200 – Duty-3

The sword is approaching.

Any more talking was just wasting time. Even that wasn’t meaningless, but she didn’t seem willing to allow me more time.

It is Eleanor’s sword. It was not easy to beat or block.

I was careless. If nothing else, I thought I was used to receiving her attacks.

But that was my mistake. It was literally training.

Her sword strike, which I felt was unreasonable at that time, was an attack that struck me in a position I could receive, in a space I could see, and with enough strength to withstand.

This is not it.

The attack to really knock me down was several times heavier, faster, and more heterogeneous.

“It’s pretty good…”

“I’m just making up my mind.”

I thought it was different. No matter how blunt my senses were, I knew there was a difference between a sword striking a monster and a sword striking during training.

However, this attack was far beyond that.

You shouldn’t be able to stop it. Even though she has obtained the power of the murder sword, she is not fully using even that.

It is to use a sword made to kill people without any intent to kill. Blunting the blade of a guillotine is as inefficient as using it as a strike weapon.

I could feel it. Still, my strength is stronger.

Even with such a messed up posture, she was able to barely block her sword, and even if she failed to defend properly, Eleanor couldn’t continue her next attack.

However, the depth is different.

It was I who killed the Orc Lord, fought the White Branch, hunted the giant monsters of the middle ground, and faced many other humans and monsters with swords.

But those experiences were pathetically lacking compared to what she had done.

From a very young age, she was trained hard enough to treat the training I received as ‘something like that’.

With a small group of knights, she wiped out bandits and wiped out monsters, and she has accumulated real-life experience like breathing.

Above all, he was a warrior. She has fought against formidable enemies who cross life and death more times than any other human being in existence.

When I fought the Orc Lord, it was difficult to even cut through his skin with a sword.

Now that I think about it, it might have been natural. There wouldn’t be many swordsmen who could strike at the right angle, with great power, and at the perfect moment against that thick, tough skin.

Even if the sword I was holding was a holy sword, it would have been something that even a decent knight couldn’t do easily.

However, she is different. The shock and helplessness I felt at that time was being poured on me by Eleanor with a single sword.

At the perfect angle, at the perfect point, at the perfect moment, my sword and hers met, giving me a huge impact with far less power.

“Really, it’s terrifying!”

This was more of an act than a fight.

Like an acrobat hitting a target with a dart from a distance of several hundred meters, she pushed me with perfect sword strikes.

But, that wasn’t all.

As long as I hold on, she bounces off. Even though it is a clumsy swordsmanship wielded with the strength of a hero, it is a sword so powerful that it can be compared to that of a giant.

And Eleanor was enduring it with her teeth clenched tightly.

The resolution is different. The belief that Eleanor’s life had involved was making her not to back down even a single step.

I wanted to take her off balance by swinging my sword more aggressively, but it was impossible.

If I touch it, even if it’s me, I’ll get hurt.

Considering Eleanor’s skills, she wouldn’t get stabbed in the heart by mistake, but if she collapsed here, she probably wouldn’t wake up for a while.

I have no choice but to buy it. Eleanor’s sword was as fierce and sharp as that.

Besides, I was not in perfect condition.

Nerwen didn’t do me any significant damage, but finding and chasing her took a ton of stamina.

The barrage of arrows stuck all over the body was a bonus. Now, a few drops of blood would only sting, but when dealing with a swordsman like Eleanor, even that ‘stingy’ damage was lethal.

The amount of mental energy consumed while persuading Celia was also formidable.

Seeing hallucinations, talking to her, rejecting Celia’s pleas, fulfilling my will, and showing illusions once again.

Even in perfect circumstances, this Eleanor would have been difficult to deal with, but in this situation, it was impossible.

Even considering the resilience of the warrior’s power, it was a situation where victory could not be guaranteed.

“It’s great!”

“Next time, I’ll cut it.”

He had a deep wound on his left arm. Her attack could not be stopped forever, and in the end, she had no choice but to take the damage.

If the arm hadn’t been cut, the chest would have been cut.

“It hurts…”

Eleanor’s stamina was also rapidly depleted. Ragged breath flowed from his mouth, and his body trembled.

Even so, Eleanor’s eyes did not waver one bit.

It seems to be oppressive. heavy. No matter how much she was, she couldn’t acquire these skills with talent alone.

You must have gone through all kinds of hardships, pains, trials and pains for a much longer time than me.

And, with a will, conviction, resolution, and speculation much stronger than mine, he would have shaken off all of that.

superior The me watching, the me who thinks I belong to the ordinary axis in my own way, is in a miserable height.

“How are you going to get here?”


“No one will blame you. Even if Farseer or Celia die, it’s not your fault.”

“Do you think I’m doing this because I don’t know about that?”

Even after killing Farseer with my own hands, what I felt was not guilt.

At least in that dire situation, she said she would kill more people.

Even if it was an accident that bought the body and financed the criminal organization, the words that came out of her mouth right away were slaughter.

That was unacceptable. Killing her then didn’t make me feel guilty.

“They chose to do it themselves. Like I did, their ill-treatment, their indifference, their contempt for you are their own sins.”

“I guess so.”

“How they atone for that is their own choice.”

But when I killed Farseer, what hit me was a sense of loss.

No matter how much he hates his family, even if he becomes a zombie and has no choice but to kill him.

If I had to kill him with my own hands, I would feel lost.

“So is the Empire. The Empire, this world, demanded sacrifices from you, and drank your blood. If you sacrifice no more, you need not feel guilty.”

I struggled to get up, grabbed my sword again, and glared at her.

“I hate me. I, I don’t want to see you guys die.”

Eleanor’s life is deeper than mine. Her determination and regret that she couldn’t fulfill her duties might be stronger than mine.

Even so, there was no reason for me to bend to her wishes.

“It only hurts. You have already done enough. I will remember that you worked hard until the end.”

Instead of speaking, I swung my sword at her. Eleanor blocked my sword without showing any embarrassment.

“Did I… think, ‘If I try this hard enough, it’s enough’, I think I’ll back down?”

No matter how sharp her sword is, it will take a lot of time to defeat me.

If you’re lucky, she might get tired first.

I already had numerous scars on my body, but they weren’t to the point of collapsing right away.

“Like you said, because of the guilt that you guys are dying because of me… Does it look like you’re swinging your sword reluctantly, to at least show ‘s*x’!”

Maybe I haven’t changed.

It may be that he is living according to his instincts, like a beast. There may be no deep thought or lofty will left.

But, so.

No matter how determined Eleanor is, there is no reason for me to respect her wishes.

her sword swings Still overwhelming, still perfect.

Eleanor’s attacks come from places I never imagined, and at speeds I never could have imagined.

Nonetheless, it persevered.

I planted my trembling legs on the ground, grabbed the sword with a shaky hand, and clumsily parried her sharp attack.

“I don’t want anyone to die!”

The place I lived in was a world far from death.

Eternal separation is an environment that was reserved for very old people or people who were unfortunately ill.

My awareness in such a situation may be unrealistic.

Still, that was my instinct. It was my senses, it was my thoughts.

It does not contain remorse, pain, reflection and progress like Eleanor’s determination.

“Farseer, Nerwen, Celia, and you. I won’t let anyone die!”

You are as foolish as a child who cries because he wants to eat sweet candy. It is to trample Eleanor’s feelings and determination to the ground.

Even so, I couldn’t give up.

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