The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 438 Bloody Examination Room

Before the exam deadline, Millicent completed the answer sheet. The inspectors stopped the candidates from answering the questions and began to collect the answer sheets.

Relaxed murmurs boomed in the discussion room. No matter what the results were, the fact that the exam was over was something to be happy about. The lecturers collected the test papers and listed them in old book boxes. All the papers looked exactly the same, making people wonder whether their answer sheet would be confused with someone else's.

Everyone wants to be respected for their hard work.

This was Millicent's first time taking an exam. Her former examiner was destiny and her answer sheet was life. Before she met Linde, she had already failed miserably and could only moan in the pain of scarlet corruption and wait to die.

Now the answer sheet has been greatly extended, and the written content is so wild and absurd that a wandering swordsman inexplicably entered the magic school and took the exam.

This life suddenly became too gentle, and her fate was as smooth as running water. Millicent hoped that she would not make a joke. Years later, she still wanted to recall every moment of peace before she died. Compared with turmoil and suffering, The boring and sour college life also seems warm.

How Linde viewed her short life at that time is a story that only time can tell.

Linde left in the middle of the exam, leaving Millicent almost feeling lost. A weighty invisible ghost seemed to be a part of mischief and a part of nostalgia when she was answering the questions, humming softly in her ears, just like... An earworm reached out and brushed her cheek again, causing her to tremble slightly in astonishment. She could hardly hold the quill, and the characters she wrote became absurd and clumsy.

The hostile gaze from the professor, the cold and motionless gaze from the examiners beside him, and the secretly surprised and suspicious looks from the candidates. None of them knew that Millicent was possessed by an invisible ghost. He was not a god tester at all, but Peeves. Millicent could never ignore his words and actions, even if she was teased. Will try to ignore it.

This is probably a test she will never forget in her life, Millicent thought to herself. If a seemingly cold-hearted person like Linde takes a closer look, he will turn out to be a clingy childish person.

Now she sat alone, breathing a quiet sigh of relief, with no one talking to her.

People who have experienced misery are probably out of tune with the campus. Millicent knew that she was an outlier, so it was understandable that she did not have any classmates to share her exam results with. Everyone was shocked by the sharp look that the female swordsman inadvertently revealed. What's more, the college mages are inherently cold, so it's not easy to establish friendship.

Even Melina is only a half-acquaintance. When two people who are more silent than ice are in the same room, the atmosphere is often like winter. Millicent and she are just little bugs sleeping in the snow. They don’t wait until they leave. If it is exposed to the sun in spring, it will not poke out of the soil.

Tops ran over excitedly and took the little apprentice's hand. He looked like the man of a single-parent family. Dong Niel was proud and reserved, joking about his personal abilities. His offending mouth made the surrounding students avoid him like snakes and scorpions.

Millicent was still laughing and observing the expressions of the people around her. A dark shadow flashed out of her sight. When she looked up, she saw the disgusting Bertari standing in front of her. He took off his hood, and his terrifying and disgusting face was exposed in the air, piercing the air. The pyroxene fragments lodged in the skull were like abscesses.

"You cheated." The classroom voice was muffled and hoarse.

"I didn't cheat. Even if you give me a new test paper to answer the questions again, I can complete it alone." Millicent was indeed not afraid.

She relied on candle money to buy knowledge on Baiyin Network. All the knowledge seemed to appear naturally in her memory, as if she had spent many years studying it, but now she was recalling it again. Although it was still a little raw, she had a lot of confidence.

Depending on the copy, even a crude primitive man can become a doctor. Most of the barriers in this world come from information gaps. Channels that can break the information gap are extremely valuable. Baiyin Network provides such an upward channel.

"Do you think you can get away with a little trick?" Botali's mouth twisted, "You and that person are all robbers and villains who think they are great. It's nothing great. I will expose you. I It will make you see yourselves clearly.”

Millicent felt funny. She couldn't even get angry at this person. The guy in front of her didn't understand her opponent at all.

Is it possible that mortals can still destroy the sun by clamoring for it? Whether it is scorching heat or freezing cold, only mortals can adapt to the brilliance of the sun and cannot ask it to change.

"As long as I am in the academy for one day, you will never pass the exam. I will find out how you cheat. I will kick you out."

"Don't take yourself too seriously, Professor." Millicent's reply was clean and direct, "If you want to defeat us, take action. We can have a wizard duel."

Botali's expression became even more distorted, his eyes shot out with vicious light, and he sneered. The long sneer was like a gust of cold wind, freezing the discussion room with ice, and the apprentices and many lecturers were silent.

"A magic apprentice, you want to challenge me? Chief of Caleros Classroom, heir to the origin of Yazler, do you dare to challenge me?!"

"Why not? In the border area, the winner takes all." Millicent said softly and harshly, "If you lose to me, don't be a lecturer. If I lose to you, leave the academy immediately. Never come back.”

"Not enough!" Botali roared, "If you lose, I want you to pay for my Triz!"

Millicent did not change her color, "My life belongs to Linde. If anyone wants to take it away, be prepared to die."

"Hmph, hum, hahaha——"

Seeing the dignified chief instructor engaging in a life-and-death duel with a new apprentice, lecturers from other schools hurriedly stepped forward to persuade him, but they failed to persuade Botali. His mental state was very wrong, and the anger of hatred almost cooked him.

The lecturers in the Caleros classroom began to arrange the duel scene, and they saw that a full-scale martial arts show was about to take place in the discussion room.

"Why is this necessary? It's just an exam!" Siegfried had a headache. "Go and call Naples."

He also asked the representative of the Carian royal family to intervene, but the knight just silently opened a game and began to bet on the outcome of both sides.

Siegfried's head was bigger than his hood. I had long heard that this knight guarding the gate was the richest man in Calia. He made his fortune by fixing matches when he was young, and now he is simply a banker. He is really cruel and evil.

The Full Moon Queen probably won't interfere. The royal family never interferes too much in the affairs of the academy, at least on the surface it does a good job.

He sighed deeply, sincerely missing the big bosses in Haimo Classroom. Without these battle mages who maintained order, the academy would be in chaos. Not to mention the various classrooms were at odds with each other. If the chief was messing around, no one could stop him.

"Isn't Naples here yet?"

"He can't say it anymore. He is busy invigilating the exam. He also wants to give Botali a message, saying that as long as he surrenders, Master Linde will forget the past."

Botali's hoarse throat let out a loud roar, which was destined to make the examination room bleed today.

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