The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 337 Why Don't Hesitate?

Livia stared at her brother Andre coldly, as if she wanted to turn her gaze into a knife and cut a few cuts on his clean and tough young face.

Andre asked helplessly: "It's been three days, and you still refuse to say a word to me. Why am I making you unhappy again?"

"You just make me unhappy. You know why, but you still come to ask me? Is it possible that I still have to praise you?"

"There's something wrong with that statue."

"It was bought by Dad. Why do you lose his property?"

"No matter whose property it is, if it is a threat to your family, it should be destroyed. Li Wei, you have too little contact with people and things, and you don't understand the danger hidden behind the light. Dozens of people disappear every day in Deep Water City. One, crimes are happening all the time in the corners you can’t see. You should believe in those kind gods, such as the three holy saints of justice, such as the goddess Wojin and the goddess Sune, not what..."

"The King of the Tower." Livia countered sharply, "You don't even know him, let alone me."

"You? How can I not know my Levi, my dear girl, you are really hurtful. How can I not know you? I am so much older than you and watched you grow up."

Livia was so overwhelmed by Andre's words that her face became whiter than porcelain, "Then what do you think I need? Since you know me, you should know that a ten-year-old trapped at home What it's like to be a four-year person... Look, I know you can't imagine, because you're a big man, you don't get out of breath from walking up the stairs, you don't get a fever from the wind blowing on the balcony for a while, you don't I'm stuck because I fell and dislocated, Ender, I don't want to be here!"

"Levy, I've already apologized."

"So? You can make decisions for me without authorization, deny my goals, and force me to remain naive and ignorant. When I get older, my father will arrange for a bald old man to marry me, and then I will die of a disease in my husband's house." At home, after death, I was thrown into the city of the dead, and even the epitaph has to be written for me. This is not a human life, this is a poultry, and I am just in a better-looking cage than a parrot.”

"Calm down..." Andre couldn't believe that this was what his younger sister would say. Livia in his impression was a delicate, quiet and agile girl, like a sparrow in the wind and rain, always clinging to the crown of the tree in the shade.

He never realized that it was a bird waiting for the rain to stop. Although her feathers were wet, she had been preparing her wings for flight.

Livia was gasping for breath, leaning back in her chair, expanding her ribcage to allow more fresh air to rush into her lungs.

Andre was afraid she had asthma, so he kept silent, like an honest bear in a circus.

Livia wanted to say something, but her strength was exhausted, which made her cry expressionlessly.

Andre couldn't bear the look of a woman crying silently. When he was a child, he saw this expression on his mother's face. It was the days when her father went south to do business and disappeared. She cried alone at night, lamenting the injustice of fate , so that the husband of a thrifty woman is in distress, and the child of a gentle mother is naughty.

After that, Andre gradually transformed from a merchant's playboy to an upright young man. Tire's priests have been persuading young people to convert to the righteous way all day long, but with little success. Mother's tears are probably more effective than magic and miracles.

It was even more distressing when my sister cried, as if he was hit by an out-of-control horse when he was still training in the city guard camp, and he couldn't breathe.

"Okay, I brought you a gift." Andre took out an emerald pendant and put it on Livia himself.

The girl's neck, which is as thin as a reed, is dotted with green beads, reflecting her face brightly, but her stubborn expression does not relax.

"Li Wei, you have grown up before you know it." Andre sat next to her, "I haven't said some things before, because I think you are too young to understand. Now we can talk. I I know that you have pessimistic thoughts about the future because of your frail body, but we are all by your side, and I will be by your side.

"When you are older, I will take you out to exercise, or we will move to the south. The north is too cold and the seaside is humid. We will move to a warmer place, and we will raise dogs and graze together. You can drink more goat milk to keep your body healthy." Raise well. Then you can go around, meet girls, and meet boys you like. You won’t marry a bald old man in the future, I promise.”

Livia looked at him coldly for a while, then suddenly smiled, "You look so stupid."

Andre let out a long breath, and he tentatively asked: "Then you won't believe that again..."

"King of the Tower."

"Yes, you won't trust him anymore, right?" Andre didn't even want to say that nickname.

"Ender, sooner or later we will be separated."

"At least I'll stay in this house for a day, and you don't believe in any heresy. Li Wei, you don't have nothing. Our family has money, and we have the ability to let you live the life you like."

Livia stood up, "I want to rest."

"promise me."

"……All right."

After this conversation, the youngest daughter of the Mai Ke family gradually returned to normal. She was no longer obsessed with books like a madman, and she no longer talked about the light in the skull and the path of silver casting. She has become completely normal. Even Andre, who was most worried, relaxed his vigilance, feeling that the warmth of the family finally soothed his sister's anxious heart.

At night, Livia entered a strange dream again.

She stood in the middle of the Silver Forging Road, six candles were lit behind her.

The girl sat down cross-legged, looking at the library tower in the distance, her eyes reflected the wonder of heaven and earth, until her chest was filled with courage, and then she struggled to recall the books she had scribbled through during the day. What she read was the exchange rate fluctuations of common currencies in Faerun , for a merchant's daughter, this is homework.

There is no unified currency system on the continent of Faerun. Since the decline of that glorious ancient magic empire, various governments have chosen to issue their own coins, and the different precious metal content also makes the value of currencies of different systems vary.

Finance involves complex mathematics, and Livia writes and draws in the sand with her fingers.

She was gradually fascinated, immersed in the neat mathematical logic.

The sparks of thinking gradually converged, and the brain seemed to be soaked in warm salt water, slightly tingling, but very comfortable.

"what are you writing?"

A sudden voice startled Livia.

"Ah!" She turned her head blankly, looking at the source of the voice.

Not far away was a half-grown boy, with the cunning and fierceness in his eyes. He stood on another silver casting road, with a distance between the two sides, but he poked his head and wrote Livia on the sand. You can see the calculations on the ground.

The boy crossed his arms, looked around, and asked Livia, "What is this place? Who are you?"

"..." The girl also crossed her arms, but in a defensive posture.

"Dumb? I can't read or write. It's okay now. We have nothing to say." The boy thought for a while, and suddenly walked towards Livia, but he disappeared the moment he stepped out of the silver casting road.

Livia let out a breath. She guessed that this person was also inspired by the king of the tower and fell into a dream, but she was not Linde and did not explain.

Brother Andre's words came to mind, Paganism will always develop offline by all means. That boy should be the second, and there may be more in the future.

Livia was genuinely terrified at the thought of dealing with so many people.

She looked at the tower again, the road was winding and never seemed to end.

Is it really worth it to continue this path? What if she got to the tower and found that what her brother said was true and that what was waiting for her was a demon? What if everything Linde said was a lie?

She now has no worries about food and clothing, and her family is well-off so that the future is bright. There is no need to abandon everything for a possible hope, especially under that bright coat, which may also hide danger.

Everything goes back to the original question - ordinary people in the world, why are you unwilling to be ordinary, abandoning a stable life, and embarking on a road shrouded in fog? Knowing that it is a risk, why do you still have no hesitation?

Livia sat there blankly, then stood up, walked out of the silver casting road, and escaped from the dream.

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