The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 457 Melina’s Death

Melina's arms, as thin as a reed stalk and an onion tube, danced with muscle lines, powerfully pushing open the stone door that was several feet thick and weighed several tons.

The breath of epileptic fire filled the pores of the rock, like boiling magma. The heat and molecular activity changed the physical properties of the rock, making it appear a terrifying yellow-red color, like a piece of red meat leaking pus.

The air is filled with the sadness and anger in the hearts of everyone in the world in moments of depression. This power does not only belong to those desperate people, it belongs to everyone, everyone who has been beaten to pieces by life.

It is precisely because epilepsy is an extreme force that exists in all hearts that it can destroy all living things when it attacks.

Melina resisted listening, but the ecstatic murmurs around her still penetrated her ears.

"How can a person be alive without being crazy? Just hold on! How can a person be alive without being crazy? Just hold on! How can a person be alive without being crazy? Just hold on!"

"Damn it, I can't bear it any more, I'll blow up the junction with one punch!"

"Diaodiannii! Draw the air and the epileptic fire! The unbearable epileptic fire! It spreads like crazy!"


The door opened, and Melina's eyes penetrated the darkness, or perhaps the strange yellow light in the darkness illuminated her eyes.

The three fingers of epilepsy are here. Its fingers spasm like a stroke patient, slowly opening like a bird net. Melina walked up to it step by step, and her three thin fingers slowly closed together, holding her body as white as a skinned fish in her palms.

The yellow flame burned fiercely, and for a moment the excessive pain turned into a sweet dizziness.

Three Fingers passed the initial epileptic fire to Melina, and herself was wiped out. Now Melina has become the source of epilepsy, the first and final fire.

When she woke up again, her originally flawless body had been left with huge burn scars across her chest and back, her skin was charred and her flesh was rotten, and there was a pungent smell of burning.

Anyone who has experienced surgery knows that after the effect of anesthesia wears off, the resurgence of pain is the most terrifying. The intensity of the pain gradually increases and then stops at a certain level. After a while, the secretion of dopamine slows down the pain slightly, and then continues. The pain is getting stronger and stronger, like a needle piercing the bone marrow.

Melina knelt on the ground and sobbed. She touched the destroyed body. The parts that were not burned were still delicate, but the burned chest was ugly and rough, with many scaly chars. It felt like a piece of crocodile skin to the touch. Severe pain.

She slowly stopped crying, and her expression was cold from beginning to end, as if she was crying only flesh and blood, not her soul.

The light from the door cast down, forming a bright area on the ground. The unburned skin on Melina's back was dazzlingly white against the burn marks.

The frantic murmur in the air disappeared and entered her mind instead.

She heard whispers outside the door.

Two very familiar voices were talking.

"Mi Bao, why are you here? It's so dark here and it smells so bad. Who is that ugly guy who was burned inside?"

"She is Melina. I came to see Melina die. She is going to die soon. Just watch. When she unlocks the sealed death divinity and then self-destructs, the epilepsy will disappear with her. "

"So that's it." The man's voice laughed, as if he was mocking his acting skills when watching a movie. "She is really stupid. Wouldn't it be better to let someone taller handle this kind of thing? Not yet." When it comes to life and death, why is she so noble? Who will remember her sacrifice? It's so funny, her death is not worth it at all. If it were me, I would definitely wait for others to unleash their madness and cause chaos in the world, and then finally Stepping in to turn the tide is what we call leaving a name in history!"

The woman also laughed, "She is so stupid. Maybe she is acting here to make you feel sad. Melina, come out. I won't fight you, so come out."

"She won't come out. She is really determined to die."

"Let her go! After she dies, no one will compete with me for you. I will forget about her, right?"

"Already forgotten. Melina? Who is it? I'm so unfamiliar."

They burst into laughter.

Melina raised her hand and reached towards the left eye that sealed the divinity. Her fingers trembled slightly in pain. She gasped, and the tears that had stopped flowing flowed again.

A new female voice sounded outside the door, indifferent and soft, like a queen delivering an oracle from the clouds.

"Melina, you must remember that the fate of the junction is in your hands. You are my last hope. No matter where you go, don't forget that you are Malika's daughter and you are my child."

"In order to ignite the fire, you should sacrifice your body. When the mission dagger is passed to your hands, embark on the journey. Torrett will lead you to find the right person. All you have to do is guide him. At the last moment, Be the kindling that lights up the golden tree and lights his way forward.”

"Don't fall in love with anyone, that will make you fail. Your life does not need to have impurities other than missions. Your life is the future of countless lives in the border area. Don't interfere with your big love with small loves."

Melina put her palm on her left eye, and the dark beast claw seal began to disintegrate. Her eyelids trembled slightly, and the power of the god of death was about to come out.

The fire in his mind seemed to know his fate and became more and more manic.

A huge number of hallucinations flashed and thundered in her mind. She could hardly distinguish the boundary between reality and imagination, and the rationality to maintain suicide was also constantly weakening.

Those voices, they kept echoing, taunting, commanding, begging, and giving alms. Everyone projected their desires on Melina, and she herself was completely a human skin doll carrying these voices.

There is no ego, and only such determined people can end themselves for the sake of the whole world without hesitation.

Melina looked down at her life from the cold perspective of a bystander. She was empty and a pure tool. But since she had sacrificed so much for the world, why not take the last step? Otherwise, wouldn’t all the previous efforts have been in vain?

She put down her palm, and the seal on her left eye had disappeared. When she suddenly opened it, what was revealed was different from the light golden right eye. Her left eye was a deeper blue-purple than the sky.

According to legend, in the border area before the golden tree era, the god who mastered the law of death was a woman with night-colored eyes. The God Skin Sect under her command specialized in hunting gods and killing them with the flames containing the power of death. The skin is peeled off and made into clothing.

What is sealed in Melina's eyes is the power of the law of death.

Black tears flowed from her eyes. When they dripped from her chin, they turned into black flames and fell on the mission dagger in Melina's hand, igniting the blade.

She raised the short knife, held the handle with both hands, turned the tip of the knife, and held it against her chest.

Then, give it a try.


The blade of death pierces the heart.

Melina's hands dropped weakly, her body limply leaned back, and her face was bathed in light.

The thin girl completed the last journey of her life and finally headed towards a quiet and eternal death. The whole world bid her farewell silently.

The big self has no self, and I am super. This is not Taiwu! (fog)

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