"Lin! De Lin, are you all right?"

The warlock opened his eyes, just like the opening of some classic, the sun was dazzling, he was lying on the lush grass, the tiefling girl dangled in front of his eyes, with an anxious and joyful expression, and Stan's smiling face The face, there is really a kind of experience like a world away.

"I have a sense of déjà vu that a brave man who has a peaceful and happy ending after defeating the big devil wakes up from his nap and finds himself reborn as a teenager."

Linde laughed and complained, and then sat up. He felt sore all over his body, like a deflated ball. .

As a local, Doric didn't understand Linde's words, and she truthfully told what happened just now.

"The candlelight at the top of the silver tree suddenly turned golden, and then your eyes were as bright as burning. After a while, you passed out."

"I know." Linde waved his hand, "It's the first time a mortal body contains divinity, and it's normal for something unexpected to happen."

"Okay, but you looked scary just now, shaking all over. Don't you really need to check?"

"Examination is useless. Human flesh and blood are fragile after all. I am very aware of my state."

The bodies of the gods of the legal system are just empty shells used to accommodate the [Dharma Ring], and Linde's body is transforming in this direction.

At this moment, he could already feel a weak air current entrenched in his heart, which was the divinity bred by the silver tree, and the Beast of Elden, which belonged to him, might be more appropriately called the King of the Tower.

As the silver tree grows, the [Tower King] will become stronger and stronger, transforming Linde's flesh and blood into a silver-cast container.

Stan smacked his lips, "Your progress is really fast. You will become a god in no time."

Linde suddenly thought of a question. Stan, as an old friend of Io, probably had already ascended to the gods in the kingdom of Tianyu, but he created a mortal incarnation just to accompany Linde, a novice.

"By the way, where is your tuba?"

Stan winked, "Guess what."

"How can I guess? You have to give me some hints."

"I am a bard."

Linde thought for a while, and he remembered that there were two gods related to bards. The weak god Myril is the Lord of Songs, the patron saint of singers and bards, and the main god of Miril is the powerful god Oghma, the god of knowledge, and the patron saint of bards.

"Are you Miril, or Oghma?"

Stan smiled, "What do you think?"

"Well, it's really Oghma." Linde laughed, "I was thinking that it might be hostile to Oghma."

"Don't say I'm dishonest. I helped you just now at Candlekeep."

"Okay, thank you, what do you want to eat tonight?"

"Spicy Potatoes."

"Look at your worthless appearance. Why don't you turn nine turns on the large intestine?"

"I'm afraid you deliberately keep some of it."

They chatted so well that Doric couldn't hear it, and felt that these two guys were really mysterious and crazy.

Linde felt much better after learning that Stan's tuba was so powerful. He stretched himself and prepared to start building the floating city.

After meeting the deity, the magician had a door-shaped imprint on the back of his hand, which was used to open the library tower, and saved the need to set up a super-large teleportation circle-it would take years to save enough money.

He immediately opened the portal on the ground, connecting the main material plane and the library tower in a distant country. The deity used a little trick to shrink the Eye of Magnus and throw it through the door frame.

"It's here."

Linde picked up the Eye of Magnus, which was the size of the diameter of the sea bowl, and enshrined it on the top of the silver tree. It spontaneously completes resonance and coherence with the sacred tree, and automatically revolves around the main branch like a satellite.

The magic energy extracted by the roots of the Silver Tree poured into the Eye of Magnus like a torrent. If the power absorbed every second is erupted with evocation spells, a prosperous city such as Baldur's Gate and Waterdeep City can be lifted from the surface. erase.

But this amount of energy is just a drop in the ocean for the relics of the Creator God.

Doric could vaguely feel the fear conveyed by the spirits of nature, and they all realized how magical the Eye of Magnus was.

"Lin, you have so many artifacts. Are you actually the illegitimate child of the Goddess of Magic?"

"The Goddess of Magic has seven daughters, but no son, so don't make this joke." Linde shrugged, "I am a magician, and these things were given to me by the suzerain."

"Your suzerain is so kind to you." Doric couldn't help showing envy.

Stan rolled his eyes and said nothing.

"Next, I'm going to cut off the root of this island. Do you want to stay here, or go to the bottom of the sea with me?"

"Together, of course." Doric clenched his fist and waved excitedly. This tiefling, who was not allowed in by strangers at first, became clingy unknowingly, like a domesticated stray cat.

For Druid, following Linde and Stan, being able to see miracles and beautiful scenery is an excellent experience, and it will be of great benefit to her future practice. Just watching the growth of the silver tree is enough for many Rick embarks on the path of legend.

Necromancer Mia hugged the silver tree and did not let go, and Linde didn't care about her. Wait for the root system of the silver tree to grow for a few more days to replace the nine-ring magic net. At that time, as the manager of this new magic net, he can use it at will [ Complete Restoration] without having to consume materials.

The three of them blessed the [Feather Falling Technique], jumped into the sea from the north, and then used their own methods to dive.

Stan uses [Underwater Breathing] and [Freedom of Movement] to move freely in the sea. Linde created a force field ball, which dispelled the sea water. And Doric transformed into webbed and gills, and her lower body turned into a fish tail. As a tiefling, her image is considered a non-mainstream among mermaids, but compared to the black mermaid that has become a catfish, it is much more eye-catching.

This isolated island was formed by geological activities on the seabed. The raised seabed and erupting volcanoes jointly created its structure. Below the sea surface, the archipelago is a towering mountain range.

To truncate such a mountain peak, one needs to cast spells exceeding the 9th level. Since the fall of the first goddess of magic, mortals are not allowed to cast spells beyond the 9th level. Fortunately, Linde accommodated his divinity, and he was considered a quasi-divine power near the silver tree, and could penetrate deeper into the magic net.

So he made a huge and flawless magic sword, and stabbed directly at Shimane.

The aftermath of this magic caused a small tsunami in the West Navy Islands, and the shock was clearly felt in the Sword Coast.

The huge magic sword pierced Shimane obliquely, and circled around Shigen, cutting off the link with the seabed.

The waves swayed, and the isolated island began to shift by a few millimeters.

"Okay, let's go up." Linde sent a message to the two companions. They returned to the island, and the next thing to do was to raise the island.

With the Eye of Magnus as the source of magic, this is a breeze.

But when they returned to the silver tree, they saw a group of aboriginal Kou Tao Yuren climbed up the mountain. They held forks and spears. Under the leadership of the shaman, they mobilized and questioned their sins, chirping and yelling.

"What did they say?" Stan asked Lynd.

"I don't understand murloc language."

Doric frowned and listened for a moment, then said, "This group of murlocs say this is their territory and want to drive us away."

Before the words fell, they were all enjoying themselves first.

"Interesting." (End of this chapter)

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