The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

Chapter 153: under night

When Charles uploaded the second "Hamlet and Hydra" of the "Hamlet series" in a dream, and then changed the server and began to browse the news from the Demon Race, and then was attracted by the report of the big explosion in the south of the abyss city. At that time, in an alley in Mason City, a figure came to a house where there was no light leaking out of you while being alert to whether anyone was following behind him.

"Boom... dong dong dong..."

After the visitor knocked on the door with the agreed password, he quickly flashed in.

"Huh? Are there any guests?"

The visitor did not expect that in addition to the owner, there was a pair of men and women in their twenties. They should be citizens of the city.

The woman angrily pulled the man's ear and walked out, while the man whispered, "Wife let go, I don't dare anymore", and left the house with his wife.

After the couple left the house, the visitor lifted his hood and asked the owner of the house with a strange expression, "Why do you accept such a business?"

If Charles was here, he would have recognized the late-night visitor as Wayne, the artisan in the caravan.

The owner of the house said helplessly: "You know, I can always buy good things at cheap prices here."

Wayne frowned, "Clarke, it's easy for you to get into trouble with such an identity."

The owner of the house named Clark moved the sofa in the living room and opened the door of the basement. At the same time, he said indifferently, "As long as you pay enough protection money for the gentlemen, it will be fine."

Clark took Wayne to the basement in front, and at the same time the sofa in the living room returned to its original position.

Clark stopped when he was two-thirds of the way up the stairs, and opened a secret door on the side wall, behind which was an office-like room.

After the two sat down, Clark took out an ordinary-looking bamboo tube from the drawer of the desk, and handed it to Wayne respectfully.

Wayne crushed the bamboo tube, took out the parchment roll inside, and began to decipher the code on it. As time went on, his brows became tighter.

"Do you know the content of this order?" Wayne asked.

"Yes." Clark nodded and replied, "We all received the same order in the field."

Wayne read the secret order carefully again. This secret order was issued by the king himself. Its content was to collect and report all information about Charles McGarden, while ensuring his safety at all costs.

"What happened in China recently?" Wayne's intuition told him that this matter had something to do with China.

Clark shook his head, his expression ignorant of this.

"Is it related to the Rhine thing?" Wayne asked, he heard about it when he was in Tanhausen City.

Clark continued to shake his head.

Seeing that the other party didn't know anything about it, Wayne gave up the question, he said seriously: "Notify others, don't have too much contact with him, just observe from a distance, the people around him are not good now provoke."

"The female knight who looks like the king of knights?" Clark asked.

"It doesn't look alike." Wayne replied, "She is the King of Knights who has been missing for more than 300 years. It is said that she was sealed by the demons and rescued by Charles not long ago."

At this time, a wave rose in Clark's calm heart. The Kingdom of Lerick was located on the east side of the mainland. Although Arturia had not been active there, her legend has also spread there.

Charles's topic ended, and then Wayne entered today's topic, "This time it's crystal hype, do you know who the manipulator is behind the scenes?"

Clark naturally collected a lot of information about the hottest thing in the city, he said: "Now it can only be confirmed that the City Lord's Mansion is participating in price gouging, but there is no way to know the source of those crystals, only that they are transported by merchant ships for many times. Come, the source points to the mouth of the big river."

Wayne asked, "Could it be an elves?"

On the coastline of the eastern part of the continent, the great river is the dividing line, the north is the territory of their kingdom of Lerick, and the south is the world of the elves.

"Who knows?" Clark shrugged, "I've only heard that this kind of crystal has appeared in the demon clan in the west before, and you also know that elves and demon clan are actually related."

This time the investigation has reached a deadlock, and that is not a problem that Wayne can solve.

"By the way," Clark remembered something, "the City Lord's Mansion found several people pretending to be nobles from other places to raise the price of crystal purchases. They even found a fake Earl of McGarden."

Wayne's face became weird, he said with a smirk, "That's the real thing, only the female knight is fake."

This afternoon, Tonio, who changed his name to Neo after putting on makeup, took a group of people from the caravan who had sneaked into Mason City with makeup and went to watch Charles. When they saw Charles pretending to be a playboy, enjoying Mordred's lap pillow on the lawn under the big tree, they almost didn't make them laugh on the spot.

As an intelligence officer, Clark has a very smart head, and he immediately thought of the reason.

"It's really..." Clark didn't know whether to laugh or cry this time.

After talking about the official business, Wayne talked about the private matter, "Can you help me contact some people who make accessories?"

"What do you want to do?" Clark asked.

Wayne answered as a matter of course, "Of course it's making What's the point of selling crystals alone? You can only sell them at high prices after processing them into jewelry."

"Oh..." Clark nodded, "I almost forgot that you have good skills."


Under the darkness of the night, it was not just Wayne and the others who secretly connected. In Mason City at this time, there were many people who were conducting their own transactions after nightfall.

A carriage drove slowly down the street, except for the sound of horseshoes colliding with the dirt road, there was silence all around.

A dark shadow jumped out from under the shadow of the moon on the side of the road, opened the door of the carriage, and nimbly got into the carriage. The sound of the whole process was covered by the sound of horses' hoofs.

"Have you brought anything?" asked the hooded black-robed man in the car.

"Did you bring the money?" asked the shadow who got into the car.

The black-robed man in the car took out a cloth bag and handed it to Hei Ying, "The money is here."

Hei Ying took the money bag and counted it, then said, "Not enough money."

"What?" Hei Pao was not very popular, "Didn't you agree?"

"That's the price from last night." Black Shadow put away the purse, took out the bag he brought, took out two crystals, and threw the bag and the remaining crystals to the man in black robe, " We are honest."

Then Hei Ying took out another roll of parchment and threw it to the man in black robe, "You might be able to try this."

After Sombra finished speaking, he pushed open the car door and left quickly.

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