Will Ravengard saw Belina Stormey with his own eyes many years ago when he attended a noble banquet when he was a child.

"She was so beautiful that I knew for the first time what it felt like to have my heart beat. She had long chestnut hair and a figure as light as a blue jay. She walked around everyone in the room. She was the center of the crowd. "

Later, when he grew up into an upright and strong young man, he met Belina again.

"... She was a completely different person. Half of her body was paralyzed, her eyes were dull, and her mouth was drooling. I asked my father, Duke Steme, if this was a stroke? And he said he was a stroke survivor."

A politician with such a worrying physical condition, no matter how majestic he was in the past, can hardly have any influence now. Politicians are like gamblers, and their first and last bargaining chip is good health.

Upon hearing this idle conversation, Constantine sighed melancholy.

He said softly: "Years ago, after I was transformed into an illithid, I escaped from the shackles of the mastermind with the help of a friend and briefly returned to Baldur's Gate. During that time, I met Belina. She was very She is powerful, and I need such a partner, so I exert a secret influence on her through psychic energy. It is entirely my fault that her physical condition is so bad."

Constantine is completely open about the mistakes he made in the past. If he were still the mind flayer named Lord, he would lie, saying that he and Belina were "lovers" in a sense, and conceal the secret of mind control. behavior.

On the one hand, he now doesn't need to hide the truth for fear of frightening his partners, and on the other hand, he's not afraid to expose his faults.

Orpheus is dead, but the noble spirit still lives on.

Lind asked curiously: "Are you going to see Duke Belina Stemey now to confess?"

"Of course. If she is willing to accept my apology. No matter what, I will find a way to cure her illness."

It is said that heart diseases can only be cured by heart medicine, and only masters such as psychics can cure the scars on the mind caused by the mind flayer. More importantly, Duke Sturme has been tortured, and the spirit of the mind flayer cannot be cured. The effects lingered for years, and she couldn't even call for help.

Lind pondered slightly. He still remembered what the refugees outside the city said. Duke Stemey seemed to be a loyal believer in the King of the Tower, and he also took the lead in setting up a candle bearer church at Baldur's Gate.

It seems that Duke Stemei has become active again. Such a person will not be a seriously ill person.

The specific situation will be known when you arrive at the Elf Song Tavern. Duke Stemei rests in the tavern all year round. She has a private reception room on the second floor, which was once the most important political resource distribution center in the city.

On the way Constantine recounted his past deeds. After taking control of Belina, he roped in several more people, including Insem Hune, a despicable politician and an important member of the Knights of the Shield. The Knights of the Shield can be traced back to around 170 BC in the Valley. It is a huge commercial organization that secretly colludes with the devil to cause trouble in the Sword Coast area.

In the past, everything in Baldur's Gate had to go through the Knights of the Shield, which could be said to be a single family.

But now, this unicorn seems to have disappeared. Their members are nowhere to be seen in the streets and alleys. Only the secret mark of the organization can be seen on the outer wall of the Elf Song Tavern.

"The Knights are still protecting Belina." Constantine breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the mark.

"You are acting like a love interest now. I hope you won't be scratched in the face by that duchess later." Ying Xin said half teasingly, half sarcastically.

Entering the tavern, there was an endless flow of people in the hall, but almost no one spoke.

An ethereal and melancholy female lament lingers endlessly among the beams, pillars and domes. She sings in gorgeous Elvish about nameless lovers lost in the ocean.

This is how the Elven Song Tavern got its name. The ghost of a female elf lives here and sings from time to time.

When she spoke, the guests in the tavern silently stopped talking.

The adventurers walked into this quiet hall and came to the counter. The tavern owner Alan Ellis smiled at them and silently pointed to the display board on the counter, which had the prices of various services such as food and accommodation.

Lind leaned against the counter and said nothing. When the lingering sound of the singing dissipated and the drinkers started drinking and laughing again, he asked: "Excuse me, is Duke Belina Strome upstairs?"

"Of course." The half-elf boss shrugged, "Who in Baldur's Gate doesn't know that the duchess is on the second floor of the Elf Song Tavern? If you have the face and ability, just go upstairs and find her."

"Can't I ask you to inform me?"

Allen waved his hand, "There are many people like you who want me to report to Duke Steme as soon as we meet, but they haven't been able to see the duchess. Do you know why?"

Linde smiled: "Then I won't bother you."

"Hey, shouldn't you continue asking?"

Linde went straight to the stairs, but the boss was choked and couldn't get up, and his expression was extremely uncomfortable.

Arriving on the second floor, the Duchess's room was directly opposite the stairs. The door was guarded by two serious-looking thugs, a shield dwarf and an orc.

"Stop, who are you?"

Linde looked at Constantine, the old concubine of the duchess, who came forward to negotiate, "I'm here to see Belina and tell her that the monarch is back."

The thug rolled his eyes. Obviously, Constantine's appearance failed to gain trust.

Linde sighed and stepped forward and said: "I heard that Ms. Stemei is a member of the Candlebringer Church, and I am her god... a member of the church. Please inform me."

His words were ordinary, but his [Friendship Skill] was still so powerful. The two thugs were convinced. The shield dwarf turned and knocked on the door. After a while, the door opened and a young maid came out.

She saw the visitor clearly, noticed the Silver Tree Holy Emblem that Linde showed, and then performed a candle-laying ceremony with a pious expression.

"May the Lord of the Tower guide the way forward. Why do you want to visit the Duke?"

"I came to ask her for help." Linde replied sincerely.

"There are so many people in this city who need help. Do you have any specific requests?"

"I want to help the city."

This was a shocking answer. The young maid stared at him like a frightened hamster for a while, probably to confirm that this person was not mentally ill.

"I will convey your request to the Duke truthfully. Please wait here."

The door to the room closed again.

The adventurer and the janitor looked at each other.

Lind silently counted the time and maintained his concentration on the spell. If his friendship spell failed, the affected person would find out, and usually no one likes to be misled by magic.

The door reopens before the spell expires.

Belina Stemei stood behind the door and smiled at them—a healthy, half-aged beauty.

"Hello. And my fellow believers, please come in." (End of Chapter)

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