The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 690 Can’t escape from the palm of my hand

The dragon's soul was like a mud cow sinking into the sea, lost in Linde's vast and intertwined mental space.

Ansu, the ancient bronze dragon, what he entered was not the body of a mortal, not those tiny cocoons that could be filled with the soul of just one finger, but a different space with an infinite number of hexagonal corridors. , a Babel library.

His mind turned into a shadow, shuttling through the infinite rooms of the Tower of Babel Library at a very fast speed. He could run from one corridor to another in just half a second. He roared Bodean's name, trying to Find the liar's trail.

Ansu fell into the mental maze constructed by the mind flayer using psychic spells.

With this idea in mind, he kept moving forward, trying to find patterns in the monotonously repeated corridors. No matter how powerful the magic was, it could not achieve an infinite loop. Just forcing the maze to expand rapidly would make the weaver behind it exhausted. It becomes increasingly difficult to maintain the spell until it collapses.

One second, one minute, one hour, ten hours... one day, ten days!

Time loses meaning here.

He has patiently passed through 86,000 rooms in a row, and the corridors still remain unchanged in front of him.

Space also loses its meaning.

No matter up or down, or forward or backward, the scene always repeats monotonously again and again.

The dragon hesitated little by little, becoming confused about its original goal. He thought that there might be some kind of clever time and space loop structure in this maze, allowing him to keep going through the same path.

The fury in Ansu's heart exploded to its limit after the long-lost agony, turning into a long and violent roar. Then the pointless flight stopped.

The soul of the ancient bronze dragon transformed into a bronze dragonborn, calmed down and looked around.

In the middle of this hexagonal corridor is a huge ventilation shaft with low wooden guardrails. Looking up and down from the edge of the well, you can see more corridors, extending to infinity.

Suspended at a very high place is a sphere with a perfect shape, emitting light to illuminate every corridor. The translucent shell of the sphere can vaguely see the internal structure. Below it is the intricately coiled silver roots, while above it is burning with inexhaustible energy. extinguished white flame.

There are five bookshelves on each wall of each corridor, each holding thirty-two books. Ansu walked to the shelf, took out one of these books of the same size and flipped through it.

The content recorded in the book is simply a messy collection of text symbols, such as "锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷" ​​and "ASCRF" and other meaningless gibberish.

"Bode'an, is this your trick? It's too ridiculous!" Ansu felt insulted. The creator of this maze was simply fooling people.

It angrily tore at the books in its hands, tearing them into a pile of crumbs, then breathed thunder and set the wall-full of bookshelves on fire.

Ansu passed through the corridors, destroying the bookshelves, leaving a sea of ​​fire wherever he passed.

"What are you doing?!" A young girl stood in a corridor and stopped Ansu's book-burning behavior in shock.

"Clear water like a spring!" The girl pulled out her wand and summoned a ribbon of clear water to extinguish the fire, but the books that had turned into crumbs could not be saved.

Ansu glared at the human girl in front of him, "You can't blind me with this illusion trick!"

The burly bronze dragonborn grabbed the girl's shoulders like lightning and lifted her up to his eyes.

"Ah, you hurt me. Didn't anyone tell you that you are not allowed to cast spells in the public space of the library tower?"

"A living person? Tell me, where is Bodean?!"

"I don't know! Let go or I'll fight back, you lizard man."

Ansu's suspicious eyes were still unable to discern the hypocrisy of the little human in front of him. She might also be a victim trapped in the mental maze. When he thought that he might accidentally hurt a good person, the bronze dragon put her down depressedly.

"Okay, but you have to tell me who locked you in this maze, little witch."

The girl in the wizard's robe rubbed her sleeves and said unhappily: "You are simply confused. This is the library tower. I was not imprisoned here, but I discovered it. Is this your first day here?"

She said to herself: "I guessed it right, you don't know where this place is. My name is Hermione, Hermione Granger. Official apprentice of the Library Tower, Master Blerina Mayo of the Four Sages. Disciple, currently in fifth grade at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

The bronze dragon said expressionlessly, "Ansu."

"Mr. Ansu, please respect all the books in the library tower. Most of the public collection books look garbled, but they are specially sealed to protect the minds of readers. You may have destroyed some precious knowledge. .”

"That's nonsense." The bronze dragon sighed tiredly, like a dark wind blowing from its decaying skeleton like a sunken ship, making Hermione shudder.

"In that case, please do as you please. I will notify the secretly rendezvous Archmage to repair the books. You must be careful not to anger them."

The young witch carefully walked around Anzu, quickly ran to the wall, unscrewed a door and walked in.

Ansu clearly saw that it was an arbitrary door that teleported the witch to a certain area.

He tried to unscrew the handle himself, but there was still the same repetitive corridor behind the door.

"Bodean, Bodean..." Ansu chewed the name until static sparks shot out from his fangs.

He sat alone here, as quiet as the dozens of springs and autumns he spent with his bones after death.

After a while, a dark elf walked into the corridor. Ansu thought it was a drow at first, but there was something different.

"Are you the new one? Few people dare to destroy books in the library tower. This is disrespectful to the king of the tower."

Ansu looked at him coldly.

"Okay, you don't like to talk. I am Aran, the chief mage of Winterhold College. Nice to meet you." The dark elf chanted a spell, partially reversing time, and restored the burned books and shelves to their original state.

Such an unpredictable spellcasting ability made Ansu tremble slightly. He knew that this was not a trick of the illusion school. The ancient dragon's eyesight was sharp enough and could not be fooled easily.

Even the mind flayer couldn't create an illusion where he couldn't tell the difference between real and fake. In other words, the world in front of you is probably not a maze of the mind.

Perhaps a demiplane created by a legendary spellcaster.

"Wait. Where is this place?"

A Ran was turning around to leave, but turned around in surprise when he heard this.

"Tell me, how did you enter the library tower?"

"I...I entered the mind of a human, but was transported here inexplicably."

Aran showed a thoughtful expression.

"I see, you have met Master Linde." The elf mage's tone was very subtle, and it felt like you were causing trouble.

"Who is Linde?"

"The chief disciple of the Library Tower, the leader of the Four Wise Men, and the retinue of the King of the Tower."

Ansu felt depressed, "The person I'm looking for is not him, how should I leave here?"

"If you don't have the silver key with you, you probably won't be able to leave. You have to ask the Four Sages to give you a pass - this is the kingdom of the gods after all. Curbing your arrogance will help you live longer."

"I am already a skeleton, a ghost, an undead. I don't care about death, I just want to fulfill my promise. Tell me, where is Bodean? I want to save him, or kill him!"

Master Aran shook his head slightly, "The number of members in the Library Tower is increasing day by day, and I don't recognize everyone. But since you were sent here by Master Linde, I'll ask him for you."

Aran took out his mobile phone from his arms and dialed the number, "Hey, Master Linde... Yes, he is next to me, I understand... No trouble, goodbye."

Ansu stared at Aran nervously.

"He told you to go out that door."

The bronze dragon followed the direction of the mage's finger and saw a blue light shining on the door on one side of the corridor. He stepped forward and turned the handle. The scene behind the door was hazy. He looked hard and saw only a white dome with intertwined black lines in the distance.

He took a step forward and looked around, only to find that he was like a bean standing on the back of a giant's hand. The dome he saw earlier was actually the giant's face.

Lind lowered his head and watched Ansu's soul emerge from the door-shaped mark on the back of his hand.

The human looked at the tiny dragon and asked with a smile: "Are you still comfortable in my mind?"

This sentence reveals a shocking fact.

Even the proud true dragon was deeply shocked by the courage of this man's words.

"God." Ansu murmured. (End of chapter)

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