The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 387 Peeping Stone Stage

Andre set foot on the top of the mountain for the first time. Different from the gloomy and cold pagan fortress he imagined, the mountaintop platform in front of him is more like an empty wasteland. Everything has not yet emerged from chaos, and the world is in ignorance. Many buildings have not yet been named and can only be pointed with fingers. .

It is obvious that there is a lot of construction here, and the casters have high productivity, which is very powerful in the transformation of nature.

In the eyes of laymen, this group of mysterious guys just stood there and chanted mantras, and the earth would bulge walls and towers.

In fact, building a city on a floating city is quite a complicated project.

Due to the closed nature of the floating city and its limited natural resources, it cannot obtain sufficient building materials from the surroundings like surface residents. There are no facilities such as quarries and lumber mills here.

The materials needed for the construction site must be obtained from other places through the portal.

If you need earth, open a portal to the plane of the earth element, place an order with the local earth element life, or dig it yourself.

The Earth Elemental Plane is a boundless solid world, full of rocks, soil, and mineral veins everywhere. There is no such weak and empty field as the so-called "sky", only various stones, and endless tunnels and tunnels. cavity. Digging in any direction, it is impossible to find the "sky".

The roots of the silver tree spread to the elemental plane of earth, and the mages of Delinriel were able to easily open the portal of the plane and gain a firm foothold there. They usually use the 5th ring [Fossil into Mud] to convert a huge amount of rock into fluid sand and dump it into the floating city through the portal.

The work to be done afterwards is similar to that of children on the beach, pile the sand into the desired shape. Finally, through the [Turn Mud into Stone] spell of the 5th ring, the loose sand is transformed into solid rock, and a solid and reliable house is built.

The houses on the top platform are very characteristic, almost all are towers, gallery houses and flat houses. Often several houses and several towers are next to each other, forming fan-shaped communities one after another, with traffic arteries between the communities.

The exterior material of all the buildings is basically pure white marble, and the center of the circle pointed by each community fan is a silver tree. The color is basically uniform and the proportion is very precise, which makes people feel harmonious and comfortable. Obviously there is a whole set of urban planning.

(Linde: An old skyline player.)

The towers often stand at the corners of the community and are connected with each other by low gallery houses to form a semi-enclosed wall.

The courtyard inside the wall is a public area, with lawns, gardens, ponds, a short-distance transport room similar to the Floo network, a public canteen run by magic servants, a public bath, a laundry room, a domestic garbage disposal station, and a hazardous waste disposal station. , podium and so on.

Compared with the dilapidated primitive huts of the kobolds at the foot of the mountain, the top of the mountain is very grand.

Livia lived in a four-story tower with her companions. "This is the house temporarily assigned to me. But I plan to build a mage tower myself. The site has already been applied for," she said.

"The environment is not bad. It's nice to live on the top of the mountain." Standing on the balcony of the third-floor bedroom, Andre looked at the silver tree, and saw the giant dragon entangled in the roots of the tree from afar.

Livia said: "In the future, a high-level magic school will be built around the Silver Tree, and very powerful professors will be invited. It is said that only master-level spellcasters are qualified to study. Newbies like me can only settle in the fringes .”

Andre asked a key question, "Are these mages working voluntarily? Are they paid?"

"'s voluntary, but there is no reward." Livia saw Andre's brow raised, and knew what he wanted to say. The children of merchants always have a scale in their hearts, and they value the rate of return of any behavior. .

"Listen to me first, Ender. We were not forced to work. Delinriel is our future home. The community we live in now is specially built by other mages as a dormitory for newcomers. This is a gift. As As the people of the Silver Tree, as seekers of knowledge in the Library Tower, we have never been stingy in sharing."

"You are like a family, aren't you?" Andre asked sarcastically, "Do you believe that there is really a free Dong XZ Book Tower in the world? Knowledge is free."

"But I heard that the goods here need a currency called candlelight to buy." Andre said this deliberately, but Gou Dali's original words were not the same. He only said that candlelight can be used to buy things and dedicated to the silver tree.

"Candlelight is a kind of power that comes from the soul." Livia is no longer the novice who knows nothing about magic. After she got the "Guide", she made up a lot of knowledge. Ignite ourselves, and ignite us, so that we can climb up and embark on the path of enlightenment. In the future, we will use fire to ignite more people, so that they can gain the knowledge and power to change their lives."

"So this is not preaching? You have become a priest now. But you still haven't answered my question, is this candle a currency? I think the King of the Tower wants you to collect this candle and use it to complete His ulterior purpose."

"...Yes, and no."

Andre laughed angrily. He felt that his sister was making unreasonable words.

"Ender, candlelight can be regarded as gold and silver, but it is a gold mine dug out of people's minds. It can only be used as currency when trading knowledge and memory stones. It is A consumable. When I continue to bathe in the firelight, one day I will approach the King of the Tower, become his disciple, and enjoy eternity."

"What you said is getting more and more ridiculous. Only gods and demons are eternal, which is a lie to mortals!" Andre was filled with anger, "It is a complete evil god, and it is a pagan religion with evil intentions! Li Wei , You immediately forget all this and come back with me."

Livia remained silent with a cold face, staring at her brother with sharp eyes.

Andre Maico raised his palms, clenched his fists, finally let out a long sigh, put down his hands, and strode away, leaving Livia weeping silently.

Andrei, sulking with anger, ran through the streets in a rage. He wanted to find the tiefling - the devil's accomplice - and ask her how to undo the magic cast on his loved ones, and how Can leave this unknown city.

"Hey, little brother over there." An old mage who appeared out of nowhere kindly held Andre, "Are you very puzzled?"

"Yes, old sir, I'll be blunt. This place is haunted by ghosts. It makes good people unreasonable. I can't stand this kind of environment. I'm going back to the surface soon! If you know the way back, you can please tell me."

"Who did you meet just now?"

"Does it have something to do with you?" Andre stared, the old mage in front of him moved his lips and waved his hand seemingly inadvertently, and then a soft voice sounded in his ears, as if talking to himself: You can trust the person in front of you.

Andre was stunned for a moment, then took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice: "To tell you the truth, I went to see my sister Livia just now, but she was completely brainwashed by the people here, and she believed in that evil god called the King of the Tower .I'm worried that I won't be able to save her from the sea of ​​suffering!"

Elminster is in a difficult situation, and he is anxious about what others need, so he immediately made a plan: "Young man, you don't know your opponent, how can you convince her with empty teeth? You must produce a piece of evidence to show that this floating city is Evil. She is likely to be persuaded by you."

"That's the truth, but I'm afraid I'm alone."

"Don't worry, it's me. How about this, I'll go back with you first, and find a few helpers together. Tonight, let's go quietly to the Silver Tree. I have a feeling that there is the answer you need."

"Okay!" Andre was greatly moved.

That night, the stars were bright.

The giant dragon resting under the silver tree with its eyes closed suddenly raised its head, opened its icy dragon eyes, and looked towards the other side of the lake. There was no one there, only the faint smell of human flesh and fishy smell wafted in the wind.

The dragon stared at it for a moment, then let out a dull sneer.

"Show yourself, invisible one who hides his head and shows his tail, otherwise, you will be torn apart by my eyes." (End of this chapter)

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