The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 628 Yan Nantian's performance of selling swords: a big failure

Chapter 628 [Performance] Yan Nantian Selling Sword: Big Failure

"Livington, Livington is so beautiful."

Linde stood on a high slope and looked at the cluster of buildings in the low-lying area to the north. The low-rise houses covered with red tiles were like blooming amanitas, scattered side by side on the south bank of the Chongsa River. The people coming and going have cheered up from the shadow of yesterday's war and are going about the most ordinary daily tasks. From a distance, they look like busy herds of cattle.

What's interesting is that the Legion of the Supreme God is currently camping in the wilderness less than five kilometers away from the river bank. You only need to climb a small hill to see the scattered military tents there, as well as the smoke rising into the sky.

Young people who go out for an outing can chat on the hills, send love letters to each other, and gaze at the military camp in the distance.

Even if the army is going to attack your door tomorrow, you still have to do what you need to do today. Vendors are selling normally, banks are operating as usual, and even thieves and murderers are carrying out criminal activities in an orderly manner.

There are various signs that this is still a vibrant city, just like a leafy tree, every leaf is still on the branch, bleak in the cold autumn wind.

"This is the city during the war, friends." Gale commented in a scholarly tone. "The production machine is still operating as usual. The citizens are trying to paint a picture of peace amidst the advocacy of those in power, blinding themselves and ignoring the immediate situation. The threat is so close."

Karak looked disgusted and said, "Come on, I only know that an hungry stomach can kill people just as well as a knife. If it were me, I would rather eat before dying."

Minsala chuckled, "Wizards from the city always like to make lofty speeches, but rarely come up with plans. They just show off the fact that they have received higher education. What distinguishes the upper class from the lower class is never just wealth and power. .”

Gale's face was so hot that he was stabbed, and his words of encouragement were stuck in his throat.

Ying Xin comforted with half pity and half humor: "Oh, Gale, you have never been this material, you should just be your magician, and leave the speech skills such as speeches to Linde... Eh, Where is Linde?”

In the blink of an eye, Linde disappeared, and only a figure running towards Livington could be seen in the distance.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, shouted "Someone is running away!" and followed him down the slope.

Livington saw the excitement from a distance, but it was even more bustling from a closer look. As soon as Linde got in, he disappeared, and the adventurers were also overwhelmed by the crowd.

After everyone gathered together, they decided to divide their forces and send a few people to find Linde, while the rest spread out to inquire about the town.

Karak saw the poster of Doomsday Circus on the roadside billboard, and ran away with a roar as excited as a runaway husky.

Will was still worried about his old father's safety and walked directly to Feilong Pass Fortress.

Asdailun stretched out, and the urging of the ghost monk kept ringing in his ears. He responded lazily: "What's the rush? You've been trapped for so many years. Don't miss this day, wait for me to go to Xia Rui I’ll have a nice drink under Silk’s caress to relieve my fatigue, and I’ll go find your granddaughter right away.”

Gale hesitated for a moment, then walked into the Sword Coast Express Post Office, preparing to send a letter home to his mother in Waterdeep City.

Ying Xin wandered on the roadside and found that refugees gathered outside a barn in the east of the town to receive supplies. A small-scale trading market was also established opposite. This kind of place with complicated flows of people is the best place to ask for gossip. , she clearly saw a few Tiefling refugees, and she felt as happy as meeting old friends in a foreign land, so she immediately came closer.

The remaining people, Minsala, Raizel, and Jahira, were not familiar with each other, and they were all looking for interesting things. The prince's honor guard followed Laezel, apparently regarding her as Orpheus II's wet nurse.

Constantine used psychic disguise to transform himself into an ordinary human face and wandered around the town casually. He seemed to be interested in everything, even the cats and dogs on the roadside. one time.

The first person to find Lind was Raizel.

In fact, I didn't find it at all, but happened to meet it by chance.

When a Yankee girl arrives at a place, she will always pay attention to weapons and equipment if conditions permit. The blacksmith shop is her favorite place to visit.

And Lind happened to be standing at the door of the blacksmith shop.

This is a shop called "Livington General Store". It has a front store and a back factory model. It sells a variety of weapons and equipment. The teller is a dragon-born girl with a cute temper.

Linde placed a rag on the street in front of the general store, with a rusty broken sword on it. Such an aboveboard business operation would attract attention, especially those adventurers who wanted to buy something. The mercenaries and mercenaries always stopped in front of him.

Paladin smiled and said to passers-by: "The sword is for sale. It is a sharp sword that can cut the scales of a red dragon! Don't miss it when you pass by."

A group of curious adventurers came over and the first question they asked was: "Brother, aren't you afraid of getting beaten when you block the door of someone's shop to do business?"

Linde tapped the fine gold heavy armor with his finger, and it sounded as calmly as a bell. He raised his eyebrows and said, "I think this shop owner is reasonable."

Passers-by didn't know what he was selling, so they just thought this guy was messing around, so they focused on the stall's only product and couldn't help but sneer.

"Come on, this is just a broken sword. You didn't pick it up on the battlefield, right? It's too dull to use as a saw blade."

Linde smiled: "If you don't believe it, you can try it with your own sword to see which one is sharper."

The adventurers on the opposite side looked at each other. They would have just laughed it off, but the crowd watching the excitement started to boo.

"Okay! In that case, I'll give it a try." A dexterous human male among the adventurers pulled out the short sword on his chest, then grabbed the broken sword on the stall, and they collided with each other, only to hear the sound of metal tearing. There was a squeaking sound, and the broken sword easily cut through the dagger.

The onlookers roared in surprise.

The eyes of the adventurer who tried the sword shone brightly, "Yes, this is an enchanted weapon, right? It's still usable in this condition, but it's a pity that it doesn't fit in the hand."

Linde was still so good-tempered, "Since it doesn't fit, forget it. If you don't buy it, others will."

"Hey, I didn't say much? One thousand gold coins?! Why don't you go...cough. Cheaper?" The adventurer and his companions muttered together. There was a shield dwarf among his teammates, and he reached out to grab it. Guo Shanjian looked at it and even stuck out his tongue to taste it.

"Boss, this smells wrong." The shield dwarf looks like an anvil, and his voice is even richer. "Is your sword enchanted?"

Linde smiled and said, "As a businessman, can I sell you a whiteboard?"

"Then why don't you have any enchanting materials or patterns on your sword? It must be a temporary enchantment!"

The dwarf's companion also reacted, "You kid, are you a magician? This sword is your magic contract-bound weapon!"

Linde spread his hands and said, "Go, don't touch it if you don't want to buy it. If it gets damaged, I need you to accompany me."

The adventurers threw down his broken swords and left laughing. The people around them expressed their contempt for the counterfeit seller.

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