The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 621 The adopter of the egg, the blood of Lathander

"It's done. The memory of Orpheus has been transferred to this egg. This child will become a person born to know the lies of Vlaakis, the history of the Gith race, and the life experience of the Comet Prince. Be its treasure.”

Everyone in the adventure party gathered around the green Githyanki egg and clicked their tongues.

Gale took Lind's hand and said in a very disgusting tone, "Brother, I couldn't see the truth before. I swear on Mystra's underwear rack that with your level of knowledge, you can apply for a job as a teacher at Black Stick Academy." It's really a missile whacking a hamster, with every shot hitting the target. So, when our tight adventure is over - I hope I will still be alive by then, can I ask you for magic knowledge? "

"I personally don't accept apprentices." Lind responded coldly, "But you can apply for the magic school in Sky City and directly enter the graduating class - you have the potential to become a god, Mr. Gale Decarios."

"It's a great honor." Although Gale didn't understand anything about the graduating class of the magic school that Linde was talking about, he still pretended to bow deeply, stretched one hand back, and drew a circle on his chest with the other hand, which was a very respectful aristocratic etiquette.

Shadow Heart touched the big green egg. She could feel the vigorous vitality inside through the slate-like eggshell. The unborn little guy had a clear pulse. She suddenly noticed a black shadow swimming in the egg. Then, a sudden A small hand high-fived her through the eggshell.

"Oh..." she sighed with mixed emotions, "To be honest, when I realized that there was an alien child in this egg, I was a little queasy, but I also thought it was quite cute. It's such a contradiction, isn't it?"

Minsala chuckled, "Women will have this thought when facing cubs."

"Speaking of which, Mingsala, how is your relationship with Lingci? I heard that drow elves will not hesitate to kill even blood relatives."

"The first time I tasted blood, I was still being breastfed by my mother. In order to protect me, a dagger pierced her chest, almost piercing the heart. When I became an adult, she tried to kill me with her own hands. Me, and my fight back left her with new scars that matched the old scars she had left to protect me.”

"Wow, that's... so complicated. I don't remember what my mother looks like or the details of getting along with her. This experience is really new to me."

Linde shrugged, "Maybe one day you will find a lover, marry that person, give birth to a child yourself, or adopt a child. Then you will be able to experience the complexity of maternal love firsthand."

"The question now is, what to do with this egg? When it grows up, it will become Orpheus II, and Vlaakis will definitely find a way to kill it."

"So we need someone reliable enough to adopt it. Well, Mr. Val, are you willing to adopt it?"

The embarrassed young warrior Val shook his head in panic, "No, I'm too clumsy."

The Soul Eater floated a foot above the ground with his hands on his back, looking very imposing, "The battle with Vlaakis will surely ignite the stars. A long war that will last ten years or even a hundred years. Let this child grow up in a stable environment. .”

Raizel frowned and said straightforwardly: "The descendants of our clan will grow up very quickly after breaking out of their shells. They should be trained in blood and fire and shoulder the responsibilities of Orpheus."

"The question is, with Orpheus's life, does he really need to go through war?" Soul Eater used the clear personal pronoun "he", which seemed to predict that a male Gith would be born in the shell.

The Soul Eater said gently: "He is destined to be a leader. It is far better to breed compassion and kindness in him with care than to raise another impatient murderer. Only compassion can save the Githyanki in the cage. .”

Asdalen sighed: "Now we have to find a reborn family for this alien egg, right? Our adventure is really full of trivial surprises."

Soul Eater was very indifferent: "I have to protect Baldur's Gate, and it may be difficult to distract from taking care of him. From now on, he and I will need a new name, and Orpheus is now a shell with no name. By What he split needs to start his own life."

Val asked sadly: "Prince Comet, just disappeared like this?"

Everyone looked at Orpheus who was bound by the chains of hell. Although he was still alive, he had no brain activity.

Linde said softly: "Some people have died, but he is still alive and has become a flag. One day, someone will take over this flag, and by then, Orpheus will return."

Will sighed: "I have seen a twists and turns epic. Who would have thought that a person can be divided into three parts? I look forward to the day when the young heir takes back the title of greatness from his old self."

The prince's honor guards have gradually woken up. They are obviously not very accepting of this situation, and they all look at the adventure team and the super mind flayer with hatred.

"There is no need to be sad, this is Orpheus's own decision." The soul eater injects the previous events into the brain of the honor guard through telepathy.

It took some time for these loyal guards to accept such a shocking change.

Then, they looked at the green egg as if they were looking at the young king, and they were the orthodox veterans of Kuangfujis.

"We are willing to take care of the little prince, please give us the egg."

The Soul Eater looked at Raizel, "You, a former compatriot, I see the trait of cherishing in you. Although you are deeply poisoned by Vlaakis, you are loyal enough to get along with your companions. I want you to take care of this child.”

Raizel was silent for a moment, raised his head and said, "That's it."

Linde clapped his hands and said, "The prince's life and death have been arranged, we should continue to set off."

Everyone left the Astral Prism, it was really a huge group.

Vlaakith did not show up again, but the matter would not end like this. At this moment, a sense of stormy terror fell on everyone's hearts. They were being hunted, and more Githyanki would come to hunt them down. .

However, the adventure team already has too much debt to worry about.

Deep in the church, the monks of Gechen Monastery made fake holy blood to fool people. The real holy blood of Lathander is hidden in the secret room. Two statues need to be rotated so that they face the direction of sunrise and sunset respectively. The walls The secret door above will be opened.

There were no twists and turns in the process of retrieving the object. In short, Linde finally got this legendary weapon that people miss so much.

The Blood of Lathander, the legendary one-handed hammer, contains incredible power.

Once a day, when the user is in a near-death state, Lathander's Blessing will provide a small amount of healing to all friendly members within 9 meters.

The light of heaven released by this one-handed hammer illuminates a 6-meter radius, and demons and undead creatures will be blinded by the light.

If the power in the hammer is activated, the 6-ring sun ray can be released.

Lind handed the blood of Lathander to Shadow Heart. The half-elf priest was stunned for a moment. She sighed: "It's too precious. I heard you said you would find a one-handed hammer before, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful. .”

"It's just a legendary weapon, it's not a big deal. I used to have an instant noodle fork, which was much more powerful than this."

"Hey, bragging." Everyone expressed their contempt. (End of chapter)

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