The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 511 Baldur’s Gate, activated!

Elminster said to Lind: "I thought you wouldn't welcome me. That's what the tiefling girl named Doric said. Because I once destroyed the city of Shade - the last city of Netheril. Floating City. I guess it’s normal to have such worries.”

"I left for a while and came back to find that Sky City has not crashed. I think this is pretty good. At least it shows that you are not as described in many stories as a disaster star that destroys wherever you go."

Elminster laughed without embarrassment, "That is indeed just a misunderstanding. I have always been a good wizard who is polite and does not cause trouble."

The story of this old wizard's life is indeed magnificent. He has traveled all over the country and the sky. He has also taken a magic ship to travel outside the crystal wall system, and even visited the earth through a portal.

Lind learned some stories about Elminster from Io, and now in front of him, he couldn't help but mention them as a common topic.

"I heard that you were once a prince in trouble. You were also transformed into a girl by the goddess of magic and sent to an elf to learn magic."

"Ah, the distant past, but what you said is correct." Elminster did not feel ashamed. The ups and downs and wisdom that the years had given him had helped him transcend the misfortune of childhood and the shameful past. " In fact, it's fun to reminisce about my teenage years and see the world as a girl.

"Men are always required to be ambitious and to conquer, destroy and be destroyed, while women are in a protected position and therefore are gentler and more compassionate."

Linde admired the old mage's frankness.

Looking at Elminster's life, it is actually similar to the male protagonist Shuang Wenlong Aotian.

Mystra turned him into a woman as a test, and then he got together with Mystra, which was a huge benefit. He also had an affair with the daughter of the goddess of magic, not to mention that he later flirted with women and showed mercy everywhere. The descendants spread throughout the kingdom and heaven.

A legend is a legend, even the romantic affairs are more outrageous than ordinary people.

Lind and Elminster walked to a tea hall in the public area of ​​the Magic University and sat at a small table near the window, drinking tea and chatting.

"There is no shortage of people with magical talents in this world, but the power of arcane magic is often used by them to go against the grain and aid evil. The mages of my time were so arrogant. Mystra's temple was sealed and her faith was banned. She was suppressed, and I was chosen as her spokesperson, shouldering the responsibility of rectifying her origins.”

Elminster stared at the owner of the silver tree with his bright eyes, and asked softly but seriously: "May I ask your Excellency, will your magic network bring happiness or disaster to the world?"

Lind put down the tea cup and smiled flatly, "Why don't you ask another question, will my magic network compete with Mystra for believers? This is what you really care about, isn't it?"

"Mystra is not a stingy god." Elminster said harshly.

"Me neither. My magic network is open to everyone. It is better and more powerful than Mystra's magic network. Instead of worrying about whether I will steal her followers, it is better to consider joining my magic network. There is a lot to be done in the world. Please bring these words to your goddess.

"By the way, Mr. Elminster, I have a suggestion. If you plan to make a lot of money, you can accept the task of a dungeon designer. Your rich and colorful life experiences will be transformed into dungeons, and you will definitely make a lot of money. One stroke.”

Lind stood up and Elminster asked him what his plans were.

"I'm going to go on a group run."

"Then where should I find you?"

"If you have anything to do, just send a private message." Linde waved his hand, passed through a blue door, and disappeared.

The story of "Baldur's Gate 3" begins with a shell ship breaking into the planet Toril.

In the distant Astral Plane, it was besieged by the Red Dragon Chapter of the Githyanki and suffered heavy casualties, so the mind flayer commander decided to teleport to the Material Plane and pillage some of the population.

Evil and terrifying creatures like mind flayers have their own unique way of reproduction. They are hermaphrodites, and when mature they will give birth to "mind flayer tadpoles". These greedy little worms will burrow into the brains of intelligent beings along their ear canals or eye sockets. , and then parasitizes the creature's brain.

The creature parasitized by the mind flayer tadpole will embark on the road of transformation, from a life with a soul to a soulless mind flayer. This process usually takes about a week, and the process is extremely painful.

The mind flayer race relies on this method to reproduce, which sounds very efficient and cruel.

They are unable to spontaneously give birth to offspring and can only expand their population by devouring other intelligent species, and their food is also the brain of intelligent life. This is an evil species through and through.

The supreme ruler of the mind flayer society is the mastermind, and the mind flayers are just puppets controlled by the mastermind. Interestingly, the controlled mindflayers often think they have free will, but in fact it is an illusion given to them by the mastermind.

All the masterminds are pursuing the "great blueprint", which is a situation where the mind flayers rule all life and all species are reduced to slaves and food. There was indeed a mind flayer empire in history, and it was an absolutely dark past.

The Gith were once a slave race in the mind flayer empire. One day, a woman named "Gith" appeared among them. She had the power to block the mind flayer's mind control, liberating her compatriots. Under his leadership, all the Gith started a vigorous rebellion, eventually destroying the mind flayer empire.

A large number of mind flayers had to hide underground, while some lingered in the astral plane and the wasteland.

After the liberation, the Gith split into two factions, those who were militaristic and known as the Githyanki, and those who believed in pacifism and were known as the Githzerai. They dislike each other, but they both hate the mind flayer.

Then a hunted shell ship broke into the planet Toril, and its first stop was Waterdeep, the Pearl of the North. The mind flayer plundered the population. In the few minutes of its brief rampage, hundreds of people were killed. He was captured into a shell ship and implanted with a mind flayer tadpole.

Among the people captured by the shell ship was a man named Linde.

Linde, a five-star good citizen living in Waterdeep City, runs a pharmacy, selling some weird potions and occasionally magic scrolls.

No one knew his origins, not even he himself could tell clearly. But one day, a poorly managed tavern in the city was acquired. After two months of renovation, the "Wizard's Crucible" opened.

The owner is of course Linde.

He looked at a well-informed traveler in his twenties, with black hair and brown eyes, and guessed that he came from the Shoulong Empire in the East, but Linde himself never admitted it.

This person lives in seclusion and always practices fighting skills in the backyard. However, he is very warm-hearted and will receive poor patients for free. He never does strange magic experiments on patients, let alone secretly cuts their waists.

He has an unusually good reputation, in fact, most people easily trust him and feel they can be trusted when dealing with him.

In the eyes of the neighbors, Dr. Linde is a simple and steady good man, and they even praise him for having the virtues of a paladin.

However, there are also some rumors, which are said by patients treated in certain shops. They occasionally hear some mysterious whispers and inexplicable murmurs in the middle of the night, perhaps exploring unknown occult knowledge.

In short, such an ordinary good man also suffered an unreasonable disaster when the shell ship invaded.

When he woke up, he found that he was already in a ghastly cabin, trapped in a storage bag, and a mind flayer picked up a mind flayer tadpole from the brain and floated towards him.

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