The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 341 The Career of Bees

During the days of staying overnight, Mia always came to find Linde whenever she was free, but don't think that she can occupy a lot of time for the magician. In fact, it only takes about half an hour a day at most. This is all a farmer's daughter has. leisure.

She needs to help her mother with a small business, using malt, grape syrup, mixed with chopped dried gooseberries, and then poured into the shape of small animals, skewered with thin birch sticks, and inserted into a piece of cork with holes superior. Going to the street to sell candy during the day, the traffic in summer is heavy, and you can make more money, which naturally means more hard work.

The business is good and can be sold out in one morning, and during the period, I can chat with my girlfriend for a few leisurely days to replenish my energy for socializing. When I came back, I had to clean up the house, wash and make the bed, sweep the floor, take care of the poultry, chat with my grandmother, and find time to read and study. Doing one thing at a time, although they are all trivial things in daily life, is very exhausting.

The routine of the day is almost like a dream, and the sun will go down in the blink of an eye. Warlock Linde came back every day when the sun went down.

Mia uses a red-hot needle to pick out the blisters on her hands, and then smears them with herbal juice, which is said to prevent scars. She tidied herself up and came to bother Linde. When she knocked on the door, a voice would come from inside: "Wait a moment."

The invisible servant who opened the door was quieter than a gust of wind, and the owner of the room greeted him in the corner.

"Come in, don't close the door."

The first thing visitors see is the complex magic circle on the ground. Linde has never concealed anything about this magic circle. Anyone who asks, he can tell the truth: This is a formation that attracts artifacts from distant countries.

Mia didn't understand magic, but she could tell that there were silver shavings and gold powder in the materials that depicted the magic circle, and it seemed that they were not afraid of being stolen at all if they were just placed on the ground. The magic circle is being perfected day by day. For this little precious metal, Linde has to work several jobs by himself.

On the second day after coming to Dagger Beach, Linde led a militia team to clear out the orc lairs entrenched nearby without any casualties. He took the orc's head in exchange for a bounty, half of it was used to purchase magic materials, the other half was used to drink and eat, and the rest of the money was used to purchase stationery and teaching aids for his newly-built lecture hall.

Mia is very curious about Linde's attitude towards life. In the stable, serious, and enthusiastic agricultural town, everyone is trying to maintain the status quo of life, whether it is farmers, craftsmen, militiamen, guild merchants, or the duchess. Outsiders tend to be restless and exaggerated, spend money lavishly, and only care about the present without thinking about the future.

Lind is different from everyone in Daggerfork, or even from all adventurers. His maverick is manifested in a kind of proud frankness. Anyone can ask him any question, and he will hardly avoid the important ones, but give his own answers directly.

Mia sat neatly on a chair in the corner, watching Linde bend down, sprinkle silver shavings between his fingers, and draw complicated runes and patterns on the ground.

The magician's movements are smooth and smooth, and the drawing of the magic circle is nearing completion.

"Do you have something on your mind?" Linde paused his work, clapped his hands, and dusted off a few grains of silver powder. Mia knew that her grandmother would secretly collect the dirty water that guests washed every day, like a gold digger, which made her feel ashamed and guilty.

"Mr. de Lin, do you think I am suitable to be a businessman?"

"That's not what you want to ask. The reason why you study business is to get rid of the life you have now. Dagger Bank is too small to retain the soul of young people."

Mia smelled of syrup and gooseberries, and her face was as lovely as a mouthful of pudding, "Then can you take me away? I am willing to go anywhere with you."

Linde found it interesting, but at the same time felt sad. Girls from poor families are so easy to deceive, even if they think they are smart, they dare to put all their wealth on them when they see a little hope. The hourly hotels in Waterdeep Docklands were full of girls like that.

"I only take in good students." That's what the magician said.

"Then am I a good student?"

"It's half." Linde said with a smile in his eyes, "You haven't made up your mind to give up your current life. Although Dagger Beach is poor and boring, life here is quite stable."

"Sir, what is life?"

"Life is an illusion. Many people can see yesterday and tomorrow, and even a more distant future. For example, you, an adult, get married and have children, start a business with the support of your husband, slowly accumulate wealth, and start hiring more carriages and guards , from Baldur's Gate in the south to Neverwinter in the north, this is about as far as you can go.

"The days of doing business are hard and dangerous, and there are occasional accidents, so that you can remember your whole life. One day you sold all the carriages and chose to return to Dagger Beach. Just a little bit of aging, and finally died on the bed. Looking back on your life, you will still Think about tonight, except at the time you thought it was just a normal conversation."

"But none of that is guaranteed to happen."

"Yes, because of this, life is an illusion. If you think life is boring, it's just that it hasn't figured out how to beat you, so be vigilant at all times."

Mia was amused by Linde's words, she is a good girl who can make people happy when she smiles.

"Then if I stay in Dagger Beach, won't I be beaten?"

The sorcerer shook his head, "Anyone may be beaten. Even I was trapped into a wandering world by myself. People at the bottom never have any choice, especially in this world. On the battlefield between gods and legends, mortals' Emotions are just the stage of the story, and it is always a small number of people who decide the success or failure, or the fate arranged by the power."

Mia turned pale, straightened her chest and said, "No matter what, the people of Dagger Beach will not give up fighting."

"Yes." Linde nodded approvingly.

He chatted with a young and beautiful girl from a small town. The girl's cheeks were flushed and her voice was timid. It's almost like the beginning of many love stories, but Linde's loneliness penetrates into the bone marrow, and no one can shake his heart.

The Duchess of Morwen's carriage was parked at the door, and her sudden visit had evidently taken the family by surprise.

The Duchess is not young, with gray hair at the sideburns. The years have left not only wrinkles on her face, but also a daunting majesty. As soon as she came and went straight to Linde's room, Mia left quickly, and the private guards drove the family into the street, and no one was allowed to approach.

Ms. Morwen kept her eyes on the magic circle on the ground. Dagger Beach is a small town, and the people here basically know each other, but this also leads to no secrets at all.

"Mr. De Lin, I've heard about you. You are a very capable adventurer. Dagger Beach welcomes outstanding talents to settle down, but the premise is that that person can't do evil things secretly with ulterior motives."

Linde sensed some strange traits from the duchess, with a vague sense of inhumanity. He didn't intend to meddle in other people's business, but he also lost interest in communicating with the duchess.

"I'm not going to settle here. I'll be leaving soon, staying for a month at most."

"Then you still have to open lecture halls and gather students? I thought you would stay for at least a few years." Ms. Morwen said kindly.

"Take it as my bad habit." Linde sat on the chair with a warm smile, "Wherever a bee flies, it can't help but stop on the flowers and spread the pollen of knowledge. Speaking of which, my former principal The nickname is Old Bee."

"I thought mages were indifferent."

"No, I'm a magician, and my job is to develop companions."

The Duchess' eyes became sharper, "Who do you serve?"

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