The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 636 Laughter Failed Saving Throw

Asdalen had a guilty conscience. He sneaked into the crypt of the Temple of Mercy not to steal property, but to complete the entrustment of the monk ghost.

"Oh, you scared me to death, my dear." The pale vampire smiled reluctantly, and his eyebrows frowned unconsciously, showing that he was worried.

Linde raised his eyebrows and asked, "Why are you here?"

"For the nagging old guy in the pendant. I came to the temple to inquire about the whereabouts of his granddaughter Sheila, but guess what? This Sheila is already dead."

"Are you worried about this?"

"No, of course I won't be worried about this crazy old guy, but it's another important matter that matters to my life... Just go into my memory and check, I'm too lazy to talk."

The teammates mobilized the psychic powers of the Mind Flayer Tadpole and were invited by Asdalen to briefly review his experiences of the past hour or so.

After splitting up, Asdalen went straight to Charis Cares, the best entertainment venue in Livington District, where he was going to have a drink. Although he is penniless, as a high-end socialite, Asdalen always has a way to make others pay with his handsome appearance and sweet words.

The practice of a warrior monk does not exclude indulgent behavior, but Asdalen has no real intention to entertain Seven Stars. Places like Charis' caress held many memories for him, just like being in an old house with bustling crowds. He could slowly find his former self amid laughter and wild hookups.

Everyone has a preferred place to relax, Gail likes to look at the stars at night, and Asdalen likes to hang out in the hook bar.

The gorgeous dark red decoration and the strong scent of wine in the air were the taste of the human world. He was somewhat fed up with the terrifying sights of the wilderness and catacombs.

However, Asdalen's good mood did not last long. He met an unexpected person under the caress of Charis - the vampire spawn, the beautiful and thin Dalilia.

Dalria is a female elf with excellent looks. At this time, a drunk customer was chatting and laughing in her snow-white hair.

But when she noticed Asdalen, her shy and coquettish expression completely froze, as if she had turned into a stone statue.

Dalria was shocked that this missing companion appeared in Baldur's Gate.

"Asdelon, why don't you run away? You are already free, why do you want to come back?!"

"Of course I have to come back, otherwise how could I kill Kazador? Are you searching for prey again? There is really no end to the miserable days driven by that tyrant - sisters?"

"You want to kill Kaza... don't say it here, come with me."

Daleria pushed aside the prey beside her and dragged Asdalen to a secluded corner.

It was also learned from Dalria that preparations for Kazador's Black Mass ceremony were almost complete, and there were only a few gaps left before the 7,000 spawn.

Asdalen's memory stops here, and he has no interest in sharing more.

"So, now, what do you think?" Asdalen sneered nervously.

"No idea." Linde shrugged.

Asdalen felt as if he had swallowed a lead weight and his mouth was dry. "You really have no idea?"

"Kazador wants to cause trouble for you, can't we just kill him? Do you need any ideas?"

The vampire smiled and said, "Of course, of course. This is in line with your style of doing things, dear, that's the spirit. I'm wondering if I should make a plan or something, and break into the vampire's fortress rashly, but that's not necessarily the case. Good thing."

"The plan is to kill the Holy One."

Asdalen nodded his head, "Yes, yes, the holy light can restrain vampires. When the time comes, you can chop hard. I will wave my fist again, and after I sense the 'qi', I will strike hard with the wind." beat."

He put on a posture and screamed strangely, looking like Bruce Lee. Karak and Gale couldn't help laughing. Asdalen said in surprise: "What are you laughing at? I'm serious."

"Okay, okay, you are indeed serious. Now let's resolve the personal matter of the ghost of the monk in the pendant."

There are four sarcophagi in the tomb, where the dead temple personnel are buried.

Sheila Craven, the granddaughter of the warrior monk, died in 1491 of the Vale Calendar, only a few years ago. It can be said that she came a step too late.

When everyone opened the coffin lid, they saw the severely decayed body of Sheila Craven.

The ghost in the pendant swung in, possessed Sheila's body, and stood up in the form of an undead creature.

He laughed sadly: "Hehehehe, dear Sheila, the long wait only ushered in the news of your death. I should have given Shar's evil fanaticism to Sheila, and her god Ilmet can endure all sufferings. , and now how can I get rid of this evil curse?"

The zombie swayed forward and back, withered grapes falling out of its eye sockets and hanging on its face, held by nerve bundles.

Everyone felt the monk's eyes lingering on their faces.

"Who can bear Shar's madness for me and give me relief?"

The crowd silently took a step back, protecting Asdalen in front of them.

The vampire looked left and right, swaying left and right, and the zombie's eyes were fixed on him.

"Hahahaha, it's you. If you are willing to bear it, then come on."

The zombie pounced on Asdalen, pursed his withered lips, and kissed him fiercely.

Linde hissed and stared with wide eyes. Tara, the winged cat, cried with joy, "Woohoo~"

The Yankee girl frowned fiercely, Karak covered her mouth, endured it again and again, and decided to vomit in the corner with Gale.

The Githyanki monks, on the other hand, remained calm and unfazed.

Asdalen pushed the zombie away violently. His heart began to beat with anger, but all that came out of his mouth was laughter.

"Hahahaha, hee hee, save..."

Gale came back after vomiting, wiped the stomach acid from the corner of his mouth, frowned and said, "Our vampire friend doesn't look good."

The situation is indeed not good, Asdalen failed the test, he was affected by the fanatical curse of the monk ghost, and he could not extricate himself.

Contrary to him, the ghost finally got rid of the curse, and his soul appeared in front of everyone, no longer laughing wildly.

"The Lord of the Dawn is calling, and I will usher in a new dawn. Please forgive me, this is not my intention. My disciple, may laughter be your gift."

Asdalen's eyes widened and he smiled heartily: "I'm so \u0026%¥! You%\u0026*! You killed me!"

The monk ghost said sadly: "My disciple, look for the tranquility in the extreme motion. Curse is like a test. I failed, but you may benefit from it. By then, your mind will be stronger than mine." .”

His faint words disappeared along with his gradually fading body.

Everyone was left looking at each other.

"what to do?"

Asdalen didn't know what to do, he just laughed so hard that he wanted to die. (End of chapter)

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