126 – symbol-4

In this world, there is a kind of stereotype about priests who engage in combat.

The stereotype of mad warriors who would do anything for God.

And that wasn’t exactly wrong. If you are a cleric who has obtained permission from the Empire, you respect the value that people claim to be good under normal circumstances.

This was even more so for the priests of the Goddess Church, which governs love, mercy, and forgiveness.

But even because of that, it was not easy for a priest to participate in battle.

Unless it’s a monster or undead that incurs the wrath of the gods just by looking at it, the feelings of mercy and love will naturally be displayed even towards the enemy.

Not to mention the same human beings, and even beasts and monsters that looked similar to humans were often shown that mercy.

Divine spells are spells that are difficult for even the caster to control honestly. Due to the nature of being linked to emotions, the target of recovery spells used to change arbitrarily.

It is a physiological phenomenon. Just as we unknowingly frown when we see an animal dying in pain, when we see a living being suffering, our emotions flow away without even realizing it.

As a result, priests who could freely use divine spells had no choice but to be those who were extremely good at controlling their emotions or had absolutely no doubts, and were mentally well-armed for a fair fight.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry! Sashimi, the recovery spell…”

“It’s me! I’m here!”

However, this time, Celia’s recovery spell flew to the wrong place. Divine light descended upon the void, where there was nothing but trees and grass.

“I’m sorry…”

Roughly, I cut off the claws of the divine beast in front of my eyes. Being stabbed in the shoulder was just a moment of carelessness, and in the first place, it was not an animal worthy of being my opponent.

“I’ll stop you!”

“No, it’s okay, Eleanor! Check Celia’s condition! I’ll take care of this myself!”

Looking back, I couldn’t concentrate on this tiger-shaped divine beast.

Still, it was Celia who looked more dangerous than me.

Even considering that the cleric’s recovery spells could bounce around, her condition was heterogeneous.

If she says she felt sympathy for that green tiger, she should just put a healing spell on the beast.

It’s something that had never happened before, but considering that the enemies we mainly fought were monsters, it could happen at least once.

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Just tell him to be careful next time and then continue the fight.

If the recovery spell continues to go awry, just tell him to rest for a while and take care of it by himself.

“Oh, no. I have to live, I have to live!”

“Calm down! You’re not even hurt!”

Her divine spells went wild. Restoration spells were fired at dozens of illusions.


Fortunately, this time, the light wasn’t just directed into the air. As soon as the warm rays of the familiar touch touched him, the slight scratches healed in an instant.

“Is it snow…?”

Celia had been wearing an eyepatch for a while. I took it off at some point, and even when I was wearing it, I didn’t think it was a dangerous situation.

I wore an eyepatch and removed it repeatedly, and when necessary, I was able to see without any problems with the eyepatch removed.

But the condition may have been more dangerous than I thought.

It’s not just an emotional outburst. The fact that the divine spell entered the air meant that there was an object recognized as an ‘existence in need of recovery’, at least within her field of vision.

“Parseer, find the cause! Celia, don’t do anything, get back and rest!”


After a moment of glare, Shinsoo rushed in. However, due to an arrow flying from behind, he lost his acceleration and fell back.

Perhaps, the chaotic magic of this area was causing trouble. It is a place where massive magical changes that change the terrain occur on a daily basis.

It was a bit strange that Farseer didn’t notice first, but it wasn’t too strange what happened to Celia.

“Focus, Enerel!”


Anyway, the first priority is to defeat the beast in front of me. It is not too late to grasp the situation even if it is slow after the situation has stabilized.


It was a divine beast much larger than a normal tiger. I’ve never met a real tiger outside of a zoo, but it’s probably several times stronger.


Nonetheless, in terms of power, I am the top. don’t lose

The sword he swung cut off the beast’s shoulder. It wasn’t an attack that was deep enough to cut off his arm, but at least he wouldn’t hit his forepaw with all his might like before.


The green tiger struggled in pain. It was a chance. However, the feeling of incongruity that made her body tremble made her hesitate to deliver the final blow.

“Something’s coming, Enerel!”

“I felt it!”

It wasn’t an evil spirit. However, after all, this divine beast was not an evil being in the general sense. It’s just a little ferocious wild animal, a creature that can’t contain the value of good and evil.

Besides, even if they were good, it was too wishful thinking to expect them to side with us right away.

“I’ll watch the situation for now! That tiger won’t be able to move right away. Nerwen. Prepare for counter fire!”

“Confirmed, Enerel!”

sound of horseshoes A sharp, fast, cheerful sound that wanders through this forest as if it were its own home.

His eyes glared at the beast in the form of a tiger, but his mind was distracted by the sound of horses hooves.


it was on the right Nerwen’s arrows flew, but only slightly grazed the tail of the white flash, doing no harm.

“It’s great!”

Nervously, I aimed my sword at the flash, but it wasn’t me that the light pierced.


The beast that had been in front of me just now disappeared in an instant. A tail of white light and splattering blood showed that the disappearance of the beast was not magic or illusion.

“Keep your guard up!”

However, the voice that came from the forest was calm and sacred.

“It’s an uninvited guest who came at the right time… I’m surprised.”

It was the voice of a dignified middle-aged woman, but it didn’t sound like a voice coming out of her mouth and vocal cords.

It is something more fundamental than that.

“Gee, I didn’t expect you to come out first from that side… Lucky you, Enerel.”

Farseer sighed and smiled in relief.

Through the trees, I heard the sound of a horse hitting the ground.

The first thing to appear was the white horn. At the tips of the sharpest horns, a little red blood remained, but the bases of the horns were still pure white.

The horse’s head, which can only be said to be beautiful, appeared, followed by long, straight legs and pure white hair.


The existence we were looking for appeared in front of us as nothing happened.

A white horse with horns faster than light and nobler than anyone else.

It was a unicorn.


“I never thought I could speak human words.”

There are often stories of unicorns talking to humans, but most have been treated as untrustworthy.

Being able to understand human speech and being able to agree or reject was a fact that most scholars agreed on, but being able to speak out loud was another matter.

Most people who claim to have heard the unicorn have never been able to prove it in front of anyone else.

I came to think that the unicorn caused some kind of auditory hallucination, or that it was a special situation that could only happen against summoners with great bonds.

“There aren’t many people who can do it, and our species is very shy.”

“Isn’t that you?”

“When you get old, you lose your shame. You’re not in a position to hide your words.”

I didn’t have the eyes to see the horse, but the unicorn looked too flawless to say it was old.

“Yeah, what’s the reason you came here? First of all, it looked dangerous, so I saved it, but it looks like you didn’t need my help.”

I had never thought about the strength of a unicorn.

There were rumors that he ran like light to protect an innocent lady or lends his strength to an innocent knight, but I didn’t know how meaningful that was.

The unicorn protecting Lady mainly fought against ordinary soldiers, and it was more like running away with Lady on her back than fighting.

Chaste knights, in general, were strong. To the extent that it is difficult to ascertain from records how much of a share the unicorn takes in that achievement.

However, I could feel it. This unicorn is strong. I can’t say it’s as good as me, but it’s not an opponent that will be defeated easily.

“that is…”

No, the direction of thought was wrong.

There is no point in fighting her. It’s not out to hunt unicorns. If you are not a unicorn who sacrificed yourself, you have no value to me.

“I’m here to get the body of the unicorn.”

“It’s dangerous. Won’t you come back? If you came here with the intention of doing real harm… you won’t get anything out of it.”

She was right. If it was a sword-to-horn fight, he could try it, but he didn’t think he would even dare to pursue a unicorn that was determined and running away.

“You must be a unicorn who chose to die for himself. For my sake.”

She let out a laugh that was no different from any other word, ‘Pu-hee-hee-hee’.

“You’re a funny kid.”

I didn’t know how to read the horse’s eyes, but I could see that there was a hint of goodwill.

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