The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

Vol 4 Chapter 1725: Slime founding first battle

The latest website: On the morning of May 6, the People's Square in Slime City was full of flowers and flags fluttering.

Tens of thousands of people from all walks of life gathered in the square to listen with bated breath as the head of state Ji Shijun read the "Founding Declaration" on the dais in front of the Slime Palace.

The "Declaration of the founding of the People's Republic of China" is divided into four parts. The first part is the preface, which explains the purpose of the declaration; the second part expounds the political system and ideas; It was just that he was forced to take up arms to establish his own country when he could not bear it; the fourth part, which is the last part of the declaration, declared the establishment of the Slime Republic.

"A black storm rips through the air"

'Dark clouds obscured the view'

"Even though pain and death await"

"The call of duty calls us to fight the enemy"

"The most precious thing is freedom"

"With faith and courage we will defend it"

"Raising the Banner of Revolution"

"It will guide the people to their liberation"

"Fight, working people!"

"We will smash the reaction of the landlords!"

"To the front! To the front!"

"For the ultimate victory of the people!"


At 300 meters in the air, the cockpit of the plane can still hear the majestic chorus of tens of thousands of people on the ground.

Su Ke was about to fly steadily over the People's Square with his fighter jet, and the singing from below made his heart surge.

With the end of the ground command countdown from the headset, Su Ke flipped a switch in the cockpit, and the 9-machine triangular formation he and his comrades drove pulled red smoke over the square.

The new fighter, with its green nose, white fuselage, no propellers, and lots of weapons dangling from its wings, was greeted with a tsunami of cheers as soon as it debuted.

This is one of the latest ground attack aircraft developed by the Rurik Kingdom, codenamed "Blacksmith". It adopts a conventional layout and is equipped with an anti-gravity system and two jet engines. In addition to the two 25mm cannons, the four pylons can also Mount a total of two tons of bombs, rocket launchers and machine gun pods.

This is one of the "testing weapons" that Ji Shijun got after drinking the demon king and other high-level executives with the help of "drunk immunity" and "bladder strengthening" given by Reimu when he went to ask for help at the beginning of the year. In addition, there are also a simplified version of the single-barreled "Grizzard" light tank of the Apocalypse Tank, and the "Red Deer" attack helicopter that played an important role in the battle of the Blanc Mountains.

After flying the plane over the square, Suker quickly climbed and flew east.

High in the sky, smoke can be seen rising from the east end of the surrounding Basin Mountains.

At this moment, Su Ke remembered the day 13 years ago, when the flood first overflowed the river bank on a rainy night, and then a whole section of the river bank burst with the sound of "rumble" louder than thunder.

The turbulent flood devoured the entire manor in an instant, and the grass shed where their slaves lived had no pressure in front of nature. He caught a floating carriage in a panic and escaped.

He couldn't remember how long he had been floating in the water at the time, but he heard that he was finally rescued by a group of people passing by by the river, and was carried to the Slime Basin in a coma all the way.

When he woke up, his tail was so badly festered that he had to be amputated after being soaked in the water for too long after the injury.

Not long after waking up, he still remembered the first time he saw Ji Shijun. He asked himself what his name was. After shaking his head, he said that it should be Mickey. He felt that the name was too dangerous, so he shook his head violently. It's called "Suk".

Looking back on the first 13 years of his life as a slave, and compared to the next 13 years in the Slime Basin, his determination to win this war is even stronger.

The three three-plane formations quickly flew out of the mountains, and the battle below was continuing.

The vanguard of the Hohen Kingdom is equipped with shotguns. Although the rate of fire is slow, they still have huge lethality at a distance of more than 100 meters when using suitable ammunition.

The soldiers of the Slime People's Army built a defensive line outside the entrance of the mountain road, and many people squatted in the foxhole called "Gallon Pit" to shoot outside.

Now the Hohen army has built a large number of heavy carts, which are pushed by livestock behind, and in front of them are bunkers composed of thick wooden boards and water-drenched sandbags, and a magic shield is attached to them for cover. Magicians approach the battle line to cast large-scale magic.

The attack was quickly disintegrated as a man in a black robe flew out of the observation post on the top of the mountain on a broom, and the rocket slots on either side of the broom plowed through the heavy carts .

Suk looked carefully at the mountains, and finally found five huge metal discs in a valley.

He was a little jealous. When he selected the laser UFO pilots made by these giant dragons, he only got the sixth place by a small margin and was not selected.

The fighter formation quickly flew over a camp of two or three thousand people. This was the location of the forward battalion of the Hohen Kingdom, but this was not their goal.

The terrain of the Slime Basin determined that the Hohen Kingdom could only get through the mountain road with a small number of elite troops, and a large number of troops followed.

Therefore, about ten kilometers behind the forward battalion, a camp of 100,000 troops was lined up along the river.

So many people must have enough water, so the main force of the Hohen Kingdom army can only be arranged more than ten kilometers away from the entrance of the basin.

Su Ke led his comrades to circle around the enemy's military camp at a low speed for a few times, determined the location of the storage materials in the enemy's camp, and allocated the attack targets of each fighter.

Then he hovered his fighter plane at a high altitude where he could have a bird's-eye view of the entire battlefield, instructing his comrades to descend from the sky, and starting from the downwind position, he used the mounted bombs to carry out fixed-point bombing of the material storage points.

"Pull up all!"

A figure soon flew out of the enemy's barracks, and Su Ke immediately commanded his comrades to rise into the air.

As a flying **** of law, Jurgen chased after a "blacksmith" at the fastest speed.

A golden magical light shot from the wand in his hand, but only a little less in range.

"Okay, keep the speed, keep the distance, he's exhausted!"

Suker commanded the bitten comrades to fly kites in the distance, and the other comrades circled around and continued to bomb the enemy camp.

Jurgen immediately descended and flew towards a diving "Blacksmith".

The "Blacksmith" pulled up immediately after dropping the bomb and started a new round of kite flying under the command of Suk.

After more than ten minutes, Jurgen gave up his plan to attack the planes before falling to his death from exhaustion, and flew back to the camp soon.

At this time, the ground attack of the "blacksmiths" had been completed, and Suker retreated with his comrades after firing the rockets with the incendiary warheads toward the upper air vent.

On their way back, the battle at the Basin Exit became one-sided.

The "Red Deer" attack helicopter like a steel dolphin also flew straight to the battlefield after participating in the military parade.

"Resolutely smash this evil old world"

"Destroy it from the world"

"We hate the palace of gold"

"We hate the tyrant king"

"The king wants to recruit troops to expand his army"

"You have to send your descendants to be cannon fodder"

"The king made a banquet and built a palace"

"You have to contribute with blood"

"Get up, get up, all working people"

"Get up and charge the enemy violently!"

"The people roar of vengeance"

"Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!"


Thunder-like singing directly bombarded the hearts of everyone on the ground through the sound of the helicopter, along with rain-like rockets and cannonballs.

The vanguard battalion of the Hohen Kingdom collapsed in an instant, and those who could still move their legs immediately fled.

Soon after a steel force led by a grizzly tank, followed by an armored tractor equipped with quadruple Maxim, an infantry armored tractor, a tractor-tugged "Miss Slime" and a truck and bus full of infantry. ,taxi……

The team crossed the town outside the outlet of the basin. Less than an hour later, the infantry in civilian vehicles occupied the camp of the Forward Battalion. In the afternoon, they surrounded the main force of the Hohen Kingdom who were fighting the fire and rescuing supplies.

In the evening, the 50,000 Slime People's Army firmly surrounded the 100,000 enemies in the open field by the river and began to build a defense line.

As night fell, Ji Shijun, who had hosted the state banquet at the Slime Palace, arrived at the frontline command by a laser UFO. Diana, a mercenary before him, arrived at the battlefield one step earlier.

"How is it?" Ji Shijun asked Diana, "Are the fish there?"

Diana wears a Saiyan-style detector on her left ear, with yellow spots on the green crystal sheet.

After listening to the voice in the detector, she said: "The Marquis of Sword Saint Lothar and the God of Law Jurgen are both here, and they are discussing the breakthrough this evening. It is initially determined that they will break through in one direction."

The opponent is very decisive, and the army will definitely not be able to support the destroyed materials, so if the morale of the army is still there and the enemy's encirclement is not stable, there is still a chance to break through.

"Okay!" Ji Shijun said, "I will handle Jurgen, and Lothar is yours."

At this time, he remembered something and said with a wicked smile, "I remember that Charles once stayed in the bedroom with the wife of the Marquis of Lothar for three days and three nights without coming Yes." Diana said calmly, "Charles kept sticking a needle for three days and three nights. The candles consumed a lot. Would you like to learn from him?"

As long as you are not embarrassed yourself, it is others who are embarrassed.

Diana's side quickly eavesdropped on the latest information, and the enemy would break through in the second half of the night along the river bank in two directions, upstream and downstream.

Ji Shijun attached great importance to this news and immediately went to the headquarters to make targeted deployment of the troops.

The battle was imminent, and both parties began to prepare for today's dinner at the same time.

There was a burst of smoke from the barracks of the Hohen Kingdom, and the food saved was enough for two days.

Each of the Slime People's Army opened a plastic slime bag, which was their individual ration.

Diana also got one, which was fried rice with carrot and chicken.

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