The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 491 Pulling someone into trouble

The new year has arrived, and the second event of the Triwizard Tournament is approaching.

The Muggle world is still the same, with some turmoil and some peaceful singing and dancing. The wizarding world is facing a boom in new things.

The Internet Scroll produced by Hogwarts was once a whimsical work that was not favored. As a commodity, it is actually not qualified because it has no expiration date and the product quality is very good and can be used as a family heirloom. Therefore, the potential market is quite limited. The total population of the magic world is only a small amount. Even if each person has one share, he or she cannot make a lot of money.

But fortunately, this is a novelty, and real-time communication is still too fragrant for this era of slow owls.

The exclusive interview at the Christmas ball was sent to every user's "Scroll" that night. Thousands of miles apart, Furong's parents could also see the news that their daughter was leading the dance alone at the ball.

In the comment area of ​​the news report, they left a paragraph: Why can't Furong find a dance partner?

At the same time, there were many comments in various languages. Everyone thought this novel communication tool was very interesting.

So orders flew into Hogwarts like a snowflake.

During the Christmas vacation, Grindelwald did not rest. He had to work overtime to catch up on the work, but the students were lazy. On the one hand, the homework was heavy, and on the other hand, the overtime pay was not high.

The old devil is a bat spirit. He can go without sleep for hundreds of years, but it is still a bit difficult for him to let a vampire work as a laborer. Faced with the labor shortage, Grindelwald was helpless for a while.

Since the beginning of this school year, Hermione Granger has been calling on everyone to protect house elves. She even established a special organization called the "House Elf Liberation Front." However, the response was mediocre, until Grindelwald, who was short of people, pulled the house elves from the kitchen into the workshop.

House elves are a race of servile people with excellent magical abilities. They sound like they are the perfect choice to work as workers. Grindelwald found it very easy to use, because not only did the output increase, but the salary could also be reduced, so he decided to recruit more house elves.

After hearing the news, Hermione ran to discuss with him, hoping to give these elves normal salary and benefits.

Grindelwald is a vampire, but not a capitalist, and he agrees to this condition.

Even if the house elves are given the best treatment, it is still cheaper than student workers. This is called cost reduction and efficiency improvement.

Grindelwald's vampire smile became more elegant.

The popularity of "Scroll" has begun to arouse the vigilance of traditional media. An old giant like "The Daily Prophet" that has dominated the news industry for many years has stayed in the fish pond for a long time and completely lost its business sense. It is actually the last one to send people to Huo Huo. Gwartz, talk to Dumbledore about moving newspapers and media to the Internet.

"There is no need to say more about the reputation of your company. It is very easy to get access to the Internet. Your articles will need to be reviewed by us in the future." The old principal kept his word and this decision cannot be changed.

"You are interfering with the news media and interfering with freedom of speech!" The newspaper editor was furious in the office, but he just roared but was powerless, "We want to expose you!"


After the editor-in-chief returned to the newspaper, he asked the reporters to publish an article criticizing Hogwarts and "Internet Scroll". The two sides started to argue with each other and started fighting in the distance.

The experience of the Muggle community in later generations tells us that the impact of the wave of Internet self-media on traditional media is terrible. People with insight should choose to join rather than fight against this trend.

At this stage, the two sides are still in a confrontation stage. There is only one reason for traditional media to hesitate, and that is that they cannot see a way for online media to monetize their traffic. Traditional media has subscriptions and advertising, but Internet media does not yet have a corresponding ecosystem.

If you want to convince investors that the Internet is a blue ocean, someone must first catch the fish.

Mr. Lovegood, the editor-in-chief of "The Quibbler," got on board early and was the first to take advantage.

As the following of "The Quibbler" increased, when it reached 600 fans, Honeydukes from Hogsmeade sent the first advertiser order.

Honeydukes is mainly aimed at the students of Hogwarts, and the students' handbooks are all connected to the Internet, so they can see the advertising information quickly. Soon, Honeydukes' online self-operated store was also opened, and orders from students were pouring in. The owls were not unemployed, but they changed from messengers to full-time takeaways.

Within a few years, or even a few months, traditional media will undergo a major collapse.

"This winter is really cold." Miss Jennifer shrank her shoulders.

Fortunately, spring is coming soon.

On February 24th, the much-anticipated second event of the Goblet of Fire begins today.

All four warriors have solved the golden egg riddle. The content of this competition is also very simple. They only need to sneak into the bottom of the Black Lake and find the hostages tied there.

What's interesting is that the hostage each warrior wants to rescue is their "most important person".

This ensures that they will never give up halfway and will definitely risk their lives.

The Black Lake has always been peaceful, but Slytherin students know that there are dangerous creatures in the lake. The mermaid tribe is nothing, but the really scary thing is a giant squid.

On the day of the competition, all the teachers and students of the school gathered together again. By the Black Lake, the passionate commentator Bagman was present.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we gather here today to witness the second event of the Triwizard Tournament. The four warriors have arrived, and their mission today is very simple..."

To enter the lake to rescue people, you must first have the ability to breathe and move underwater.

Everything that happens in this game will be projected into the sky by magic.

Linde did not stay in the auditorium, nor did he stay in the main castle. He usually liked walking by the black lake, running in the morning, and watching the sky. The seeds of the silver tree fell into the lake, so since the beginning of school, he has been doing it more often. Walking around the lake is to take care of this tree species.

Now he was at the bottom of the lake, looking at the spear-wielding mermaid guards on both sides, dumbfounded.

Linde was thrown into the lake. This was because he had done too many bad things and finally received retribution.

In fact, the real reason was that he was chosen as Fleur Delacour's most precious gift... That's right, Lind didn't expect that he would be dragged into the water by this little girl.

It was Professor McGonagall who came to discuss with him at that time. The Goblet of Fire chose Lind. This was the power of the magical contract.

"Would you like to come with me?" Professor McGonagall smiled happily.

"Can I say no?"

Professor McGonagall stared at him without saying a word. Lind understood what she meant, thought about it and found it interesting, so he really agreed.

When he entered the water, the professors from Hogwarts came to see him off, and these guys were all smiling.

"Did you predict this to this day?" Grindelwald asked meaningfully.

Linde smiled and shook his head, "No, I am not in the prophecy. This is also the surprise of life."

Ron, Hermione and Qiu Zhang were also sent to the bottom of the lake with him, but they had all been cast into a coma. Lind was the only one who was awake, so he took the three children into the water and disappeared. Deep in the calm waves.

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