The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 328 Distant Star Ring, Sea of ​​Winds, Toril

A muffled thunder in Huangyu didn't attract much attention. The spacecarriers, twilight gnats, and other creatures at the bottom of the food chain lurking in the magic ship all escaped, escaped into space, and left gracefully.

The warlock floated into the wreckage, the stern room had already turned into a blooming flower in the explosion, the manticore was nearly killed by the shock wave, and the bast skin was like a roasted pigskin, with scorch marks Tired and broken, the bones were broken everywhere, exposing the wriggling internal organs.

The monster mother kept a few eggs under her belly, and when Lind approached, it stared at the wizard with cold green eyes.

(Outsider Knowledge): You recall a mother who also had green eyes.

The so-called value of life is a trick created by civilized people. Linde has learned to do as the Romans do. He just wants to eat the monster and its children in front of him, so that nothing will be wasted.

The magician hooked his fingers and chanted a spell, a colorless force field ray flew out, smashing the brain along the crack of the skull.


A prey fell and a hunter was fed. This has been true since ancient times.

Linde was not in a hurry to deal with the corpse, but searched the wreckage of the magic ship thoroughly.

The core part of the magic ship is called the magic rudder, a device that can convert magic energy into power. The magic rudder of this ship has already been removed and taken away. If there is a magic rudder, the traveler can travel in the wilderness and get rid of the predicament completely.

The items in the stern room were basically destroyed by the explosion. Linde searched carefully and found a broken star map, the contents of which were somewhat illegible.

He went to the lower deck and found some personal items that were too late to take away in the hammock area where the sailors lived, including two diaries.

Linde read the diary greedily, but the language barrier became a problem he urgently needed to solve. The two diaries used two languages, all of which were incomprehensible characters.

Holding two dirty hammocks covered in lizard scales, he packed his catch and returned to the makeshift shelter.

The wood chips of the magic boat were used to light the fire and barbecue the meat. The meat of the manticore was very hard, and it had to be smashed into minced meat with magic energy before it was easy to eat.

In any case, Linde still ate very well. Looking at the crackling firewood, he felt relaxed for the first time since wandering in the wasteland.

In the "Guide", he found the language used in the crew's diary, a special language called lizard language, and a dwarf language. The cost of purchasing a dictionary was very small, and Linde bought it immediately, and then spent a lot of time deciphering the contents of the diary.

The two diaries were written by sailors of two different races. The lizardman's writing seemed to be scratched randomly with claws, making it very difficult to identify. The dwarf language was densely packed together, which hurts the eyes.

Linde could only translate it as best he could.

The diaries of the Lizardman crew are trivial.

"Dear diary, I have been on the ship for 12 days, and I will be able to arrive at the Tianyu Kingdom tomorrow. The surrounding area is smelly, and the fresh air in the airbag is about to be exhausted. Scarface said that I will be able to go to the sea of ​​winds in the Tianyu Kingdom soon. A change of fresh air... In the past month, the fleet has been chasing a cetacean (that is, a space whale) for three days. A merchant ship... Dear diary, I miss Kazalu a little bit, she (feminine word) can make the tasteless one-eyed delicious, and can also make carat essence into a good dish, she died too early... New All hell be damned."

The records of the dwarf sailors are a little bit insane, as is the case with this race.

"On the first day of the trip, the planetary hourglass was accurate. I am a genius! Time again, accurate! Having a good timing tool can save a lot of trouble during the trip. For example, it can calculate the time when the big lizards go to the toilet. If Seeing a stinky clump of lizards in the toilet, I'll sew up my nostrils with a needle... One-eyed eats shit! And it's sucking up precious air! Once you find it, you'll have to get rid of it... Fourteen days later, it's finally close to the wind Tuanhai, that's great, we need some fresh air! Traveled with these stinky guys, the airbags are polluted, and today I smelled lizard poo in the one-eyed soup! The food on this ship sucks !"

Linde looked at the text and smiled unconsciously.

He could feel that these two diaries were made by two living souls. Hope they are all still alive.

Put away the diary and unfold the tattered star map. The explosion in the stern room destroyed part of it. The blueprint in Linde’s hand was full of burnt holes. He saw that the picture was a star system, and only one of the eight planets remained. The [Toril] is still intact, as if fate has reserved this coordinate implicitly, guiding him to go.

Linde stared at the star Toril, blue and beautiful, the third farthest from the sun, and a satellite.

(Knowledge from another world): What do you think of?

He didn't think of anything, but felt that this planet was really kind.

The mark on the star map showed that the destination of the fleet was Toril. Linde felt very sorry. If he had been struggling for help, he would have already embarked on the route to Toril.

Now he can probably determine his position on the map - the distant star ring. Here it is bordered by the sea of ​​wheals on the edge of the crystal wall system, which is a vast gaseous nebula and the largest gaseous ocean in the universe of the kingdom. If the entire country Tianyu is a basketball, then the sea of ​​winds is a quail egg floating in the ball.

Fortunately, the wind group sea is the only way for many ships that cross the crystal wall system. Judging from the contents of the diary, the airbags of the magic ship need to be ventilated regularly, otherwise the crew will die of suffocation. In some areas, it is clearly a vacuum.

Linde originally thought that the universe was full of air, but he didn't expect that he just fell into a sea of ​​gas.

With the hope of being saved, he still lives his life step by step.

Learn and practice every day, obtain potions, eat crocodile meat and eggs, disassemble the wreckage of the magic ship, and improve the shelter with materials.

Linde quickly saved up enough candles to buy a ring of spells, and began to dabble in the truly esoteric and dangerous spell knowledge.

During this period of time, he didn't encounter any dangerous creatures, but the ruins of the magic ship occasionally attracted some space monsters to stay. Linde waited on the sidelines, fighting anyone who could win a fight, and running away from someone who was not easy to provoke. In this way, the food reserve was always reasonable, and he got rid of the dilemma of being hungry for nine meals in three days.

Since coming to the far star belt, the living conditions of wandering magicians have been greatly improved.

He even started growing shipworms with wooden planks and magical energy, creating a space farm.

The first-ring spell [Invisible Servant] created a force field servant for him, who can help him with chores, and the work of expanding the shelter is also proceeding smoothly.

Everything was getting better. One month later, Linde had mastered five first-ring spells and twelve tricks.

[Lesson 1 (completed)]: Please learn two tricks and two one-level spells.

The reward is a non-marking stretch pocket with a storage space of 100 cubic meters. The first day Linde got the pocket, he decided to make a home in it.

It can store air and have directional gravity, which is equivalent to a 50-square-meter small apartment with a floor height of 2 meters. After renovation, a comfortable home can be opened in it, and it can be carried with you. It cannot be more convenient.

He also got the blueprint of a small miniature magic ship that sells for 100 candles. The main part of it is to explain how to build the magic exorcism rudder. Linde found that he wanted to rely on the magic ship to save himself, but he still lacked a lot of knowledge accumulation .

He needs to be proficient in engineering and alchemy, master how to make magic items, learn to stargazing and positioning, and distinguish the space environment. For any person, if they can really master these contents, they are enough to mix well in the multiverse.

Linde had nothing to do, so he really learned how to make a magic ship from scratch.

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