179 – theorem-13

By the time I reached the capital, it was already after the ceremony had ended.

The evil energy felt in the distance grew stronger the closer we got to the capital.

The epicenter was the capital city itself. All over the land, patterns engraved with magical powers arose.

“What the hell is going on…”

However, there are many people in the capital. There won’t be any problems with anything.

The moment I thought so, the roar of the gigantic beast resounded throughout the world.


The anxiety of not knowing what was going to happen disappeared in an instant. What took its place was the despair of knowing what was going on.

“A dragon…?”

There was no time to delay. If I felt the fear, I could tell without looking at how terrified the people in the capital must be.

Towards the place where the dragon appeared, I ran and ran. It was fortunate in my misfortune that I was ready to fight.

A visceral fear tickled my head.

I had never fought a dragon before. However, I had never heard of that legend.

A party of warriors sometimes fought giant monsters. However, it was only because it was a ‘hero party’ that the fight was established.

Right now, my strength is definitely weaker than Eleanor in her prime.

Even after gaining the power of a hero, my combat experience has increased considerably. He fought against strong enemies, and training with Eleanor was not without help.

However, as a warrior, I had little experience fighting huge enemies. At most, I just killed the monsters inside the middle ground.

Besides, at least at that time, it moved as a hero party. Even if Eleanor lost the power of a hero, she was a powerful swordsman who could have a decisive impact on the fight.

A powerful swordsman who is strong enough to inflict a critical blow on an enemy, yet does not collapse even when he puts his attack where he needs it and receives relatively little support.

Farseer’s magic, Celia’s divine spell, and Nerwen’s arrows were also formidable.

Being able to fire arrows anywhere and at any time to inflict damage had tremendous strategic value.

The critical weakness of human strength and combat power being weakened when wounded was a weakness that could be overcome in most cases as long as it was protected by a priest.

But now, without all that, I wasn’t sure I could fight and defeat the giant monster.

Besides, he’s no ordinary monster. It’s a dragon.

I was able to know how strong dragons are in this world and how much meaning they have, even from books.

Although they did not possess magical abilities beyond humans, dragons possessed agility and brute force that surpassed even their size, hard scales and even more powerful muscles.

The sharpness of its claws, sharp teeth, and terrifying physical strength were not its strengths that stood out so much when ‘the opponent was a human’. Killing a human being was something that could be done with only one tenth of that power.

Still, I had to.

I thought the capital would be more noisy, but it was much quieter than I expected. Torches were burning everywhere.

Since the dragon had descended to the ground, I couldn’t move while looking up at the sky, but I could still tell where it was.

It wasn’t just that there was no large-scale confusion, but the shouts of those fighting could be heard.

When I rushed there, I saw a dragon flying away. There was a person in front of him.

Without a moment to think, I ran towards the dragon.


Ankle twisted. I, who charged from the right, had to accept the impact of the huge dragon coming from the front and the recoil from my speed, which was like a flash of light, with one foot.

The dragon’s huge nose collided with my sword. It was so hard that it could not be cut unless the sword was pulled out.

“It’s great…”

However, it seemed that the moment I thought even a little bit to draw out the sword, I would be pushed back like this.

Concentrating all my strength on the sword, I competed with the dragon’s head.

The vertical slit eyes typical of reptiles overwhelm me. Not wanting to face it again, I pushed the dragon with wild force.


pushed out A little bit, but the power from my tiny forearm was pushing the dragon’s huge head away.


The dragon spread its wings and flew lightly. The dragon contemplated the situation lightly, keeping my presence in its eyes.

“Are you okay?”

“Yo, warrior!”

When someone said it, it was the captain of the guard with a familiar face. If I hadn’t rushed in to save her, I might have regretted it later.

“Boo, he must be coming after dealing with the monsters in the forest…”

“It’s already finished. I didn’t expect a guy like this to appear in the capital.”

Looking at it, he seemed to think I was still in the woods.

My performance in the course of the investigation wasn’t that great, but it was a matter of finding someone. In order to crush a clear enemy, he was able to use the hero’s strength unsparingly.


Even that, I couldn’t guarantee that it would work against a dragon.

afraid. Rather than a rational fear, I feel a strange fear that paralyzes my thinking.

A strange and unpleasant feeling, as if someone kept shouting in my ear, ‘If you’re a human, you should be scared to see this!’

It seemed like a miracle that ordinary soldiers could stand against it. not easy to see


However, objectively, there was no reason to be afraid of this dragon.

I expected it to be several times stronger than this. If it had the strength recorded in the legend, the dragon was a creature that should not be pushed to this extent.

The legend of fighting the dragon was recorded a long time ago, so there may be errors or distortions.

It wasn’t even stable. I wasn’t sure whether to protect the person in front of me or push the dragon away. The steps were twisted, and the sword did not have proper strength.

pushed through nonetheless. What this means is…

“can win.”

The dragon folded its wings and landed on the ground. I didn’t miss the chance and rushed towards the dragon.

It was better for me to run first, even if it was a little dangerous, than to receive an attack with that huge body and acceleration.


It’s a fight to keep. If I withdraw from here, all the soldiers here, and by extension, all the people in the capital, could be in danger.

A blue sword emanated from the sword. It was infinitely weak, but it was enough for now.


I slashed it, jumped into the huge thigh, and thrust my sword into the dragon’s leg.

The dragon screamed in pain. Perhaps because he was angry, he busily moved his body to catch me.

It swung its steely tail like a whip, flew lightly and landed again, striking the ground with its front paws and stamping its hind legs.

I dodged the attack by a narrow margin. Being stamped on would not kill you instantly, but if you spent time enduring the impact, you would not be able to kill this dragon for the rest of your life.

“Nice job!”

Reinhardt’s sword pierced the dragon’s leg.

I didn’t notice it during the fight, but he was a truly terrifying swordsman.

He is always where he needs to be. Whenever I show a slight gap, it stiffens the dragon, and when I think I’m about to go out of the clearing after focusing on the fight with the dragon, he always shouts to calm me down.

In order to prevent the aftermath of the fight from escaping and causing casualties, he commanded numerous imperial knights and soldiers, and in the process, no gaps were seen.

Did I just beat such a strong person for the absurd reason that ‘I have more strength’?

The wounds on the dragon’s legs are increasing. Even with the might of a hero, he couldn’t slash the dragon at once, but he was able to steadily create deeper and stronger wounds.

The dragon, which had been running like crazy, suddenly stopped and looked at me.


You may be preparing something. I swallowed my saliva and looked at the dragon’s movements.

much weaker than expected It may have just happened because I was too strong, but I couldn’t rule out the possibility that something was hidden.

However, the dragon spread its wings and flew lightly into the sky. We could only stare blankly at the dragon.

Ballista’s arrows touched the dragon’s wings, but the dragon flew far into the sky without even moving.


There was no magic to suppress the wings, and there was no archer to keep the dragon in check, so it was inevitable.

However, it was kicked out. Dragons are highly intelligent creatures, and will fly somewhere unless they are particularly malicious towards humans.

Magi was a ferocious bastard, so he could have done the damage elsewhere, but he’d already done enough damage to his leg. For the time being, I will be hiding and focusing on treatment.

“I-I won! Hero!”

“The hero saved us!”

Before the worry was over, the soldiers who saw the flying dragon let out cheers.

From my point of view, those who were able to fight and defeat such a monster in the body of an ordinary person seemed much more unrealistic and great.

Looking back, Reinhardt and the knights, soldiers and guards were smiling at me.

I still felt uncomfortable, but I couldn’t show that expression in front of them. I, too, had the brightest smile I could ever put on.

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