The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

Vol 4 Chapter 1687: so busy flying

When Mordred and others came to the real Abyss City, Charles was not far from where they had their first hot pot.

It's just that he really doesn't have time to meet these guys.

Now the work of Prince Yi has begun to slowly start, and there are more and more things.

As soon as the hunting in Pseudo Abyss City was over, Charles secretly stuffed a bag of money into Mordred with his front foot, and then returned to Cam Ranh Bay to handle the work of the Navy.

Although the work of the purple cabbage, Leokexington, and the garrison bishop Yelemenko has been done well, there are still many problems that need to be solved by the marshal himself.

After finalizing the Navy's major construction plan for the next year, Charles "biu" went to Abyss City before he could even eat instant noodles.

Now he also has two vice-chairs of the Kingdom's Supreme Council and the Council of Ministers. Although they are both the last, but because of this, he does not have a special area of ​​responsibility, but assists the leader in his work.

To put it bluntly, he was arrested to do the work when he was too busy. Because there was no special area of ​​responsibility, he could be arrested for any work.

Now the most important work in the country is the formation of the central bank and the four major state-owned banks and currency reform. The bosses are not free, so many things fall on the head of Yi someone.

As a result, Charles left Cam Ranh Bay and then came to the National Standardization Administration.

The implementation of standardization work in the Rurik Kingdom can be traced back to more than 300 years ago. The first "national standard" formulated by Philip was an arrow.

During the war that year, there was an accident that the arrows from one place could not be installed on the shafts from another place, which delayed the fighter jets, otherwise Arturia would have dug the canals half a year earlier.

However, due to productivity reasons, the standardization committee can only play a role in unifying weights and measures and formulating standards for military weapons and equipment, drug formulation standards, and thread shape standards for so many years.

After the corruption cases of Yebao Agricultural Bureau and Commercial Bureau occurred, Charles wrote to the relevant departments that they need to strengthen the national standardization construction.

Charles, who worked on the construction site for many years before crossing the road and dealt with various norms and national standards almost every day, knew that standardization was extremely important to industrialization.

At the same time, the standardization construction work is very cumbersome and difficult, and requires the cooperation of many departments.

Charles roughly estimated that the National Standardization Management Committee needs to set up more than 200 national professional standardization technical committees and more than 400 sub-technical committees, requiring tens of thousands of experts and scholars from all walks of life to participate, and thousands of national standards need to be formulated in the short term. , in the long run, there are more than 10,000 national standards to be formulated. This is not counting more industry standards and local standards. The enterprise standards that have been filed may reach six figures.

When the tune was set for the first day of the meeting, the series of numbers from Prince Yi scared the standardization committee to the brink, thinking that His Royal Highness the Prince was making a fool of himself.

Then Charles took the national standard of wheat flour as an example. The national standard of wheat flour needs to determine the numerical values ​​of parameters such as processing accuracy, ash content, moisture content, impurity content and wet gluten content. At the same time, the method of measuring these parameters also needs to formulate corresponding national standards. In addition, there are naturally raw materials. The national standard for wheat and the national standard for production water.

In the following days, the standardization committee held one meeting after another, and finally established the standard system construction goal of "mainly national standards, industry standards and local standards", and expanded the coverage of the standard to industry and agriculture. Products, energy industry, engineering construction, environmental protection, food hygiene, medical services and other fields.

Predictably, at the national convention in October, a strong contender will suddenly emerge at this year's budget meeting.

Charles finished the last meeting in the National Standardization Management Committee in the morning, ate something in their cafeteria at noon, and appeared in the conference room of the National Education and Culture Committee for a meeting in the afternoon.

The theme of this conference is "promoting the high-quality development of vocational education, optimizing the distribution system, so that vocational education has students, hopes, and goals". In addition to the leaders of education, industry, agriculture, and medical services are equal. The relevant departments of the employer also sent people to attend.

Charles pointed out at the meeting that vocational education is an important part of the national education system and human resource development. It shoulders the important responsibility of cultivating diverse talents, inheriting technical skills, and promoting employment and entrepreneurship. Optimize the salary structure, and use real money to encourage talents to learn technology and specialize in technology.

The next day, Charles went to the Council of Ministers to discuss the issue of cadre rotation.

The meeting was held for three days. After the meeting, Prince Yi went to the Slime Chemical Research Institute to inspect the work.

Charles said that with the development of industrialization, more and more attention has been paid to the problem of wear and tear of machine parts. Through in-depth research, the Institute of History and Chemistry, starting with different varieties of oil slime, has developed the lubricants and greases that are urgently needed in the market. , hydraulic oil and other products have made great contributions to the national industrial development, and at the same time earned a lot of profits through cooperation with enterprises, which is worthy of recognition and encouragement.


After finishing these things, Charles didn't even have to meet Mordred and the others, so he would "biu" go back to Yeburg to prepare a debriefing report.

At the beginning of October every year, the top leaders of the states and municipalities of the Rurik Kingdom go to Abyss City to report to the Kingdom's Supreme Council, which is known as the "annual exam".

This year, there was a corruption case in Yebao that shocked the whole country. Although it has nothing to do with Mayor Yi, this exam is for the whole team rather than an individual, and it is destined to not be able to get a high score.

So Charles instructed Porunov and Beelzebub to take this matter out generously, break it down and talk about it in detail, and conduct comprehensive and profound reflection on everything from personal reasons to institutional problems.

This is still the idea that Diana gave him before returning to Linhai to farm monsters. It doesn't matter if the score is low in the first year, it provides space for the score to increase in the future.

As dusk fell, Charles dragged his tired body home, paralyzed as soon as he touched the sofa.

The house was quiet except for the sound from the kitchen.

Beelzebub was also very tired during this time. Tomorrow was the last two days off in September, so after work, he slipped to the western plateau to fight with Azi and the others.

Charles couldn't go, and it would be a big problem if he couldn't find anyone if something went wrong.

He listened to the sound for a while and found that the sound in the kitchen was not right, so he got up and went over to take a look.

"Why are you the only one here?" Charles was surprised. In the past, Warfarin was in charge of cooking, but today Algeria is busy by herself.

Algeria said: "There is a difficult operation in the hospital that needs Warfarin's help. I can't come back today, so I'll just cook a little."

She really cooked it casually. Chicken, carrots and tomatoes were chopped into pieces and fried in a pot. Then the noodles were scalded and boiled in cold water. When they were picked up, they were dinner. The taste was ordinary.

Charles said that it's free, as long as there is something to eat.

After dinner, Charles was lying on the sofa, and the Yeburg People's Radio's "The Sound of Music" was playing on the radio on the shelf in the living room.

"Are you tired?" Algeria sat on the armrest of the sofa, "Would you like me to give you a massage?"

Charles nodded slightly, and a pair of slender fingers quickly lapped around his temples, rubbing them with a little heavier force.

"I really don't understand you guys." Algeria I saw other people who traveled through the mountains and waters, or playing monsters, or doing some business, and they lived a relaxed life. , how come you and Ji Shijun are living like they are exhausting themselves to death. "

Charles closed his eyes and said nothing.

It's just that the fingers on the head suddenly tightened, and Algeria continued: "Do you think you can hide your identity from me, but I won't tell you if you don't want to reveal it."

Charles sighed deeply and said tiredly, "There's no way, there's too much work to do."

"Life needs are divided into five levels: physical, safety, emotion and belonging, esteem and self-realization. Now I have the first four and am working on the fifth."

"Ji Shijun and I are both promoting industrialization, but industrialization does not mean that a traveler will come across and invent things such as steam engines, internal combustion engines, steel furnaces and lathes. If there are no corresponding theories, laws and regulations, rules and regulations , standard norms, and education system and other software construction facilities, it is only considered to raise a strong child, but it does not teach anything, just wear a pair of pants and throw it away to climb the Icecrown Mountains.”

"For a regime, the construction of these software is as important as the invention of mechanical equipment."

"All kinds of... laws, regulations, policies and systems have been formulated. How to... promote and implement them is... the most difficult..."

As Charles spoke, he fell deeply asleep because of the relaxation brought by the massage on his head.

"I'm going back... Hey, there's no one at home?"

Warfarin, who came back from the hospital to help out, saw that Algeria was carrying the sleeping Xi upstairs like a sack, and pretended not to see anything.

In the bedroom, Algeria threw Charles onto the bed, covered him with a blanket, watched him sleep, and subconsciously reached out and pinched his face.

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