The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 330 The Warlock of the Distant Star Ring

On the deck of the Charizard, the mage apprentice put on his protective clothing, shaking his legs nervously.

Captain Manny was checking the crew's steam-pump packs like an old father packing for a wanderer.

"Hurry up and go back, be careful and concealed on the road, and, please protect Mr. Dean."

The bulky alien crew glanced at the mage apprentice and complained in a low voice: "It's safer not to take him."

"It's good for people to volunteer and be willing to help. Never underestimate spellcasters, their brains are real treasures. Now, stop talking nonsense. Let's go."

The old crew saluted, and the apprentice mage was in a hurry. Before he could salute, the others all walked to the edge of the deck and jumped off.

"Wait for me!"

"Go, Mr. Dean. Good luck!" The captain smiled and waved.

The mage apprentice jumped from the edge of the deck and fell towards the asteroid below him. Before he landed, he pressed the jet button on his hand, and the steam pump on his back spewed out a puff of white smoke, which made his trouser legs tremble and shook. It wobbled and fell to the ground.

"Be careful, the far star belt has always been barbaric." The old crewman comforted the mage apprentice with a hint of threat, which was advising him to return to the ship quickly.

Dean didn't understand. He nodded and looked around nervously, as if a robber ship would fall from the sky at any moment.

The place where Charizard landed is in the middle ring of the asteroid belt. Captain Manny insisted that the crew drive the Charizard deep.

As we all know, the closer to the inner ring, the greater the density of celestial bodies.

The boss, Gus, raised objections. He thought it would be fine to stay in the outer ring, and it would be easy to hit an asteroid and damage the hull when entering the middle ring.

In this regard, the reason given by the captain is that the more dangerous the place is, the easier it is to hit the rocks, and the more likely the place is, the fewer robbery ships, the safer the place with fewer robbery ships, so the more dangerous the place is, the safer it is.

These philosophical words successfully convinced Gus, but the large hole in the side of the Charizard was silently accusing the captain of the order.

Tinker gnomes will repair the hull, some good glue can go a long way, and the cortex of the gossamer carrier can be treated to be as strong as epoxy, making it an ideal material.

Five old crew members and one mage apprentice, their task is to capture the gossamer space carrier and mine luminous rock. The former is a relatively common creature in the wilderness, while the latter is relatively rare. This special material can be used to make propellant , but you need to be careful of the radiation damage it emits.

The old crew took the "counter" provided by the gnome repairman. When they approached the luminous rock, the photophilic flies in the indicator light would become restless.

Relying on steam pumps, they can propel themselves through space, and the alien crew is equipped with gunpowder weapons-these flammable materials are carefully stored and rarely made mistakes.

Every year, when a ship crosses the phlogiston sea, there is news that the gunpowder exploded and caused the ship to be destroyed.

But taking risks is to gain benefits. Gunpowder guns are much easier to use than swords, which gives them full confidence.

The sorcerer apprentice turned his head three times a step, watching the Charizard drifting away, the vulgar temper of the old crew members beside them seemed to become gentle and amiable. With a flattering grin, he greeted every crew member who glanced.

What is this little white face smirking at? ——The old crew members looked at each other in blank dismay.

There is a large border area between the distant star ring and the wind mass sea. The crew members don't have to worry about exhausting the airbags, and they can move at ease. As long as they return before the fuel and water in the steam pump are exhausted, the range of activities is quite wide.

The Mage's Apprentice is probably his first space odyssey, and he won't let go of the jet button.

"Hey! Stupid... Well, Dean, don't waste fuel."

Dean floated higher than everyone else, and soon he noticed an unusual flash of light in the direction of five o'clock.

"Look there! There's a light. Is it Gossamer?"

The alien crew poked out their hippopotamus-like heads, blinked their eyes, and gestured to their companions to move forward and outflank them.

They spread out in all directions, forming a loose encirclement, like a gaping mouth, gradually moving towards the shining point.

The mage apprentice is unwilling to be left behind, but he does not have the skills of the old crew. He can jump freely between asteroids, just like dancing among the pebbles on the river. At best, he is a big toad. .

The shining point is indeed a group of gossamer space carriers, and the crew members applaud their good luck. It's just too wonderful to get straight to the point after being out for less than two hours.

However, they found that they were late, and the group of gossamer spacecarriers had already been preempted.

What the crew saw was a human man floating in space with ragged clothes and long hair hanging down his shoulders. Surrounded by gossamer spaceships, he calmly cast spells to kill them one by one.

The beautiful long tentacles like colorful ribbons under those aerial mothers hide highly poisonous, when they dance around the prey, the falling tentacles are like bunches of clouds falling on the body, tiny needles will pop out from them, pierce the skin, and inject the venom . Every poisoned person will have strong hallucinations, the skin swells like a water-filled balloon, and then the fresh life will die suddenly in a short and severe pain.

To deal with Gossamer Carriers, unless you are undead or aberrants who are not afraid of poison, it is a good choice to wear thick clothes, just like beekeepers.

However, the man the crew saw was in tatters, just a few strands of cloth hanging from his body. Even so, he didn't give any of the deadly tentacles a chance to get close.

The crew members have also seen the fighting posture of the mage, waving the staff like a mallet, stroking the crystal ball like touching the waist and hips of a lady, muttering toothache spells enthusiastically, and throwing out the roaring fire or lightning.

The wild traveler in front of him is very calm, like a conductor standing in a concert hall, he raises his hand to poke the air, and then the tentacles of the gossamer space mother will break away from the torso, and the invisible edge is helping him out. The crew scattered around touched their necks at the same time, as if to confirm that there was no sudden wound on their throat.

That person quickly killed the group of more than twenty gossamer spacecarriers, took all the cortex away, and left with the breeze.

Shortly after he left, the Charizard's crew gathered to discuss it.

"What shall we do?"

"The trick he used is really good. It looks very light. It turns out that Gossamer is so easy to kill. I thought the stinger of this thing was tricky before."

"Boy Dean, do you know what trick that man used?"

The mage apprentice frowned, and said uncertainly, "Maybe it's a mana explosion, and this person might be a sorcerer."

"Ah, Warlock (literally translated as war lock), no wonder, he is really a good player."

Dean showed a gloomy expression, and he retorted: "Witchcrafters are not reliable, they all work for demons, and their research on magic is not as good as real magicians."

The crew ignored the young man.

"Should we continue to look for the aircraft carrier, or return to the ship to report?"

"I have an idea." A human crew member said, "We can track this magician, maybe we can get on line with him."

The other crew members looked at each other, and the highest-ranking foreign crew member nodded, and no one objected.

"Why?" Dean yelled in horror, "I told you that warlocks are dangerous."

The old crew patiently explained: "Because he looks like a local, and knows more about this area than us. Maybe he can find the glowing rock."

"Then what if he attacks us?"

The alien crew member smiled and raised the short-barreled gun in his hand, showing a simple smile, "Then treat him to eat iron beans." (End of this chapter)

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