The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 381 Magic Rocket with Medieval Background

Before seeing the lighthouse, everyone wondered who would build a lighthouse in the middle of the sea.

But the lighthouse is here.

The location of this tower is extremely remote, with Mingtan to the west, Tears of Ganas to the south, Orenbo to the east, and Waterdeep City to the north, just at the intersection of the lines connecting these four places. Normal routes will not pass through, and I am afraid that only shipwrecks will fall here.

The lighthouse is surrounded by marine races, sahuagin, naga, mermaid...they are circling under the sea surface, the groups that would fight each other as soon as they meet, also maintain a short peace, look at the broken limbs and arms on the sea , it can be guessed that a bloody war took place here.

Now there is a brief scene of peace here. The sea races carried conch horns several feet high, held altars and military flags, and divided the sea area attached to the lighthouse into several camps to fight against each other.

The big octopus took Livia slowly across the battlefield of sea creatures.

The mercenaries, priests, paladins and newbies on the raft followed Mr. Octopus in front without daring to breathe.

Thousands of sea races gathered near the lighthouse for unknown reasons.

The priest of Tyr, the god of justice, muttered to himself.

"Yes, they are all for the purpose of ascending to that city. What is there? Tyr, the great remnant god, is it your secret will that your servants come here?"

Andre's face was gloomy, and he muttered in a low voice: "Li Wei, you are dead, you naughty little girl, you... When I bring you back, I will let my mother spank your ass."

The captured Bordon looked at the paladin in Tyre, and gave out admiration from the bottom of his heart.

"Sir, are you a paladin?"

"Hush, be quiet. It's not time to talk yet." The paladin nodded slightly.

"Okay, okay." Bordon held back and didn't speak anymore.

Taona fidgeted, and if Zim hadn't covered her mouth, the halfling would have been nervously talking nonsense.

The storm has completely subsided, and it has gone away as swiftly and seamlessly as a dream. At this time, the clouds are clearing and the rain is coming, the wind is sunny, and the long black shadow holding a spear is swimming gently under the sea. The terrifying and strange shape brings the depression of the deep sea. The people on the surface did not act rashly.

The huge conch horn did not sound, the mermaid general riding a whale was as silent as a statue, and the atmosphere below the sky was as clean and dignified as hundreds of millions of cubic meters of glass.

If you ask the people on the raft how they feel, it is holy.

Yes, the gods are watching here, and their eyes, which are far outside the main material plane, follow the coordinates of the worshipers and cast them on the sea. A strong sense of sanctity is almost as noticeable as an electric current brushing across the skin. The aborigines can all feel the faint throbbing in their hearts.

The lighthouse is "inlaid" in the sea, with a small base, a white tower made of marble, and the torch stand at the top is made of steel, shining like a silver hat.

Livia looked down and saw the white cilia on her arm trembling and swaying, just like a cat's whiskers, receiving some invisible signal.

"Mr. Mora, I have a strange feeling."

The big octopus gurgled and bubbled, and a lazy voice sounded in his heart, "The gods of Faerun are watching you. They all want to put their influence on the heavenly kingdom of Delinriel."

"Could it be that the gods can't influence Delinriel now?" Livia was taken aback. This was something she had never considered. Is there any place in this universe where divine power does not exist? This is simply against basic common sense, like hearing that there is no air, no fire, no thinking mind in a certain place.

In the main material plane, the place where the influence of the gods is the lowest is probably the phlogiston sea—the violent area between the crystal wall system. In addition, not even the Abyss or Baator Hell can completely block the prying eyes of the gods.

The big octopus let out a muffled laugh, letting the little girl let her imagination run wild.

When Mora came to the base of the lighthouse, none of the marine life dared to stop him.

Livia stepped on the tentacles that formed a bridge and walked to the base of the lighthouse. The big octopus quickly shrunk in size and turned into an ordinary "Wizard's Practical Guide" again, falling into the hands of the magician.

This is the benefit of newcomers in the tower, and I am not even an apprentice. Isn't the treatment of our tower a bit too powerful?

Livia's heart was burning hot, and she was even more determined to join the secret date. What is the so-called higher academic platform? I really want to see the scenery on the other side of the mountain.

The raft crossed the treacherous waters and also stopped by the lighthouse.

Andre jumped onto the platform like a preying lion, held the girl in his hand and looked up and down, convinced that she was still healthy, his frowning brows finally relaxed.

"I'm sorry, brother. It was I who wanted to escape. It has nothing to do with my companions."

"Don't be so willful anymore, come home with me now."

"No." "Wait." "No."

Whether it's Livia's companions, the messenger of the God of Justice, or the sea creatures, they all made a sound of restraint.

Andre was a little confused, "Why?"

"We're going to the lighthouse."

Whether it is the high tower reserve or the people of God, their demands are very unified now.

The representatives sent by the marine life, the mermaid general, the murloc leader, and the Naga warlord, although they dare not touch Livia, they are not polite to others.

"Humans, you must take us with you." The sea race had reached a private agreement, and each party sent candidates to the lighthouse.

In the face of the shining blade, the human side really has no room to refuse.

Livia pursed her lips, and she said seriously: "I can't guarantee that you will get what you want. My suzerain guides me to the heavenly kingdom of Delinriel. If you are rejected, you can't do harm to me. Friends. This is an agreement, if you agree, follow me."

The young female wizard took a deep breath, turned and walked towards the gate of the lighthouse.

A strange tree was printed on the sterling silver door, occupying two-thirds of the door width, and under the root of the tree was a wide island.

The magic runes on the gate glistened like sea water, sensing the approach of the holder of the "Guide", the gate slowly opened.

The representative of the sea race let out short gasps, and also murmured low and fast.

A paladin understood a few words, and they said: "Sure enough, a specific person is needed...dried blood, just to open the door..."

Livia took her brother's hand and walked into the lighthouse first.

There is a spiral staircase in the tower, and there is an elemental pool in the hall, and the surging energy reaction is as scorching as the midday sun.

"It's almost a mage's tower here... what kind of device is that element pool powering?" Simon whispered to his companion.

"No matter what it is, I feel that the answer is very close to us." Zim narrowed his eyes.

The unicorn snorted and walked up the stairs step by step under the guidance of the paladin. The lighthouse has only two floors. The middle structure is sealed and cannot be entered, but through the wall, there is a faint creepy feeling. It was as if looking at the stove through an iron gate.

The door to the top floor was in the ceiling at the end of the stairs. It was made of steel. After Livia touched it, the metal gate retracted into the frame like a stream of water.

In the steel structure on the top floor, there are rows of back seats with black straps on them.

There is an upright in the center, like a music stand, on which a book can be placed.

Livia put the Guide on the post.

The lobby seemed to be activated, the lights were flickering, and a clear female voice sounded: "The flight from Baojianhai to Delinriel is about to take off! I am Doric, the guide of this flight! All passengers, please sit down Come on, fasten your seat belts!"

"Listen to her." After looking at each other, everyone followed suit.

The mermaid and the murloc buckled up their seat belts with great effort, Naga's six arms were bound by two of the seat belts. The Priest of Tyr tried to stuff the unicorn into the seat...

"Ten seconds countdown. Ten, nine, eight..."

The red light kept blinking.

The natives of Faerun clutched the handrail nervously. The unicorn sat on the chair and looked around. Simon beside it looked up and smiled awkwardly. Zim muttered to himself. Tao Na rubbed her hands excitedly. Bordon asked the paladins if he could join their ranks. Livia forced a smile at her brother. Andre shook his head bitterly: "You..."

"Three, two, one! Launch!"

Under the watchful eyes of many marine creatures, colorful and strong magical auras emanated from the windows of the lighthouse, and the disc at the top was pushed by a beam of light, slowly detached from the base, and flew straight into the sky.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah--!!"

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