The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 582 The most famous errand boy in all countries

Asdalen is the most suitable to be a monk. His agility and perception attributes are both very good, and the agility attribute is the main attribute of the monk.

If there must be one monk in the team, that person would undoubtedly be Asdalen.

The profession of monk has great potential. During this adventure, you will collect a lot of magic equipment that monks can use. It would be a pity if no one wears it. Moreover, part-time monk will not delay Asdalen's work as a thief.

But the vampire himself was reluctant.

Linde only asked him one question: "Don't you want revenge?"

Asdalen's face froze, and he said uncertainly: "This has nothing to do with my revenge. I just don't like being a monk, and this kind of thing has nothing to do with me."

"But the way of the monk can give you strength." Linde said, "People in despair should grasp at any straw. Even if it sometimes seems fragile and strange. When I came to Guoguo Tianyu, I was directly exposed to the vast wasteland, and the nearest planet to me was hundreds of thousands of miles away. At that time, I became a warlock, not because I had this choice, but because I would die if I didn’t do it.”

"Aren't you a medicine seller in Waterdeep City?" Gale couldn't help but interject, "When did the Wanderer in Huangyu happen?"

"I'm not a native of Waterdeep."

Only Tony roughly guessed that Lind was role-playing, but he did not expose it. He just smiled and recalled the past of traveling the universe on the Planeswalker with Lind, Ms. Moonshadow and others.

Gale is familiar with the concept of Huangyu, which is the space beyond the planet. Among other companions, the astral hunter Raizel is more familiar with Huangyu.

Asdalen hasn't made up his mind yet. It is not easy for a character who has been hiding in the shadows for hundreds of years and needs to eat rats to calmly accept the lifestyle of a warrior monk.

There are three main branches of monks, also called sects, which represent different ways of using "qi". They are the Four Symbols Sect that masters the power of elements, the Shadow Sect that masters shadows and escape techniques, and Sanda, which uses a pair of iron fists to destroy the world. Zong.

In terms of appearance, Asdalen is suitable for the secretive Shadow Sect, but in terms of strength, the Sanda Sect is even more outstanding.

Lind left the choice to Asdalen and gave him the Monk Pendant.

"Whenever you think about it, communicate with the spirit body."

"Are you so sure that I will listen to you?" Asdalen's eyes were dangerous, weak and pleading.

Lind shook his head, "I'm not sure. But I know how much you hate Kazador."

Asdalen smiled sadly, raised his hand to take the pendant, and the curse power contained in it suddenly surged up. The corners of his mouth suddenly curled up, and then he calmed down.

The monk's spirit laughed in surprise: "You are exactly what I want! You will become a powerful monk!"

There is an elevator in the Road of Revenge that leads to the Shadow Cursed Land on the surface. This is both a right path and a shortcut.

The other way is from the Ascension Road to the west, passing through the mountain pass, passing Guichen Monastery, and finally entering the Cursed Zone.

The adventure team does not plan to take the elevator to the surface, but plans to go directly to the depths of the Shar Temple to rescue the Song of Dark Night. This is the shortest among shortcuts.

However, while everyone was repairing, the lift started on its own.

The sound of the sliding chains was quite harsh, attracting Ying Xin and Gale who were closest to them.

The lift went up for half an hour and then came down again.

"Someone is coming down." "Who could it be?" "Maybe more cultists of the Supreme God."

Shadow Heart and Gale gathered together in front of the elevator.


The elevator descended slowly, and an old man wearing a red wizard robe and a red pointed hat appeared in front of everyone.

When Gale saw him he blurted out: "Elminster! Why are you here? Why are you here?"

"Yeah, I'm glad to see you too. If I didn't have to put on my best shoes for you, and then walk long distances on the dirt in the countryside, and have to take this damn long elevator, I'd be in the mood. It will be better."

Elminster blinked and looked around. His wise, calm, and calculating eyes collapsed the moment he saw Lind.

"Lind! Why are you here? Why are you here?!"

These words, which seemed to be repeated, successfully made Lind laugh.

"Old wizard, you remember what I said, we will meet again, right? As you can see, we meet again."

Elminster's expression management is somewhat broken.

Gale asked in surprise: "Do you know each other? Oh, I don't think this is strange, but I never thought that we have common friends."

The old wizard Elminster hesitated to speak.

Lind waved his hand, "Let's not talk about my affairs. Let's talk about you first. Mr. Olma, what is your intention for suddenly visiting our camp?"

The companions were waking up from a dream, and Shadow Heart asked in surprise: "Is he Elminster? The most powerful mage in the kingdom of heaven?"

Elminster shrugged and said humorously: "Rather than the most powerful mage, he is the most famous errand boy." He glanced at Lind with complicated eyes, and then looked at Gale.

"Listen, I'm here for you. Well... I'm going to be as straightforward as possible and cut out all the bells and whistles."

Gale showed a listening expression, but he crossed his arms and was obviously on guard.

"Well, listen, my child, it was she who sent me to you. I brought you her orders."

"Mystra." Gale said coldly.

"Yes, Mystra, the goddess of magic, the only arcane, I represent her will, but the next words are indeed a bit hard to accept. You know how big a mistake you have made, Gale." The old mage's gaze Staying on Gale's chest, "We don't need to go into details about what you did wrong, but even so, you still got a chance to atone."

Gale laughed angrily, "Atonement? Is this what she was going to say? After she abandoned me? You can go back and tell her, there's no need."

Elminster was puzzled by his attitude. Any mortal should be ecstatic to hear that a god is willing to forgive his sins, or at least show some regret.

"What happened to you?" Elminster's eyes became sharp.

"My illness has been cured, El. I did make a mistake once, but with the help of my companions, the bitter fruit of this mistake has been brewed into sweet wine. I am very well now."

Gale gently opened the collar, revealing the mark of the Netheril Magic Web. This unstable orb of destruction was now flashing with magnificent and eternal brilliance, and even faintly revealed a ray of divinity. (End of chapter)

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