The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 369 Site Selection for the Floating Void City

The [Complete Transfiguration] of the 9th level is very useful. It can transform any creature or object within thirty feet. It can turn a dead thing into a living thing, a living thing into a dead thing, or a creature into any other species.

Although Linde performed it for the first time, he was not jerky.

The object of transformation he chose was the giant dragon in "The Elder Scrolls". This kind of dragon with a divine soul came to the sky of Faerun for the first time. Neither the kind-hearted platinum dragon god Bahamut nor the evil five-color dragon queen Tiamat had ever seen this kind of alien dragon.

Their eyes were attracted by the breath of the alien dragon, and they bet on the sea of ​​swords, trying to influence this strange dragon, but they were surprised to find that the alien dragon had a divine soul and was not affected by them.

At this time, Linde was spreading his wings to catch the warm sea breeze blowing in front of him.

The experience of becoming a dragon is quite strange. The dragons in the world of "The Elder Scrolls" represent the timeliness of the universe. The giant dragons are all fragments of the time dragon god, which can be said to be born with divinity.

Their souls are full of evil natures such as domination, destruction, violence, etc. Their language can resonate with the bones of the earth, and every dragon language word has real power. Their lifespan is endless, even if the flesh and blood rot, the dragon soul still exists forever and can return from death.

Io allowed Linde to become a dragon in a different world, and even kept these settings intimately. Linde now has a feeling that every dragon language he speaks can resonate with the magic net. And this dragon language is not the other dragon language, at least the dragons native to this plane do not have the ability to speak words.

In the final analysis, the dragons in "The Elder Scrolls" are all descendants of gods, and the dragons in DND, except for the shameful white dragon, are also powerful creatures that will be promoted to legends after adulthood, but they are not gods after all.

Linde roughly estimated the combat power after the transformation, which is much worse than that of a human figure, and compared with a local adult dragon, it should be similar. In addition, he is really not used to the dragon-shaped fighting style, otherwise it would be good to be a dragon all the time.

You are a dragon, that's fine.

There are also four giant dragons in the library tower. They were originally Mirak's captives. When Linde devoured Mora's domain, he took them over by the way. Tower is really boring.

The construction of the floating city this time is almost the time to let them out to breathe, and it happens to be able to guard the silver tree.

Linde had really planned everything out. This is the benefit of having a rich family background.

Stan and the others sat on the dragon's back, shouting cheerfully from time to time. It was also the first time for Doric to ride a dragon. As a druid, if he could have a dragon partner, that would be the highest professional achievement. Excited.

Linde was holding a pack horse by each foot, and there was another in his mouth. Even if he restrained his dragon power, these ordinary animals would almost die of fright. Got a taste of fresh horse manure.

In order to prevent the horses from terrified death, Linde also whipped up the dragon quickly, flapping his wings again and again, urging the wind to move forward. With the natural levitation ability of dragons, he seems to be a shuttle traveling through the atmosphere.

The flight took less than a quarter of an hour, and the West Navy Islands were far away.

There are four large islands in this archipelago, and more than a dozen scattered small islands. In addition to humanoids, the aborigines of the archipelago are mostly wild races such as murlocs, goblins, and kobolds. There are very few villages and towns, and most of the areas are in an undeveloped state. The natural vegetation is lush and lush, like emeralds on the sea.

The giant dragon streaked across the island, casting shadows that stunned the aborigines.

The vicious and stupid Kou Tao murloc cursed and threw spears into the sky, but they fell and killed many of their companions. The goblins were so frightened that they turned into ostriches. They wished their mothers would have two more legs, and they would bury their heads in a pothole and tremble. Harpies screamed and howled from their cliff lairs, circling like frightened birds. The tribe of kobolds hurriedly lay down on the ground, worshiping, and even the shaman danced enthusiastically to attract the dragon to descend.

When Linde flew over the town from a high altitude, the people on the street immediately panicked, as if a hurricane had passed through and a volcano erupted. They all hurried towards their homes, and there were also stampede deaths and injuries. Reputable gentry gathered to discuss how to deal with the possible dragon disaster.

However, Linde himself knows nothing about the chaos he unintentionally caused. He is just picking the location of the future floating city, like a housewife shopping around in a supermarket. It can only be said that a powerful existence may cause changes to the environment just by staying there. They are all natural disasters of the social system.

In the end, Linde landed in the south of the West Navy Islands. He selected a small island, nearly two hundred square kilometers, equivalent to two and a half Manhattans.

There is a kuo-toa murloc outpost on this small island, with cliffs on three sides, and only a narrow harbor in the south.

The terrain of the isolated island rises from south to north, and there is an isolated peak in the north. The cliffs are covered with hard volcanic rocks, which are bare and black as iron.

Linde landed on the highest peak of the island, gently lowered the horse, and then let Stan, Doric and Mia slide down from the back and along the wings.

He changed back into a human form, and found that the way his companions looked at him had changed.

Doric blushed and asked excitedly, "When will you change again!"

Stan also said: "That's right, let's not ride horses when we go far."

Of course Linde would not meet their demands, but he didn't say anything to death.

"When the silver tree is planted, I will recruit four giant dragons. If you are capable, discuss with them. Maybe they will let you ride." Linde smiled maliciously.

With the proud nature of giant dragons, if you want to ride them, probably only a natural macho like Dragonborn can subdue them.

Linde took over the flower pot from Mia, smashed it lightly, and placed the silver tree and soil on the hard rock on the top of the mountain.

The root system of the silver tree seems fragile, but it easily pierced through the magma rock. It took root on the pinnacle, and it would not be shaken by the sea breeze.

It's just that surviving in the crevices of rocks is still somewhat difficult. If things go on like this, the silver tree will suffer from malnutrition.

The druid girl closed her eyes to feel the nature, and then sighed: "There is almost no natural spirit power on this island."

"Then call them over. I have paid for it. The devil's contract has been signed, and they can't afford not to work."

Linde took out the scroll from his arms, held it up with both hands, and said solemnly: "All creatures and spirits around the Sword Coast, in the name of the contractor, I summon you on the Sword Sea, respond immediately, and inject your power into the Silver God Tree, Let it be on the cliff of the Jedi, as if there is fertile soil to worship, as if it is nourished by rain and dew."

As soon as the voice fell, the situation suddenly changed. (end of this chapter)

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