suspiciously.

"They're coming back late now," Mordred said, "so I'm here today to help them prepare dinner."

At this time the door came, and Diana's voice "I'm back" rang from the door.

Mila was taken aback when she saw Diana, who had tousled hair and dark circles under her eyes.

She hurriedly asked, "Why do you look like this?"

"I've been busy lately!" Diana slammed herself on the chair in the dining room, "That demon golem puppet is just..."

She paused, "Oh, I don't know how to tell you..."

She lay down on the table for a while, and then said to Mordred in the kitchen, "Thank you for tonight, Mordred. Otherwise, my dinner today will be milk oatmeal and boiled eggs again."

"How do you eat these things?" Mira asked in surprise. "Don't you usually cook for yourself?"

"I don't have time!" Diana sighed. "There are too many things to study."

At this time, Mordred walked into the restaurant with a pot of soup, and she said to Diana, "Why don't you ask a nanny to help you cook, and I will have more classes next time, so I'm afraid I won't have that much time. I'm here to help you cook."

Diana sighed again: "We're all a bunch of kids here, and it's too hard to hire a reliable babysitter."

Mordred said: "If you don't mind, please invite my aunt. She only has half-day classes at the Guangming Academy. She can come over at noon to make lunch and dinner. She plans to find some work recently."

"Is that your Aunt Marcy?" Diana heard from Charles about this calming being.

Many of the students in the midwife training class of Guangming Academy are adults. They need to work to support their families while studying, so the training class only has classes in the morning every day.

"Yeah." Mordred continued, "But she still cooks for Brother Gawain every day..."

Diana was stunned for a while, then asked, "How is your brother Gawain?"

Mordred, who returned to the kitchen, said, "My mother said that Brother Gawain has a very good character and is the person she has met who is most like herself."

Since King Duo Mao said that he was of good character, then he could be trusted, so Diana said, "That's it, then ask your Aunt Marcy to help prepare lunch and dinner, and by the way, call your brother Gawain to come over for dinner."

Then she said something that almost made Mordred fall, "Uncle Rhine recently persuaded his daughters to find boyfriends, and just asked you, Brother Gawain, to come and meet Mordred said with a black line: "Brother Gawain is only twelve years old..."

Diana blinked. The third sister of the Rhine family's Warfare Musan was seventeen to nineteen years old this year. "It doesn't matter, age doesn't matter. You don't look at Linda's parents..."

Mordred was speechless.

At this time, Mila found the opportunity to speak, and she said excitedly: "Charles has news, do you know?"

Then she told Diana and Mordred the story Daenerys had told her about "Charles slaughtered the four hundred murlocs alone," like a thrush singing.

Mordred, who was frying the meat, almost fried the meat. Diana just continued to lie on the table after saying "oh". She was the one who understood the true strength of Charles the most. Although the current Charles technology and skills are insufficient, it is still no problem to rely on brute force to pass.

What they didn't know was that at this time Charles was caught in the siege of the murlocs.

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