The astral plane is a spiritual dimension. There is no concept of time here. Creatures do not age here and do not need to eat. As a transitional plane, it is often a transit point for plane travel. The kingdoms of many gods float in the astral plane. Even the bodies of gods after death will drift here.

Someone deliberately pulled Lind into the star realm.

Linde was not alarmed.

"You're awake." A gentle greeting came from beside him.

He turned around and saw a familiar red-haired girl kneeling on the ground beside him.

This red-haired girl also appeared when the shell ship crashed, and used the feather falling technique to save Linde.

The girl has a slender figure and slender limbs. Linde is familiar with every inch of her texture, as well as her thin and pale face, and her eyes like amber honey.

"She" is Millicent, Lind's dream girl.

"Millicent" said: "Fortunately, I arrived in time. You have already begun to change. I wouldn't have been able to save you if it had been later."

Lind knew that the red-haired girl in front of him was definitely not his Millicent.

The simplest reason is that "she" has no love in her eyes. "She" has transformed into Millicent's body, copied her body language, and imitated her tone of voice, but she cannot imitate "love".

A sneeze needs to mobilize hundreds of muscles, and a look of love needs to hide a thousand words.

Even though Lind was in mortal form, he could see that the fake Millicent in front of him was completely off the mark.

You are so bold and evil, I can tell at a glance that you are not a human being!

Linde said with a faint look: "You can change your appearance. The person you found in my memory will not talk to me like this."

Fake Millicent's expression froze, and "she" said softly: "I have no malice, nor do I want to manipulate your emotions. It's just that when I face you with this appearance, you won't be too hostile to me."

The dream visitor raised his hand and touched her face gently, and a stream of magical aura flowed through her body. "She" turned into a beautiful drow female elf with an eye-catching figure, and her voice became hoarse and charming.

"You are very perceptive," the dream visitor praised, "and very rational, which are excellent qualities for achieving great things. I guess you must have a lot of questions, but now you just need to believe me."

She reached out to Lind, ready to pull him up from the ground.

Linde declined the kindness of the dream visitor.

"First you saved me on the shell ship, and then you stopped the transformation process of the Mind Flayer Tadpole. Now you make me believe in you unconditionally. You are really interesting. When you are polite to others, you must ask for something, you might as well make conditions Come."

"The time has not come yet."

Lind has always hated the Riddler's behavior. The dream visitor in front of him obviously thought he had control of Lind's lifeline, so he took the initiative to benevolent to him.

Even the devil knows there is no free lunch.

Since the Dream Visitor can prevent the mind flayer tadpole from transforming, of course the adventurous team that escaped from the shell ship cannot do without her. Such a crucial ability is her bargaining chip.

But her gentle attitude also illustrates some problems.

Assuming that the dream visitor is not the kind of Madonna who loves the world, then she will definitely use the adventure team to achieve a certain purpose for her, and it will have to be a few of them.

Both sides are irreplaceable to each other, just like two beasts hugging each other for warmth in desperate situations.

"I have a few questions." Linde decided to play with her and torture her.

"Suppress your curiosity for the time being. When the time is right, I will explain everything to you."

"Have you ever heard of cloning?" Linde said unhurriedly, "This is an eighth-level necromancy spell. Its effect is to clone a copy. After death, the soul can be transferred to the copy. Seize it. No matter how powerful the inner demon tadpole is, it can't follow the soul to the clone's head."

The dream visitor's expression changed, and a little panic appeared on her face, but it was calmed down by her tight lips.

Seeing her unwillingness to give up, Linde continued: "If you think the 8th-level spell is too far away, you might as well recall the 6th-level spell [Demon Soul Pot]. This spell can extract the soul. I can give up this body. Lean into other pure bodies.”

The female drow's blood-red eyes flickered, and she suddenly calmed down completely.

"I understand what you mean. But you will still choose to cooperate with me. Because you are a paladin and you are sworn to defend the weak. The crisis we face is not just a parasite in the brain, but affects tens of thousands of people. , and even the safety of the entire world, from Toril to the Star Boundary, no one can escape."

Linde smiled as she listened to her revelation.

"Oh, I just realized it." The dream visitor took a deep breath, "Okay, I admit that you are very powerful. It seems that we must be more honest."

"Look at my mouth shape - early, early, say, pass."

"...If you have any questions, I will try my best to answer them."

"Who is the Supreme God?"

"An illithid mastermind. It can control tadpole parasites. You have seen such people, they are called true souls."

"Why aren't we being manipulated by her?"

"I protected you."

“Why did the Supreme God create a church and spread parasites?”

The dream visitor looked at Lind anxiously, but still answered truthfully.

"This is not its own will, and the Supreme God is also controlled by others. Those three people claim to be the chosen ones of the Supreme God, but in fact they serve the three gods of death. They just borrow the power of the illithid mastermind to please the three gods of death."

The three gods of death, Bane, the god of tyranny, Melkor, the god of the dead, and Baal, the god of murder.

There are three famous idiots in Faerûn.

The famous deed is the theft of Io's tablet of destiny, which caused the gods to be furious and banished the gods to the mortal world, ushering in a turbulent year. These three brothers died in the Year of Turmoil, and the priesthood was given to Cyric by Io. They have not yet returned to their full glory. Now these three can only be regarded as demigods.

Three demigods cannot be called the Three Gods of Death, at most they can be called 1.5 Gods of Death.

In the list of fallen gods found in the Yaeger ruins during the day, the last three names were indeed Bane, Melkor and Baal.

Lind asked the names of the three elects of the Supreme God.

"Melkor's Chosen One is Catheric Thom. Bane's Chosen One is called Gortashe. The Chosen One of Baal was once named Evil Thought, but was later replaced by a woman named Orin."

"This looks like cooperation." Linde nodded, "That's it for now. I'll leave some puzzles for later. Keep in touch. Send me out now."

The visitor in the dream was stunned, feeling like she was in a state of trance. The look she looked at Linde was extremely complex, including fear, shock, and suspicion.

"No matter what, we are natural allies." She finally said, as if to comfort herself, while making a spell and casting a spell to send Lind's consciousness out of the astral realm.

Open your eyes again, a new day has arrived.

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