144 – name-7

Criminals are everywhere. No matter how peaceful and comfortable the space is, that fact has not changed.

The guards guarding Laurel’s estate knew that fact better than anyone else. To the extent that he obeyed without a sound even the sudden night patrol order.

Considering that if there was nothing, it would be futile, and if there was, it would be too risky and costly, their spirits were burning more than any knight or elite soldier.

However, their abilities were too meager compared to their hearts.

“The milestone over there is the destination. Just go there and come back.”

Since it was their job to move around disguised as merchants, they were poorly armed and poorly dressed.

Even if that wasn’t the case, there was very little reason to see them as guards.

Even the guard who was the leader of this group, who spoke out, was a mature man with no strength in his body. Those who followed them looked more clumsy.

A middle-aged woman, an old man who does not know if he can do farm work properly, and a man who is younger than young, who has not lost his youthful energy yet.

However, even these people had to be accepted, no, it was Laurel’s territory that was dangerous if even these people were not guarded.

There was a fierce battle to the extent that no male heir could be left in the aristocratic family, which was running fine with only a few hands.

It may be because they were not cowardly leaders who only gave orders behind the soldiers, but according to common sense, there was no way a soldier would remain intact in a unit whose commander was wiped out.

It was not uncommon for the hunters who managed the forest to be cut off, and the men who survived intact were necessary humans in their respective positions.

The seeds of men in all fields, such as millers, blacksmiths, and construction workers, were on the verge of drying up.

Even so, the spirit in their eyes did not fade.

“There will be no work tomorrow, so I can still see my daughter’s face.”

The middle-aged woman gasped and spoke.

Leaving behind her husband who was a soldier and enjoying a decent life, she quickly became a widow.

The Leodrin family was not stingy with the compensation of the dead, but the war with the demon king was different. There were too many dead.

They promised that they would continue to reward them at any time, and they continued even now, but even if they robbed the Leodrin family right away, there was no way the money would come out to cover it.

In the end, she had no choice but to pick up a spear and a sword while doing housekeeping. Because of his physical limitations, no matter how tough he trained, he was at a level that was difficult to surpass that of a normal adult male.

“What time do you think it is now? When I go back to the dorm, I don’t think I’ll do anything but sleep all day?”

“I have to wake up somehow.”

When they reached the milestone, they let out a sigh of relief. Nothing happened.

“Isn’t it just a rumor that merchants are disappearing?”

The old man, who seemed to have difficulty even walking, grumbled a little.

“I don’t know. The lord… No, that, the lord’s younger sister, Lady Laurel, seemed to think so.”

“But if we’re going to investigate, shouldn’t we have seen something?”

“That’s the problem. No body… no.”

It was the fundamental problem of Yeongji’s events and the reason why it was difficult to solve.

If it was simply a kidnapping, there was no reason to proceed so neatly. Common sense meant that raiders who raided civilians under cover of night and left no traces, there was no need to raid merchants or adventurers.

No matter how much Leodrin fell, it was a family that faithfully ruled a territory with a selection.

If you gather not only the guards but also the territory army, no matter how strong the bandits are, they won’t be able to hold out for long.

If the enemy is too strong to face, you can ask for support from the Leodrin family. However, not being able to grasp the true nature of the enemy was another matter.

“Looks like you’re halfway there… Uh, is there anyone out there at this hour?”

At least a young guard with good night vision spotted the suspicious shadows. Unidentified humans were approaching this place.

“It seems to be getting closer. It seems to be over twenty…”

“Keep your distance, prepare to run away. Elder, give me your luggage.”

“Oh, I see!”

It seemed a bit pathetic and shabby for the guards to show their backs, but that was the order given to them in the first place.

“I’m glad I didn’t run into another merchant…”

If there were young people to protect, he had to risk his life to protect them. But otherwise, the mission took precedence.

To uncover the identity of the existence that attacks travelers around here, or at least to catch a clue.

Even if they were guards, they couldn’t forcefully start an engagement with a small number. Especially considering their age and armament.

It was a group of guards who sped up, but the distance between them and those who followed them from behind did not narrow.

“Won’t you catch up at this rate?”

“If we make a hasty move, the other side will start running with all its might. Seriously, to go through something like this in Lady Laurel’s courtyard…”

Their hometown was an area that boasted a fairly stable security.

Since the residents are good enough to live on, the power of bandits does not increase easily. If a group of criminals from outside commits a crime even once, a subjugation party is immediately created.

However, they were too careful and threatening to be such ordinary bandits.

The distance between them grew closer. A strange confrontation ensued at a distance of about a hundred meters.

“How far will it be safe to go?”

The old man’s breathing became rough. I couldn’t even run or walk properly. Distributing physical strength, maintaining distance, and walking at a constant speed rapidly consumed mental and physical strength.

“The newly built watchtower probably hasn’t been staffed yet… and we’ll have to walk for at least a few more tens of minutes.”

“I don’t think it’s going to be solved even if I arrive. The sound of footsteps is increasing.”

Temporary guard posts were made here and there, but there were probably no more than ten guards in them. Being outnumbered was the only thing.

As the distance began to narrow further, the leader of the guards made a decision.

“I will fire it. The moment it explodes, sprint immediately.”


“All right!”

Taking out a small magic tool from his bosom, he squeezed the small rod tightly and twisted it.

Soon a red flash rose into the sky, creating a bright explosion in the sky.

Although it is a precious strategic asset that would be difficult to give to the guards normally, the signal flare received during the invasion of the demon king army and not returned remained in the Leodrin family.

Because it was a patrol unit with a special mission, it was able to receive this amount of support. Soon others will pick up on this signal and move.

“Let’s run away!”

Those who pursued them seemed to think they could not delay any longer, and started running after them in a hurry.


I tried, but the distance between them wasn’t much from the beginning. The old man lags behind.

When the distance was so close, despite the darkness of the night, the captain of the guards was able to identify the identity of the raiding party.

‘Black clothes, human, lightly armed… Bandit? Too much to be called a bandit…’

The attacker who ran first swung his sword at the old man behind him. Drops of red blood splattered in all directions.

“Huh… I mean, I’m not dead yet…”

It was on the side of the raiding party that fell bleeding. The old man’s stamina may have worn out over the years, but the hand that wields the sword has not disappeared yet.

“I can’t afford to be talking nonsense! Run away!”

The old man, who barely came to his senses at the captain’s cry, hurriedly kicked the ground and ran.

“It’s not long. Now just a little more…”

However, when he saw the guards guarding the post, the captain’s face turned white.

His life was still attached, but at first glance he did not appear to be well. Looking at the figure holding a bow and crossbow and aiming here and there, it was possible to know that a battle was already taking place.

If more enemies joined here, the guards might all be annihilated.

“End… is it?”

His legs, which had been running without rest, gave out strength. He was already a middle-aged man, and he was not old enough to use his strength to his heart’s content.

The guards at the post, made up of young women, were happy to see the guards running, but fell into despair when they saw the enemy following them.

“Fight to the end! For Leodrin!”

The old guard, who said he was a squire when he was young, shouted.

“Even if you die when you die, you must leave at least a corpse that is difficult to clean up! At least we must create evidence that there was a battle!”

The head of the guards guarding the post also encouraged others. As they were preparing for the final battle, something fell that would shatter the sentiment.

A thumping sound and rising dust, as if a huge stone had fallen from the sky. And from there, a normal-looking man walked out.

Dressed in an aristocratic pajama, he seemed out of place on this battlefield. But those familiar with rumors were able to detect that they had survived.

“I, Baron!”

“Thank you for your hard work. Everyone go to the post and don’t take a step out.”

The assailants looked bewildered, contemplating whether or not to attack him.

And he drew his sword with a relaxed smile.

“I’ll take care of it from here on out.”

Leodrin Enerel, champion and their lord, appeared.

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