176 – theorem-10

The air was thick.

The disappearance of the emperor’s protection could be felt even in the air.

As if it had been there for a long time, at some point, the smell of magi would naturally sting my nose.


However, this goes beyond that level.

I searched my head, pondering under what circumstances I felt this feeling.

“I’m anxious…”

The magic power seems to be moving. An evil aura stirs.

Something was happening.

When I was in the woods, I thought that the magi who created the monsters was still hovering around.

However, the more I walked outside and toward the capital, the more ominous aura grew.

I am definitely entering the safest capital in this empire, but I feel the same pressure I’ve felt in the past.


In fact, nothing can be absolutely certain. Maybe it’s just my delusion.

However, if something as strong as this anxiety is really appearing.

I’m not sure, but this feeling was similar to what I felt in the castle of demons. Compared to that overwhelming magi, it was far short of the level, but at least the smell was similar.

I don’t think so, but if the Demon King is resurrected, will I be able to defeat him with this power?

I couldn’t be sure. Although I was using the power of a hero, my essence did not change at all.

I tried my best, but there was no sign of increasing the swordsmanship at a certain level. Maybe it was because he had the power to make up for his somewhat clumsy posture and lack of technique.

More than that, I wasn’t sure if I was prepared.

The hero I saw was Eleanor. Excluding everything in between, she finally killed the demon king and restored peace to the world.

I didn’t want to be someone like her. But, can I do it if I have to?

She was a forceful and harsh person, but at least Eleanor’s standards did not discriminate between herself and others.

He was the one who went ahead of anyone else, took the lead, sacrificed and gave his life.

“…Come to think of it, Eleanor was a bit strange too.”

I was distracted by Farseer and Celia and couldn’t think of Eleanor. It didn’t look as dangerous as the others, but it was not like her to stay awake and do nothing.


Come to think of it, the hero party was all strange. Everyone, without exception, was shaken, and they did things they wouldn’t normally do.

The last time I saw Celia, she was in a fairly stable state. Considering Nerwen’s words, that condition must have lasted a long time.

Nerwen was shaking, but he calmed down with just a few sniffs of me. And, he refused to be with me. put on a determined expression

The same goes for Eleanor. I only said that I would not let her become emperor, and I did not support or punish other members of the royal family for the sake of the empire.

A farseer who suddenly gathered corpses for an unknown purpose. She wasn’t shaken like the others, but Farseer is Farseer.

It’s different from Celiana Nerwen. If she was determined and tried to fake her feelings, I could spend 24 hours with her and never be able to see what she was thinking.

Fear crept up. If there is something they are plotting against me. If that’s something I can’t tolerate.

I might have to kill other party members besides Parseer.

I hated that. I didn’t want to repeat Farseer’s work.


I shook my head vigorously. All of this is just an illusion, something that never happened.

If they have any questions, just let them know. Farseer’s conspiracy was something he could do because he was Farseer, and according to common sense, neither Farseer, who had lost all power, nor Nerwen, who was just a ‘powerful elven archer’, could do anything.

I was still anxious. I walked and walked through the dark plain. First, we must return to the capital.


“Are you feeling it too?”

The guard’s harsh voice filled the square. It was a loud, booming voice, but astute guards could already tell that it was mixed with anxiety.

“Yes that’s right!”

Many guards shouted. Despite this gloomy atmosphere and the pressure of Magi, the loud voice of the person next to him had the power to put people out of their fear.

“No matter what happens, never, never leave your seat! Don’t forget your duty!”

“All right!”

It wasn’t just the security guards where the emergency took place.

The knights were all gathered and waiting wearing armor and holding weapons, and the wizards were investigating all over the city with the escorts.

Citizens were shutting themselves in their homes and praying for the night to pass, and the inn was packed to the brim with the stable because of the adventurous and merchants who had no way to come and go.

Anyone who did not feel uneasy would only have members of the royal family who would use this situation for a power struggle.

Even in this situation, an attendant and a messenger were sent, saying, ‘[The name of another member of the royal family] is behind this evil magic! Punish them immediately!’ Because I was sending the same letter.

“Check your weapons one last time! It could be the last weapon we’ll ever use alive!”

Actually, it was meaningless. It was a fact that all the guards knew that the atmosphere was unusual, and they had already polished their weapons to a shine.

It was just an attempt to maintain their tension in a loud voice.

Magi’s enormous pressure froze them. Whatever it was, it was clear that something was happening.

“Shouldn’t we serve the new emperor right now?”

At the adjutant’s words, the guard chief frowned.

From a common sense and general point of view, this incident was the result of the emperor’s absence. Although it was unprecedented, it was something that could have happened as long as the protection of the imperial family was gone.

However, the captain of the guard continued to have a crush on the wizards the hero was investigating at the end. Numerous corpses, which were probably fuel, could not be found, and the sins of the wizards could not be revealed.

“…Magic Tower. Are you still investigating?”

“There must have been an investigation team, but they all returned.”


If they remain, they are just helpless ordinary people without the companion of a magician or knight belonging to the Empire to ensure their safety.

And, a person with such a status could not request an investigation under the authority of the guards. Right now, they will have to gather with their families or knights and prepare for what will happen in the future.

Gradually, the energy of the demon was getting stronger.

“Well, it looks like something is starting!”

Ominous pillars of light shot up from here and there in the capital. It was magic.

“Wait, there were cultists around the capital!”

There was someone, whether it was a warlock or a cultist. There must have been some tendency in that evil light.

The appearance of monsters in the forest was a natural phenomenon that occurred when demonic energy spread, but this was clearly a premeditated crime with a culprit.

“Rain, where the light rises…”

“Too many! Don’t be rash! Wait until the situation is over!”

It was not possible to prevent such a ceremony from happening just because the guards ran, and if they scattered for no reason, they could be destroyed individually.

However, after that evil light lit up the dark sky, crossed over and over again to create a pattern, and gave off an aura that even ordinary people who knew nothing about magic would say, ‘Something has been accomplished.’

The sky grew quiet.

A tense silence ensued for a long time. The adjutant cautiously called the captain of the guard.

“Keep… are you finished?”

“I can’t do that.”

Even if a magic circle was drawn in the sky and a demon was summoned, it would be less embarrassing than this.

However, they cast these spells after thorough preparation. It didn’t seem like the order was disturbed either.

“Isn’t it a failure? An imperial mage could have stopped that ceremony…”

“I didn’t see any sign of that. But…”

However, the evil aura was gone. The painful sensation of pressure on their skin had disappeared before they knew it.

“I think it’s really over…”

The captain of the guard frowned.

There is no way that magic has no consequences. Even if thwarted or failed, distorted results must appear in some way.

The evil magic they tried to do did not fail. They have already achieved their goal.

It wasn’t strange even if the imperial palace exploded or half of the city was blown away. The captain of the guard wasn’t an expert on magic, but he couldn’t relax.

“Still… wait in a comfortable position. Do not relax completely. The spell has already succeeded. An enemy threatening the Empire may appear without warning… Huh?”

“Are you okay?”

The guard’s body shook for a moment.

“If you’re tired, take a break…”

“No. I’m not tired. This!”

the ground shook

The ground shuddered with a huge tremor. A thunderous dragon’s roar echoed through the city.

Black scales and ferocious eyes, sharp claws and ferocious breath.

The captain of the guard held the cursed body in his eyes and shouted in a voice drenched in fear and horror.

that’s a dragon

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