The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 528 The Holy Slash!

Linde raised his hand to stop his companion's impulsive move, "Stop. We have to arrange our tactics."

The song of the harpy is a powerful spell-like ability that can put prey into a state of enchantment. The distracted creature will actively walk in front of the harpy and be killed.

It sounds scary, but there are many solutions. For example, the second-ring silence spell can completely cancel the singing of the harpy. If there is no reliable spellcaster around, then a ball of cotton stuffed in the ears is also very cost-effective. choose.

"Gail, you first find a hidden bush to hide in, and just act as the situation arises."

The Archmage of Waterdeep City's face darkened. His spellcasting ability had plummeted and he was indeed unable to take on more responsibilities. He silently accepted the arrangement.

"Will, you have good skills. Come with me to face the enemy head-on. First, work with me to capture the child. We cannot fight the harpies in the river. We must stay at least twenty meters away to let them come to us. The shore is our home court. Let’s plug our ears later and communicate using the mind link of the Mind Flayer Tadpole.”


The three of them deliberated and arranged intensively and agreed on the tactical details within half a minute. Then they mobilized the mind flayer tadpoles in their minds to establish a local psychic channel.

There is a spell [telepathy] in the evocation school, which allows the caster to establish a spiritual link with another person and share all sensory information, but it is an 8th-level spell. Mind Flayer Tadpole's Mind Link is indeed a cost-effective low-end replacement.

After the three of them got used to it, they were able to conduct interrogations skillfully, as if they were three real mind flayers - this fact was a bit trivial, and neither Gale nor Will wanted to think about it.

After being prepared, Lind took a deep breath, ran towards the shore, grabbed the devil's horn on the tiefling child's head, then turned around and ran away.

The singing harpies hiding behind Shimaoji couldn't help but scream when they saw the child in their mouth being snatched away, and they flew towards him with wings fluttering.

These harpies look like naked women, with wings on their backs, fingers that look like iron hooks, and legs covered with feathers, transitioning from human form to birds. They are beasts after all, and have no sense of shame. They wear skulls on their heads, expose their plump breasts, and exude a strong smell of excrement and urine.

Lind and Will fought fiercely with four harpies while protecting the tiefling children.

This battle was more dangerous than the battle with the goblin at the entrance to the forest. Will was slightly injured as soon as he came face to face with him. The harpy's claws hit his chest and abdomen so hard that his intestines were almost untied. Lind saw the right moment and pierced the throat of the harpy with his spear, which was a good deal.

The remaining three harpies wanted to sing to seduce them again, but unfortunately they were deaf and could only enjoy the concert. Gale took the opportunity to shoot a flaming arrow, which ignited the feathers. The roasted bird fell to the ground and was cut into pieces by the two Linde men who came over.


The beautiful singing voice let out a death scream, but it was more piercing than the old woman's wailing. Maybe their original sounds are so ugly, and they just use magic to sing the wonderful sounds that seduce creatures.

The possessed tiefling child suddenly woke up and looked at the bird feathers and corpses lying on the ground. Apart from fear, he was not too afraid. After all, the refugees were accustomed to seeing all kinds of miserable corpses on the road of migration.

"Are they—all dead? You saved me. Thank you."

Lind pressed his hand on Will's wound and guided the divine grace to initiate treatment. The unclean toxins in the wound were driven away, and the rolled flesh and blood gradually healed. This process healed faster than ordinary people.

As an evil sorcerer, Will has the blessing of the Son of Darkness, which allows him to draw vitality from corpses and gain temporary vitality.

Gale came over to comfort the child. When asked why he ran to this remote river bend alone, the child replied: "Boss Moore asked me to steal the gold coins in the harpy's lair. It's really bad. I didn't get the gold coins. She will be very angry."

Hearing the name Moore again, Will and Gale couldn't help but frown. These tiefling children were just messing around, but it was wrong to harm others and themselves.

Lind asked: "I am a little interested in your boss Moore, where can I find her?"

"Oh, it's easy. Just go find a boy named Donnie and tell him you want to see 'Dragon's Den'. Then what, I'm leaving, thank you!"

Lin De's expression changed and he took out the ancient book.

——Paladin: Vow of Devotion (105% at level 1)

Oath Fulfilled: Milk (41%)

The pure force swirling around his heart suddenly expanded, turning into an inner storm that swept through his limbs and bones. A faint golden light emitted from the depths of Lind's dark pupils, which quickly faded away.

Looking at the contents of the book again, there have been new changes.

——Paladin: Vow of Devotion (5% at level 2)

The power of the oath that was originally entrenched in the chest now exudes a wisp of warmth, like thousands of invisible tentacles, penetrating the flesh and blood and connecting with the magic network.

Normally, a level 2 paladin has two first-level spell slots, which means that their oath can touch the outermost layer of the magic network, and they are already considered a spellcaster.

But what Lind was connected to was the Silver Magic Network. The silver tree far away in Delinriel, the sky city, sent its roots deep into every corner of the world of Toril, and Lind could sense it wherever he went.

He can now connect to the second-layer silver magic network, which means that when he is energetic, he can cast second-level spells without limit. Converted into spell slots, he can probably release 5 second-level spells or 10 first-level spells in a row.

Through meditation and potions, you can quickly recover your mental power before your will is exhausted. Calculated in this way, the number of spells cast in a day can reach almost three digits. If the traditional magic net mage knew this, his eyes would be red.

——Magic Pact: Tower King (51% at level 2)

Sacrificed spirituality:...harpy*4 (28%)

Leveling up is fast in the early stage, but as the level increases, the experience gained every time you fulfill your vows and sacrifice your spirituality will continue to decrease. Linde can't wait to continue doing good things.

There are some trivial chores in this area of ​​the woodland that can be cleared away before dark.

"Let's go, guys, we have something to do."

There is only a young tiefling woman stationed at Lookout Rock on the east side of the wall in the green woodland, and she is looking around through the telescope boredly.

"Tree, tree, tree, um, there are corpses. Oh, I'm so upset. How long do we have to delay here before setting off for Baldur's Gate?"

She muttered softly, unaware that a bugbear assassin climbed up silently on the cliff behind her.

The bugbear looked at the woman's slender neck and couldn't help but tighten the mace in its hand. It tried hard to suppress its roar of joy. It slowed down its sneaking pace and slowly moved closer to the target.

Patience, patience, only patience can let bugbears eat delicious meat. Kill this horned woman, then kill the other people on the wall, go back and report the news to lure your companions over, and have a hearty massacre. Such a heinous achievement will definitely be rewarded by the Supreme God.

"The insidious fish that slipped through the net doesn't want to escape, but dares to hurt others? Eat my Holy Slash!"

There was a loud shout, and Lind stepped forward, rushed in front of the assassin, and pierced the bugbear's chest with a spear.

The surging holy power poured into the bugbear's body along the spearhead, and it was caught off guard and suffered a heavy blow. The bright flames ignited from the body brought terrible pain, and instantly burned the internal organs.


The bugbear's body was like a ball of paper that couldn't contain the fire, flames spurted out from every pore, and turned into a ball of charcoal while wailing.

The tiefling woman was stunned for a while before coming back to her senses, "You saved me?"

Lind nodded calmly to her, turned around and left without any fuss.

"Hey! What's your name?...Oh, why are you leaving? What a strange person." (End of Chapter)

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